Ultrasound machine SonoScape S30 is based on a revolutionary new platform in the alloy with the new imaging technology and excellent ergonomic design. Ultrasound Scanner SonoScape S30 represents a new standard products SonoScape and elevates picture quality to record levels. Ultrasound machine will satisfy even the highest clinical requirements, significantly extending the value of ultrasound. · 19-inch LED flat working monitor, it allows you to work comfortably without straining your eyes. · 10-inch touch screen displays only the necessary studies for the current keypad. · Adjustable backlight uses the highest standard, providing the most contrast image and better performance expression of color. · 4 active ports for connecting sensors · RAM: 500GB / 1TB · DVD ROM · A complete set of sensors: linear, convex, microconvex, intracavitary, phased, intraoperative, transesophageal, Pencil sensor volume 4D, intraluminal and laparoscopic transducers. Technology: · Innovative new filters suppress noise in the signal to improve the resolution of contrast in all images, 2D display increased clarity, color flow, and spectral Doppler imaging. · C-Xlasto elastography · Technology μ-scan second generation significantly improves the visibility of organs and lesions with improved, high-definition contrast resolution. This function suppresses speckle noise and artifacts while preserving the architecture of real tissue. Scan Modes: · The color Doppler, power Doppler, power Doppler directed, pulsed-wave Doppler constantly wave, tissue Doppler · Technology MicroScan (speckle noise) · 4D - a three-dimensional reconstruction in realtime · M-mode multislice anatomical M-mode color · Panorama scan · In, M, B / M, B / B, 4B, tissue harmonic · Real-time Triplex · Trapezoidal scan for linear encoders