Our Product / Services
We offer the best product range of Water Cooler, Flashings, Gutters and Accessories, Steel Fabrication and Erection, Cooling Solution and GI Angles.
we supply stainless steel water coolers for drinking purpose from 25gallon cooling capacity to 250gallon cooling capacity varying from 2taps to 5taps models. Various applications of water coolers include worker accommodations, labour camps, mosques, schools, restaurants etc
key featureswe supply water chiller for home, villa and industrial use, as well we provide swimming pool chiller heat pump for heating and cooling system of the water for swimming pool with automatic adjustable temperature controller.
our scope of supply water chiller for home and industrial uses start from 2ton to 100tons.
our water chiller has a cooling capacity ideal for domestic and industrial application like water, laser machine, process machine, cooling, aquarium water chilling, space application, milk & dairy product, food product, chemical, pharmaceuticals, laboratory, research, plastic process, hydraulic machine, villas, hotels and apartments.
our water chilling system is equipped with modern and advance technology which functions according to the heat load of any application. By the use of this technology one can manage the unit capacity in relation to production load variation. Our smart technology observes any peak in the heat load during the 1st stage of operation then it will increase the cooling effect accordingly.
Composite Deck Slab is steel cum concrete slab having ribbed steel profile at the bottom & concrete on top, together forming a part of the floor/ roof structure called the composite deck slab. Primarily the Concept of Deck sheet usage has crept into the construction industry of India during the past few years, though this has been prevalent prominently in overseas projects & usage of the same has also increased enormously in todays scenario. However in India this concept is catching fast now & usage for this type of structure has increased drastically in domestic market mainly because of the explored advantages of steel deck profile.
Applications of Metal Deck SheetComposite or Metal decking is one of the most effective method of constructing floors in steel building and significantly useful in high rise RCC / Steel Buildings &TG buildings of Power project constructions. We manufacture profiles which can be supplied within a short period and also develop customized decks suitable for specific requirements. Metal decking can be effectively used in following constructions of Multi-story buildings (Industrial / Residential), Shopping malls, Super markets, Silos, Storage Areas, Mezzanine Floors, Bridges, Walkways and Platforms etc.
Advantages of METAL DECKING usageWhen you think of a pool, its natural to think of sunshine. Pools are a hallmark of the summer months, keeping families and homeowners outdoors and entertained during hot and sunny weather. For more and more pool lovers, grabbing a bit of shade is becoming a priority. Whether its from concern over UV exposure, a need to find some respite from the hot midday sun, or simply to avoid a sunburn, many pool owners are turning to shade solutions for their pools.
Installing a Swimming Pool Shade can deliver a range of benefits beyond UV protection and relief from the rays. Todays Swimming Pool Shades can be great aesthetic additions to a pool, giving you a bit of ambiance and style. And with well-structured, large-scale permanent structures, youll also be adding value to your home. Lets take a look at the best Swimming Pool Shades ideas.
Hot Rolled Structures are designed considering every function of the building beginning from the project phase. The safety and the quality standard of the building are considered at the design process of the structure. Accurate and detailed project planning is done to provide the most safe and economic structure to the user on time.
By using hot rolled Structures almost all kinds of structures can be built but especially the large span industrial buildings, warehouses, storages, multi storage buildings. This type of construction has a big capacity to resist earthquake loads because of large energy absorption ability and quick return of investment costs according to fast erection.
Pre-engineered steel buildings (PEB) are a steel structures built over a structural concept of primary members, secondary members, roof and wall sheeting connected to each other and various other building components. These buildings can be provided with different structural and non-structural additions such as skylights, wall lights, turbo vents, ridge ventilators, louvers, roof monitors, doors & windows, trusses, mezzanine floors, fascias, canopies, crane systems, insulation etc., based on the customers requirements. All the steel buildings are custom designed to be lighter in weight and high in strength. Thus steel building designs have become more flexible, durable and adaptable over the last four decades which has made steel one of the preferred materials for building construction.
Our car park shade structures are designed to offer the maximum protection possible whilst still be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and the environment. With different options we are able to provide protection from harmful UV rays, or with our high quality PVDF vinyl fabric we are able to provide your customers protection from the sun, rain and hail.
Heating and Cooling system of swimming pool water ranges 5TR, 7TR, 8TR, 10TR subject to swimming pool size and water storage in the pool. In swimming pool heat pump we use titanium make chiller to get best result and long life of the machine. We promise to ensure immediate installation and service as quickly as possible.
APT METALS supplies a full range of flashings to customers requirements. Adding to our wide range of supplementary products, Clotan Steel furthermore supplies a full range of rainwater goods to customers requirements. The standard range of rainwater goods are available in 3 metre lengths, although non-standard items can be dealt with on a per enquiry basis, in various lengths, dimensions and colors.
Our technical support division has more than 10 years experience in roofing systems and designs. Not only do we consider the aesthetics of the building when making recommendations, but also the drainage, the size of the gutter and most importantly, installing the right number and size of down pipes. Taking the size of the building as well as the slope of the roof into consideration, we can thus offer you the most efficient drainage system tailor-made for your building.