Welcome to Concept Piping System Industries
B. PramodConcept Piping Systems Industries LLC. Mob: +971 52 640 16 17Mail: conceptpiping. com, Skype ID: gdi.balakrishnanpramodWe take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the largest piping solutions providers in Middle East. Concept Piping Systems is a subsidiary of GGICO Group (Gulf General Investment Company)Our range includes the following:Concept Thermo: Complete PPr Pipes and Fittings ranging from 20 mm to 160 mm with pressure rating up to PN 25Concept Draino: Complete uPVC Pipes and Fittings for Drainage & Sewerage Systems confirming to International StandardsConcept Draino Silent: Polypropylene based Pipes & Fittings for Acoustic Drainage & Sewerage SystemsConcept PE-RT: Suitable for all ISO 10508 classes of hot and cold water applications like District Cooling Radiator ConnectionConcept Electro: Conduits, Connectors & Junctions for electrical conduit and trunk applicationsConcept Piping: High Pressures Pipes and Fittings ranging from 20 mm to 315 mm confirming to all International StandardsWe request you to visit our website: www. conceptpiping. com or get in touch with undersigned to know more about usApart from above said, we would like you to take note that we are equipped with in-house Mould Machining unit, hence we can provide you with the fittings and pipes as is desired and can develop pipes and fittings for specific application