Welcome to John Panicker Refrigeration Equipment
Some air conditioning and refrigeration products and spare parts take upto 90% of your time to procure and sort out when in fact it should only take 10% of your time and effort. Rest assured we have these products covered and our quality products will save you time and money. These products include but are not limited to the following: Oxxone refrigerants, JB HVAC Service Tools, Yellow Jacket HVAC Service Tools, Inficon HVAC Service Tools, Tempest Air Curtains, Carrier Air Conditioners, Friga Bohn Evaporators for Cold Storage, Honeywell Thermostats and Honeywell Valves, Siemens Thermostats and Siemens Valves, Cubigel Compressors, Emkarate Oils, Suniso Oils, Hidria Axial Fans, Lucas Capacitors, Lucas Contactors and Transformers, Petross, Fasco, AO Smith Motors, Kranzle Pumps, Sauermann Condensate Pumps, Copeland Compressors and Bristol Compressors. Since we sell thousands of HVAC products, some of the easiest ways to classify us are stated below: Siemens Thermostats Suppliers in Dubai, Honeywell Valve Dealers in UAE, Honeywell Thermostat Suppliers in UAE, Suniso Distributors in Dubai, Air Conditioning Parts Suppliers in Dubai UAE, Harris Brazing Rods in UAE, Trane Spare Parts Supplier in Dubai, Belimo Dealers in Dubai, Copeland Compressor dealers in Dubai, Carrier Air Conditioner Dealers in Dubai