With our strong distribution network, we efficiently distribute goods to the desired place. The product basket we deliver is available in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) and across the nearby markets ensuring complete customer satisfaction. more...
Hydraulic alloy steel tubesas per DIN 2391 for Hydraulic applications. Size Range: OD : 6 MM - 114.3 MM Thk : 0.7 MM - 10 MM Length : Mx.25 Mtr. Packing : HDPE Wrapping Wooden Box Packing more...
We are a specialized supplier for Alloy Steel Pipes and Fittings for special industry applications like Fertilizers, Power desalination, Offshore Platforms and Oil refineries. We supply Chrome moly pipe ASTM A335 and Fittings Flanges and Pipe of St. Steel Alloy Duplex 2205/ Super Duplex 2507, Nickel Alloy 200 more...
ASTM A335 Gr.P5, P9, P91, P12, P11, P22 more...
ASTM B161, B163, B165, B167, B407, B423, B444, B622, B668, B677, B729, DIn 17740, DIN 17742, DIN 17744, DIN 59755 etc. more...
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