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Vortex Flowmeters in UAE

( 3 Products Available )
YOU ARE IN : UAE / Tools & Equipment / Flowmeters And Thermometers / Vortex Flowmeters
  • Vortex Flow Meter

    ₹ 14,000 / 520 Set

    We are offering vortex flow meter. Flow measurement is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive-displacement flow meters accumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow measurement meth more...

    12Yrs Since : 2013

    Ahnam Rinha

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Vortex & Swirl Flow Meters

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    The TRIO-WIRL Swirlmeter provides all the advantages of the TRIO-WIRL V by needing shortest upstream/downstream distances, typical 3 x DN/1 x DN. As the Vortex flowmeter the Swirlmeter is based on the principle of Frequency measurement . The system has a freely configurable, two-line LC display for the actual more...

    7Yrs Since : 2018

    Abdulla Bin Hamid Trading LLC

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Vortex Flow Meter

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    We are offering vortex flow meter. The only vortex flowmeter with integrated pressure & temperature compensation in 2-wire technology. more...

    16Yrs Since : 2009

    Forbes Marshall

    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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