We are a recognized name supplying an assortment of ethylene absorbers . The ethylene absorbers are also used to kill molds and rots. The environmental friendly ethylene absorbers get transformed naturally into an organic fertilizer. We make available the ethylene absorbers at market leading prices within the stipulated time frame. about ethylene absorbers each unit uses 100 pounds of pellets to get the proper air speed across the absorbers the absorbers start out a bright purple and turn brown from the outside ethylene absorbers life varies depending on commodity and storage conditions a particular charge of ethylene absorbers can last three to six months or longer we offer ethylene absorbers in 5 gram sachets : ideal to be used with low ethylene producing commodities, such as vegetables and flowers. In up to a 10 lb box. 9 gram sachets : ideal to be used with medium ethylene producing commodities, such as plums, peaches, nectarines, mango's, avocados. In up to a 30 lb box, or with oranges, lemons and limes, up to 40 lbs. 28 gram : ideal to be used with high ethylene producing commodities such as apples, pears and melons, in up to a 40 to 50 lb box. Also used for producing floral reach-ins, they come in 10 packs for this use. One per reach-in door and they last for 3 months