Our Products
1 Products availableAwnings, Canopies & Sheds
1 Products available
For over 4 decades the name AlBaddad has been synonymous with the design, production, supply and installation of prefabricated units, tents and buildings in the Middle East.
The name and business strength that has been earned by our organisation today, comes with over 40 years of experience. The company possesses the extensive knowledge and awareness in providing these services within the region, additionally through proficient project management, innovative designs and implementation of proven engineering practices, we have successfully delivered projects to diverse market sectors, on a global scale.
The drive and passion to provide our customers with the best service possible on-site and through all phases of the project, has led to the opportunity to revert turnkey projects.
AlBaddad International makes available a direct link between their core business and infrastructure planning, land development, site amenities and associated services.
The Purpose.
Hereinafter, we will take this opportunity to introduce our products and services, as we aim to build a wide networking relationship between companies. For your reference, enclosed is a brief description of what the company activities.
AlBaddad International provides the following product and services, but not limited to:
Mobiles Halls or Tents. Manufacturer and supplier for over 800 shapes and sizes, appropriate solution for any space occasions - housing, dining rooms, and kitchens, warehouses - in different market segments, like labor and military camps as well as international relief organizations.
Modular Prefabricated Buildings: Manufacturer and supplier for flat Pack and modular, easy to be install/dismantle by unskilled laborers, hassle free and affordable solutions for remote villages and Camps.
Car Parking Sheds and Canopy: Manufacturer and supplier for a diversity of shapes and colors, steel/aluminum frame and unique selection of quality fabrics.
Garden Furniture: Sole and first-hand Distributor in the region for a unique garden furniture collection.
In addition to fore-mentioned products, AlBaddad International provides flexible end-to-end solutions that assist companies to meet their objectives by giving the best possible turnkey services, such as:
Electrical Generators: rental or sale;
Lighting and HVAC supplies: rental or sale;
Chairs and Chandeliers: rental or sale;
Sanitary Units, VIP or regular bathroom and toilets: rental or sale.
We trust that we have provided you with sufficient information at this stage for you to be able comprehend the additional added value that AlBaddad International can bring you, however, should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Have you needed further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Please visit our website albaddadintl.com or FB page to find our latest products and projects.
Basic Information