LCD function display.Fully integrated microscope.Inbuilt function monitoring.XY location movement- 25mm from centre.- Sterile (no-touch) return to centre function.Floor stand mounted.Foot controlled focus, zoom, lighting and XYHigh resolution Olympus optics.Coaxial LED lightRemove the cost andinconvenience of sparebulbs for the life of the microscope.Universal AC voltage input or 12V battery.Includes- coaxial video system with LCD monitorThe SO-5900 XY Ophthalmic Microscope isthe ideal instrument for the modern surgeryroom. It provides a low cost, yet high qualityinstrument suitable for the simplest to the mostcomplex of procedures.Features of this model includes the footcontrolled XY, focus and zoom. Based on highintensity solid state LED technology, the lightcolour is similar to halogen light and gives lowlight scatter in the lens and maximum redreflex.Ergonomic design coupled with moderntechnology and precision optics, thismicroscope is worthy of any hospital or clinic.