Our Product / Services
Marketing Softwares
2 Services availableIt Services
2 Products / Services availableERP Solution
1 Services availableWe offer a complete product range of ERP Maintenance, ERP System Development Service and Business Managemen Software
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Packaging Details : Business Management Software http://axolonerp.com/
AxolonERP http://axolonerp.com/
Micromind Axolon is a comprehensive business management software solution for small and mid-sized businesses. Business management software Dubai, UAE, GCC Countries., ERP, ERP Software Dubai.Inventory Software, HR&Payroll, Project Management, Software Development, Solutions and Services in Dubai, UAE for small and medium sized Enterprises (SME) in the middle east with a range of easy-to-use, secure and efficientBusiness management software solutions and services from Business Intelligence, Finance and Accounting (for account auditors, accountants, account professionals & bookkeepers), HR & Payroll (for human resourcemanagers & recruitment agencies), retail Point-Of-Sale(POS), ERP, CRM to accounts, Sales & Distribution, Vendors & Purchasing.We cater the technology needs of various Industries like Manufacturing, Trading, Project Management, Service Industries, Wholesale &Distribution, marketing, Inventory, planning, Fixed Assets and forecasting products. http://axolonerp.com/