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1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Close Control Unit, Power Conditioning Equipment and Raised Flooring.
Close Control Unit (CCU) also Know as Precision Air Conditioner or Close Control Air Conditioner or Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) or server room air conditioner use for precise control of Temperature and Humidity required for critical application like Server room, Datacenter, Laboratories, Telecommunication room etc.
Modern IT, Telecommunication & laboratory equipments generates a large amount of heat. The problem further increased with higher density IT kit (e.g. Blade Servers). It is, therefore very essential to use the correct type of precision cooling for server room cooling or Datacenter cooling. Also it is very important to understand air flow requirements within server room & Datacenter. Failing to achieve this can have disastrous results with "deadly" hot-spots just where you don't need them - around your key mission critical servers. Hence efficient precision air conditioning for data center cooling (for cooling server and equipments) is critical factor.
In Nutshell Electronic and information procession equipments requires rigid environment conditions with prcised control of temperature & humidity for reliable operation. Close control air conditioning systems is specifically designed for concentrated vertical heat loads of today's data centers.
Precision Air Conditioning systems provides efficient heat removal, excellent humidity control, greater airflow, better air filtration, greater flexibility and expandability with numerous alarms and redundancy options. Precision Air conditioner for server room cooling is available in up flow or down flow type based on air throw. Based on coolant and positioning of coil it is broadly classified into Chilled Water (CW) type and Direct Expansion (DX type) type or Dual Fluid (Chilled water + Direct expansion) type. Some of reputed brands are AIREDALE, Liebert, Denco, Uniflair, stulz, Emicon, blue box etc.
Electronic & Information processing equipments requires environment with precise temperature and humidity control with cleanness. Close Control Unit provides not only precise control of temperature and humidity but also air filtration to remove airborne particles which can cause problems.
Most of critical application such as Data center, server room, telecommunication rooms etc requires 24x7 availability of cooling environment with prcised control of temperature and humidity. Close Control air conditioning Unit is designed run for 365 days 24x7.
Close Control Unit offers a choice of compressor type. Microprocessor control and other optional features are designed to reduce power consumptions and maximize energy saving. This helps in fast Return of Investment (ROI).
Close Control Unit offer option of down flow and up flow type. Also it can be designed with maximum air flow so that cool air should reach to all corners of datacenter.
Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) also Know as Precision Air Conditioner or Close Control Air Conditioner or Close Control Unit (CCU) or server room air conditioner use for precise control of Temperature and Humidity required for critical application like Server room, Datacenter, Laboratories, Telecommunication room etc.
Modern IT, Telecommunication & laboratory equipments generates a large amount of heat. The problem further increased with higher density IT kit (e.g. Blade Servers). It is, therefore very essential to use the correct type of precision cooling for server room cooling or Datacenter cooling. Also it is very important to understand air flow requirements within server room & Datacenter. Failing to achieve this can have disastrous results with "deadly" hot-spots just where you don't need them - around your key mission critical servers. Hence efficient precision air conditioning for data center cooling (for cooling server and equipments) is critical factor.
In Nutshell Electronic and information procession equipments requires rigid environment conditions with prcised control of temperature & humidity for reliable operation. Close control air conditioning systems is specifically designed for concentrated vertical heat loads of today's data centers.
Precision Air Conditioning systems provides efficient heat removal, excellent humidity control, greater airflow, better air filtration, greater flexibility and expandability with numerous alarms and redundancy options. Precision Air conditioner for server room cooling is available in up flow or down flow type based on air throw. Based on coolant and positioning of coil it is broadly classified into Chilled Water (CW) type and Direct Expansion (DX type) type or Dual Fluid (Chilled water + Direct expansion) type. Some of reputed brands are AIREDALE, Liebert, Denco, Uniflair, stulz, Emicon, blue box etc.
Electronic & Information processing equipments requires environment with precise temperature and humidity control with cleanness. Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) provides not only precise control of temperature and humidity but also air filtration to remove airborne particles which can cause problems.
Most of critical application such as Data center, server room, telecommunication rooms etc requires 24x7 availability of cooling environment with prcised control of temperature and humidity. Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) is designed run for 365 days 24x7.
Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) offers a choice of compressor type. Microprocessor control and other optional features are designed to reduce power consumptions and maximize energy saving. This helps in fast Return of Investment (ROI).
Computer Room Air Conditioner (CRAC) offer option of down flow and up flow type. Also it can be designed with maximum air flow so that cool air should reach to all corners of datacenter.
We offer stand-alone monitoring appliance that provides dynamic, real-time temperature, humidity, and dry contact monitoring of computer rooms, data centers, and any critical environment. It also called as Environmental monitoring system. This equipment which extreme versatility that simplifies and consolidates monitoring of numerous types of signals and equipment available at facilities
Dehumidifying capacity (at 20 C 60% R.H.)
DD-60 0.25 kg/hr
DD-200 0.6 kg/hr DD-400 2.5 kg/hr DD-600 3 kg/hr DD-800 4.5 kg/hr
DD-1000 7.5 kg/hr DD-1200 8.5 kg/hr DD-1500 10 kg/hr DD-2500 12 kg/hr
Backbone to ensure highest availability of pure power depends on effective power distribution and its conditioning. Power distribution can be Achieve with help of panels, sockets, cables, Automatic transfer switch (ATS), Generator and PDU. While conditioning of power can be done with help of TVSS, K rated Isolation transformer, UPS etc.
Ctrltech ensures proper distribution of conditioned power with help of series of equipments like K rated Isolation Transformer, Automatic.Transfer switch (ATS), Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS), Power Distribution Units (PDU). Let's have brief description about these equipments.
K rated Isolation Transformer:Basic function of Isolation Transformer is to isolate two circuits (input and output). K rated Isolation Transformer is to deliver conditioned power to a nonlinear high-harmonic current load (such as computers) and operate at safe temperatures while minimizing the harmonic current delivered to the power grid. An additional function of this transformer is to attenuate both common mode and transverse mode noise going to the load. Nonlinear load handling capacity of isolation transformer is depends its "K" rating. K rating available form K-4 to K-20 designed to handle nonlinear load of 35% to more than 75% simultaneously.
Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS):lectric power line disturbances such as high voltage transients can disrupt or damage sensitive electronic equipment - causing a major loss in productivity and money. TVSS is the reliable way to keep these power problems from getting into your facility in the first place.
Automatic Transfer switch (ATS):Transfer switches allow switching from a primary power source to a secondary or tertiary power source and are employed in some electrical power distribution systems. Most often transfer switches can be seen where emergency power generators are used to back up power from thesource. The transfer switch allows switching from utility power to emergency generator power. The switch is either a manual switch, an automatic switch or a combination of manual and automatic. During a power outage, the transfer switches isolate the emergency circuits from the utility line allowing for efficient operation of the generator without back feeding onto the utility.
Automatic transfer switches continually monitor the incoming utility power. Any anomaly such as voltage sags, brownouts, spikes or surges will cause the internal circuitry to command a generator startup and then a transfer to the emergency generator when additional switch circuitry determines the generator has the proper voltage and frequency. When utility power returns, or no other anomalies have occurred for a set time, the transfer switch will then transfer, back to utility power and command the generator to turn off after another specified amount of "cool down" time.
Power Distribution Unit (PDU):PDU also refers to what amounts to a well-constructed power strip suitable for datacenter use. PDUs can be dumb type meaning that they have no instrumentation and are not manageable, or they can be metered type meaning that they are equipped with a display that shows current load on each phase, or they can be switched type meaning that some or all of their receptacles can be individually switched on or off remotely. Some PDUs provide a means of remote access.
Common methods are a RS-232 serial connection or a computer network controller that can be accessed though TELNET, SSH, SNMP or a Web page. This allows an administrator to access the PDU from a remote terminal and interface with the it to turn on or off outlets, schedule power shutdowns, control load, etc. This can be helpful if a remote machine has gone into an unresponsive state and cannot be restarted though normal means. A administrator can connect to the PDU the machine is plugged into and Power cycle the machine
VT-48 Industrial Evaporative cooler are designed to work in Industrial and outdoor applications. It comes with a Soft Key Control Panel that allows you to choose desired fan speed & switch on/off pump. Control panel also provided with Small LCD panel. Control panel has facility to Set timer for Switching on/off cooler. Control panel has LED indication for Power, Blast, Cool, timer and Lack of water status.
In case of low water level in water tank then Lack of Water LED will become red. VT-36 Cooler provide with base water tank with provision for connecting water pipe or add water manually. It also provided with floating valve which will disconnect water supply in case tank get full.
A system that delivers HVAC, electrical power, voice and data cabling, and other utility services underneath an accessible, flexible modular floor.
Today's data centers require flexibility in the distribution of power, voice, data, and HVAC resources. In many cases, the old method of drilling through walls, concrete floors, or ceilings and running cables to fixed locations is no longer viable or cost-effective. The most cost-effective means to support changing demands and flexibility in cabling, services, and access requirements in the workspace is a configurable raised floor.
The perfect data center environment requires the ability to handle a large number of data cables. The ability to handle a high heat load, and a flooring system that performs with a high rolling and static load capacity.
Raised flooring consists of a gridded metal framework or understructure of adjustable-height legs (called "pedestals") that provide support for individual floor panels, which are usually 22 feet or 6060cm in size. The height of the legs/pedestals is dictated by the volume of cables and other services provided beneath, but typically arranged for a clearance of at least six inches or 15cm.
The panels are normally made of steel clad particleboard or a steel panel with a cementitious internal core. There are a variety of flooring finishes to suit the application such as carpets , high-pressure laminates marble stone and antistatic finishes for use in computer rooms and laboratories . Many modern computer and equipment rooms employ an under floor cooling system to ensure even cooling of the room with minimal wasted energy. Cooled air is pumped under the floor and dispersed upward into the room through regularly spaced diffuser tiles or through ducts directed into specific equipment. Automatic fire protection shutoffs may be required for under-floor , and additional suppression systems may be installed in case of under-floor fires Because the flooring tiles are rarely removed once equipment has been installed, the space below them is seldom cleaned, and fluff and other debris settles, making working on cabling underneath the flooring a dirty job. Smoke detectors under the raised floor can be triggered by workers disturbing the dust resulting in false alarms.
Investing in water detection devices makes a lot of sense for data centers, given the very real risk water damage poses. Additional incentives include lower premiums that insurance companies offer when you set up water detection systems. Water - In the right place - is our most important commodity but water leaks, in the wrong place at the wrong time can damage a business in a big way. What seems like an insignificant problem can cost millions when it comes to lost computer data, Water leakage detection system is become first in list of priorities to protect infrastructure. The presence of water can mean damages to equipment or a loss of Critical Services, especially electrical. Thus Water DetectionSystem is useful for early detection where preventive action can betaken. Other applications are where water detection is useful include areas like waste water management, archive facilities or power plant etc.
Water leakage detection systems early detects potential water leakage problem.Notification can be obtained over alarm, e-mail & SMS.Ensures highest uptime for your business.False alarm can be avoided with help of adjustable sensitive threshold.Event logging to for easy diagnosticLeakage detection can be done over distance, zone or specific spot.It reduces major financial risk at minimal cost.Web interfacedowned telecommunications switches, damaged files. Personnel safety can be threatened by roof leaks in building or by fire from water caused electrical short circuits.
Static Transfer Switch (STS) is an electrical device that switches between two power sources without delay. Digital static transfer switch has provision to connect two power sources at input out of which is power source is default while other will be standby. In case of interruption in default power source, STS will switch to standby power source instantaneously and visa versa so that your load will not observe any power interruption.
Major advantage of Static Transfer Switch over traditional Automatic transfer switch is it's fast acting capacity. Automatic Static Transfer switch uses solid state power electronics which is static switching devices such as SCR & IGBT hence it is also called as Solid state static transfer switch. While traditions Automatic Transfer switch (ATS) uses electromechanical switching.
Based on Current & Voltage capacity of STS, it is classified as Low Voltage STS (LV-STS) & Medium Voltage STS (MV-STS). LV-STS have current rating from 50A to 4000A & voltage up to 600V.