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location Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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We offer a complete product range of Impregnated Foams Patented, Super Penetrant, Winterized, Oil Concentrate and Corrosion Inhibiting Films

Impregnated Foams Patented

  • Model Number 130
  • Protection Volume 1.5 ft3 (.042 m3
  • Sizes in Inches 2 x10 (5.08 x 25)
Cortec VpCI-130 Series Foams are unique flexible packagingmaterials that combine VpCI protection, and desiccant action;plus excellent antistatic capabilities all in one step! You can noweliminate expensive and messy rust preventatives with VpCI-130Series Foams. Parts protected are always ready for use; no degreasingor coating removal is required. Application of multifunctionalmaterials such as VpCI-130 Series Foams results in significantweight and labor savings.Metal parts packaged with VpCI-130 Series Foams receivecontinuous protection against humidity, condensation, aggressiveindustrial atmospheres, dissimilar metal corrosion (galvaniccorrosion), salt air, and residual impurities left after processing.
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Super Penetrant

  • Appearance Clear amber liquid
  • Density 6.8-7.0 lb/gal
  • Non-volatile Content 30-40
  • Flash Point 149°F (65°C)
Cortec VpCI Super Penetrant offers a deep penetratingformulation that loosens frozen parts locked in rust. Its deeppenetrating capabilities allow the user to go through as much as12 inch (13 mm) of rust in 30 minutes. VpCI Super Penetrantcan be applied by a variety of convenient methods to meet anyapplication needs including brush, hand pump spray, aerosol, spray application, or dipping.As VpCI Super Penetrant breaks through deep rust, it displacesmoisture and water. Its superior surface wetting and moisturedisplacing properties allow it to spread rapidly and get underneaththe moisture layer normally present on metal under atmosphericconditions. While loosening the rust, it lubricates metal so frozenparts can move freely. Utilizing patented Cortec VpCI technology, the VpCI Super Penetrant forms an ultra thin film on metal thatoffers 6 months of protection from corrosion in extreme conditions.Cortec VpCI Super Penetrant can be used for indoor and outdoorapplications. Its superior water displacing characteristics make itan ideal choice for applications on equipment and componentsthat are exposed to outside weather. It also conforms to FederalSpecifications for VV-P-216 Penetrating Oil for Loosening FrozenMetallic Parts and ASTM D-971 Test for Interfacial Tension of Oilagainst water.
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  • Model Number 377
VpCI-377 is a water-based concentrate designed as a completereplacement for oil-based preventives for indoor protection ofequipment and components. VpCI-377 is a corrosion preventiveliquid that meets tough anti-pollution requirements. The widedilution range with water (0.5-20%)* allows flexibility to customizethe length of protection required and the applied cost per squarefoot (or m2).VpCI-377 forms a solution in water and is applied to metalsurfaces by spraying or dipping. In many cases, VpCI-377 doesnot always need to be removed, but if necessary, can be removedwith conventional alkaline cleaners, such as Cortec VpCI-414.VpCI-377 is also available in a cold weather version. VpCI-377 Winterized has a lower freezing point for the convenience ofapplication and storage in cold temperataures.
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Rust Primer

  • Density 11.3-12.0 lb/gal
  • Form Viscous liquid
  • Weight 52-58
  • volume 40-42
CorrVerter is a water-based primer recommended for applicationto rusty or poorly prepared steel surfaces where further corrosionprotection is required and good surface preparation is difficult toachieve. CorrVerter is formulated to penetrate rust, eliminate rust, penetrate to the bare metal, and stop further rusting.CorrVerter contains a novel chemical chelating agent that modifiesthe surface rust into a hydrophobic passive layer. CorrVertercombines the above mentioned chelating agent with a high solidswaterborne latex with extremely low water vapor permeability. Thecombination of the active chelating agent with a film-forming latex, thickeners and dispersant offers a unique formulation for a primerwith excellent protection against re-rusting.CorrVerter does not contain tannic or phosphoric acids, provideslong-term corrosion protection for poorly prepared substrates, andcan be topcoated with solvent-based and water-based paints withno bleeding. For outdoor applications VpCI-386 or VpCI-387 canbe utilized. For indoor applications, VpCI-396 may also be used.The combination of CorrVerter and VpCI-396 provides thebest immersion coating for submersion in water, salt water, hydrocarbons, and high salinity water
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Oil Concentrate

  • Model Number 322
VpCI-322 oil-based concentrate adds corrosion protectionto lubricating or hydraulic oils. VpCI-322 provides excellentprotection in indoor or open air conditions. First, oil-solublecorrosion inhibitors offer a tenacious film which clings to metalsurfaces, giving excellent contact corrosion protection. In additionto this film barrier, VpCI-322 releases Vapor phase CorrosionInhibitors (VpCI) into the air above the oil. These VpCIs attach tometal surfaces for additional corrosion protection.
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Corrosion Inhibiting Films

  • Model No. 126
Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI) 126 Series film combinesthe latest film technology with the most effective corrosion protectionfor all of your metal products. Sealing your product in Cortec VpCIfilms protects metal parts from all types of corrosion including rust, tarnish, stains, white rust, and oxidation for up to 5 years.* Its as easyas putting your product in a Cortec VpCI package!Cortec VpCI films and bags replace conventional rust preventativessuch as oils and desiccants. You save even more because VpCIpackaging eliminates the degreasing or coating removal required inthe past. Now your product can be used immediately. VpCI-126 istransparent, making it easy to identify parts. Additionally, it does notcontain free amines, phosphates, or halogen-based materials, andis non-toxic and recyclable.VpCI-126 Series films and bags protect metal objects as small as aneedle to as large as the contents of an oceangoing container.VpCI-126 Blue can be manufactured utilizing a wide array of themost advanced resins. Custom blends are available to give you theexact properties you need, whether its improved puncture resistance, tear strength, or other requirements
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Non-tacky Temporary Coating

  • Density 8.1-8.5 lb/gal
  • Viscosity 3500-10, 000cps
  • Model No. 391
  • pH 3500-10, 000cps
VpCI-391 is a water-borne, temporary coating that isintended for medium to long-term indoor and outdoorprotection.Once dried, VpCI-391 builds a non-tacky transparent film onthe metal surface that provides excellent salt, humidity, andUV resistance.This product, being a complex mixture of non-toxic organicinhibitors incorporated in a water-based acrylic polymer, offers corrosion protection that can compete with mostpermanent coatings and primers.
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Biodegradable Fluid

  • Model Number 337
Ecofog VpCI-337 is a ready-to-use waterborne vapor corrosioninhibitor used primarily for robust preservation of internal voidspaces. It is a complete replacement for nitrogen blanketingand dry air systems that are both expensive to install andmaintain. Nitrogen blankets are also a health hazard topersonnel entering the interiors. The Vapor phase CorrosionInhibitors (VpCI) in Ecofog VpCI-337 migrate and protect metalsurfaces, resulting in time and cost savings. The Ecofog VpCI-337 is used to fog void spaces, tanks, containers, packages, and enclosures. These labor-saving techniques use a minimumof product to protect large areas or volumes. Ecofog VpCI-337 is effective on ferrous and non-ferrous metals as wellas aluminum, plated steels, and copper. Ecofog VpCI-337is consistently successful in providing protection to the basicmetals, metalworking, and packaging industries.In most cases, products protected by Ecofog VpCI-337 areready-to-use; no degreasing or stripping is necessary by mostend users. The metal will retain a clean, rust-free surface. Inmost cases, the thin protective film will not affect paintability, conductivity, appearance, or any other important property ofmetals or alloys.Ecofog VpCI-337 is also available in a cold weather version.Ecofog VpCI-337 Winterized has a lower freezing point for theconvenience of application and storage in cold temperatures.
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Acrylic Primer/Topcoat

  • Model No. 386
VpCI-386 is a unique water-based acrylic primertopcoatthat successfully provides protection in harsh, outdoor, unsheltered applications. The complex mixture of nontoxicorganic inhibitors offers protection that can competewith most paints and zinc-rich primers.VpCI-386 is superior to many coatings with inorganicpigments because the resistance has been improved byreplacing pigments and metal oxides with more effectiveorganic corrosion inhibitors. The special combinationof additives provides a composite polymer barrier thatsignificantly retards the reaction of metal ionization.A protective film is adsorbed onto metal surfaces. Itprotects against corrosive electrolytes and aggressiveenvironments; preventing corrosion.VpCI-386 provides a fast-drying thixotropic coatingthat is resistant to sagging or running, forming a tough, non-flammable, protective barrier. This dry-to-touchfilm offers extended protection for outdoor or indoorconditions. Thermally stable when dried from -150Fto 350F (-78C to 180C). The coating is ultravioletresistant giving optimal outdoor performance withoutcracking or chipping upon prolonged exposure tosunlight.VpCI-386 is also available in a cold weather versionVpCI-386Winterized.VpCI-386 Winterized was developed to withstand FreezeThaw damage during transportation in cold temperaturesdown to -0 (-18C) passing 3 FreezeThaw cycles.
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Multi-Metal Cleaner

  • Model No. 239
ElectriCorr VpCI-239 is a multifunctional outdoorcleanercorrosion protector. Its continuous Vaporphase Corrosion Inhibitor action saves money byextending product life and eliminating downtime due tocorrosion. ElectriCorr VpCI-239 forms a very thin filmproven effective against aggressive conditions includingindustrial, marine, and tropical regions. This film doesnot alter the electrical resistance or magnetic propertiesof metal substrates. ElectriCorr VpCI-239 can be safelyapplied for the corrosion protection of electronic circuitsor relays without causing any significant changes inconductivity. ElectriCorr VpCI-239 can be safely usedwith most plastics, elastomers, and other non-metallics.In addition to corrosion protection, ElectriCorr VpCI-239is an excellent contact cleaner of oils, grime, and othercontaminants.ElectriCorr VpCI-239 is an effective outdoor inhibitor ofgalvanic corrosion for most metals and alloys normallyfound in electrical and electronic applications such asaluminum, copper, tin, and ferrous metals.ElectriCorr VpCI-239 is free of CFCs and 1, 1, 1-Trichlorethane. Provides instant corrosion protection.In severely corrosive environments, ElectriCorr VpCI-239 can be used along with Cortecs VpCI-100 seriesimpregnated foam devices for extended continuousprotection
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HP UV Shrink Film

  • Model No. 126
Cortec VpCI-126 HP UV Shrink Film combineshigh strength resins with ultraviolet light stabilizers(UV) and Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor (VpCI)Technology. This state-of-the-art film constructionprovides multi-metal protection for parts, equipment, and vehicles for up to three years, even in aggressiveoutdoor conditions. Unlike some preservationfilms that rely on white pigments to reflect UV light, VpCI-126 HP UV contains unique inhibitors thatprotect the polymer from UV exposure and preventsdegradation.VpCI-126 HP UV is ideally suited for transit, staging, and lay-up of critical equipment; includingequipment with large void spaces, multiple metals, and complex geometries.VpCI-126 HP UV Shrink Film can replaceconventional rust preventatives such as oils anddesiccants. Parts protected with VpCI-126 HP UVfilms are ready to use with no additional cleaningandor degreasing necessary, saving you timeand money. VpCI-126 HP UV Shrink Film is alsotransparent, making it easy to identify parts withoutcompromising your package.Metal parts packaged in VpCI-126 HP UV ShrinkFilm receive continuous protection against salt airand humid environments, moisture, aggressiveindustrial atmospheres, and dissimilar metalcorrosion.
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Shrink Film

  • Model No. 126
Cortec VpCI-126 Shrink Film combines the latestfilm technology with the most effective corrosionprotection for all of your metal products. Sealingyour product in VpCI Shrink Film will protect a widevariety of metals from rust, tarnish, stains, white rust, and oxidation for up to 5 years.* Its as easy asputting your product in VpCI Shrink Film!VpCI-126 Shrink Film can replace conventionalrust preventatives such as oils and desiccants. Yousave even more because VpCI-126 Shrink Film willeliminate all the degreasing or coating removalrequired in the past. Your product can now be usedimmediately. VpCI-126 is transparent, makingit easy to identify parts. Additionally, it does notcontain free amines, phosphates, or halogen-basedmaterials and is non-toxic and recyclable.
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Oil Based Corrosion Inhibitors

  • Model No. 529
  • weight 2-5
  • Density 7.6-7.7 lb/gal
M-529 is an oil-based package of corrosion inhibitors forlubricating oils. M-529 provides excellent corrosion protectionduring operating conditions and intermittent operation.M-529M-529 L are very effective for mineral and syntheticbased oils: napthenic, iso-paraffinic, PAOs, etc.M-529 L additionally contains an EP lubricity package and isrecommended for lubriciating oil when EP lubricity is needed, suchas gears or transmissions.
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  • Model No. 105
Cortec VpCI-105 emitters are unique devices designedto provide corrosion protection for metal componentsand parts enclosed in non-ventilated control boxes, cabinets, or tool boxes up to 5 cubic feet (141.6 liters).The VpCI-105 device emits Vapor phase CorrosionInhibitors (VpCIs), which form a protective coating on allmetal surfaces. VpCI-105 is a patented plastic emitterwith a breathable Tyvek membrane through which thecorrosion inhibitor is released. It provides long-termprotection against corrosion even in the presence ofadverse conditions including salt, moisture, airbornecontaminants, H2S, SO2, NH3, and others.
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  • pH 8-9
  • Density 7.9-8.1
  • Non-volatile 48-52
EcoLine CleanerDegreaser isa heavy-duty, water-dilutablecleanerdegreaser for toughcleaning jobs in industrial andcommercial applications. It isideal for cleaning machinery, shop tools, hoods, parts inprocess, office equipment, floors, walls, and desks.EcoLine CleanerDegreasercan be used on all engineeredmetals and alloys. Unlikeharmful or hazardous solventcleaners, EcoLine CleanerDegreaser is safe to handleand non-flammable.EcoLine CleanerDegreaser has been certified as aUSDA certified biobased product and has been beenawarded USDA BioPreferredsSM designated for IndustrialCleaners and Grease Removers for Federal Preferredpuchasing.( products are based on soybean derivatives andsoybean oil methyl esters. These soya-based productsprovide excellent lubricity and biodegradability. EcoLineproducts are environmentally friendly and leave behinda high-performance Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor(VpCI) corrosion protecting layer
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