Ecofog VpCI-337 is a ready-to-use waterborne vapor corrosioninhibitor used primarily for robust preservation of internal voidspaces. It is a complete replacement for nitrogen blanketingand dry air systems that are both expensive to install andmaintain. Nitrogen blankets are also a health hazard topersonnel entering the interiors. The Vapor phase CorrosionInhibitors (VpCI) in Ecofog VpCI-337 migrate and protect metalsurfaces, resulting in time and cost savings. The Ecofog VpCI-337 is used to fog void spaces, tanks, containers, packages, and enclosures. These labor-saving techniques use a minimumof product to protect large areas or volumes. Ecofog VpCI-337 is effective on ferrous and non-ferrous metals as wellas aluminum, plated steels, and copper. Ecofog VpCI-337is consistently successful in providing protection to the basicmetals, metalworking, and packaging industries.In most cases, products protected by Ecofog VpCI-337 areready-to-use; no degreasing or stripping is necessary by mostend users. The metal will retain a clean, rust-free surface. Inmost cases, the thin protective film will not affect paintability, conductivity, appearance, or any other important property ofmetals or alloys.Ecofog VpCI-337 is also available in a cold weather version.Ecofog VpCI-337 Winterized has a lower freezing point for theconvenience of application and storage in cold temperatures.