Dolphin Genset Cooling Systems are equipped and designed with Low Noise and Custom Built Airfoil-Profile Blade Fans. Dolphins Horizontal Series : Horizontal Remote Radiators are suited to a wide variety of applications. Using a modular design method, ensures flexibility for different heat transfer surfaces such as water and oil. Cooler performance is optimized by the use of draw-through fans This maximizes fan efficiency and air distribution across the heat transfer matrix. The Horizontal Series offers extended service life, low noise levels, fan power levels, and the modular construction provides for easy maintenance and service activities. Dolphins Vertical Series : The vertical series represents a range of cooling units able to incorporate heat transfer surfaces suitable for water, oil, compressed air and process fluids. The Axial Flow arrangement uses a duct mounted fan which provides scope to cater for additional air side resistance, as encountered in canopies, plant rooms and noise attenuated installations. This product series is of heavy duty construction and provides inherent flexibility in installation, whether by direct mounting to the engine skid, wall-mounted, or alternatively, in a free standing situation. The modular construction allows ready access for ease of servicing.