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Garden Plant
2 Products availableAnimal Feed
1 Products availableCattle Feed
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Corn & Wheat Silage and RBD Palmolein.
Rhodes grass is primarily a useful forage of moderate to high quality. It is grazed, cut for hay or used as deferred feed. Rhodes grass was - and still is - the preferred hay fodder for camels. While cattle, particularly dairy cows, are one of the major consumers of Rhodes Grass hay, the fodder is considered to being the best for camels and their digestive systems. With large camel farms and camel holders in the Middle East, comes the high demand of this grass feed.Rhodes grass can be utilized as green forage or hay. It is very palatable and has good nutritive value.
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Alfalfa is a valuable feedstuff for cattle and is capable of providing them with energy, high quality protein, lysine, calcium, and varying levels of other vitamins and minerals. Horses love it! No argument there. Give a horse the opportunity to choose among flakes of all-grass hay, grass-alfalfa mix, and all-alfalfa, chances are he will chow down the alfalfa flake first. Alfalfa is tasty to horses.Alfalfa has lower indigestible fiber than grass hays. High quality ("dairy") alfalfa supplies 20% to 25% more calories per pound than grass hays, although the difference is much smaller for more mature cuts of alfalfa.Heavily pregnant or lactating cattle, and young rapidly growing horses, benefit from Alfalfa's high protein content. Alfalfa is also a rich source of calcium.There are many horses who need extra calcium or protein in their diets, and Alfalfa is an excellent natural source of those nutrients. Because of its taste appeal, higher digestibility, and the fact it is easier to chew, it is often a valuable addition to the diet of sick horses or senior horses.Alfalfa provides key nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Depending on the nutrient levels in the pasture where the crop was grown, Alfalfa hay can provide high levels of vitamins A, D, E and K; selenium; and riboflavin and niacin.
We are main supplier of Rhodes grass. Used for horses, camels and feed for other cattle
We are main supplier of Rhodes grass. Used for horses, camels and feed for other cattle
Corn silage is a high-quality forage crop that is used on many dairy farms. Its popularity is due to the high yield of a very digestible, high-energy crop, and the ease of adapting it to mechanized harvesting and feeding. Corn for silage fits ideally into no-till and double-cropping programs.The object of silage making is to preserve the harvested crop by anaerobic (without oxygen) fermentation.In a well-sealed silo, it can be stored for long periods of time without losing quality. To produce high-quality corn silage, it is important to do a good job in growing, harvesting and preserving the crop.Silage is fermented, high-moisture stored fodder which can be fed to cattle, sheep and other such ruminants (cud-chewing animals). It is fermented and stored in a process called ensilage, ensiling or silaging, and is usually made from grass crops, including maize, sorghum or other cereals, using the entire green plant (not just the grain). Silage can be made from many field crops, and special terms may be used depending on type: oatlage for oats, haylage for alfalfa.