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We offer a complete product range of W-20 Series Water Quality Monitoring System, APNA-370 Ambient NOx Analyzer, Model SR-300 Solvent Reclaimer, OCMA-300 Oil Content Analyzer and OCMA-310 Oil Content Analyzer

W-20 Series Water Quality Monitoring System

  • Series W-20 Series
W-20 Series Water Quality Monitoring System Water is as precious as life itself. Thats why current threats to water supplies make water quality analysis vital to our very existence. HORIBA has created the Multifunction Water Quality Monitoring System. For more technical information please visit our download section.
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PG-350 Portable Multi-Gas Analyzer

  • NOx 0–25/50/100/250/500/1000/2500 ppm
  • SO2 0–50/100/200/500 ppm
  • CO2 0–10/20/30 vol%
  • Series PG-350
PG-350 Portable Multi-Gas Analyzer PG-350 is a portable stack gas analyzer that can simultaneously measure up to five separate gas components using the same proven measurement methods used in HORIBAs line of permanent CEMS. PG-350 is ideal for CEMS certification testing (RATAs) or for use when stack gas emissions must be monitored periodically at one or multiple stacks. Compared to the previous generation model (PG-250), PG-350 is 20% lighter, facilitating measurements in the field.PG-350 employs non-dispersive infrared absorption method (NDIR) for CO2, cross-flow modulation NDIR for CO and SO2, cross-flow modulation chemiluminescence detection method (CLA) for NOx, and paramagnetic method for O2.The instrument can interface directly with a laptop computer through an RS-232C interface to record measured values. Major features include a built-in sample conditioning system with sample pump, filters, and a thermoelectric cooler. An optional auxiliary thermoelectric pre-cooler (PS-200) is available to condition samples which contain excess water vapor.PG-250 works according to DIN EN 15267-3 and DIN EN 14181, and is approved as Standard Reference Method (SRM) for CO (DIN EN 15058), O2 (DIN EN 14789) and NOx (DIN EN 14792).Features PG-350 is comparable to large-scale, specialized units in terms of accuracy and offers a high degree of selectivity in analysis. The NOx analysis unit uses a cross-modulation ordinary pressure chemiluminescence method, CO2 is measured with non-dispersive infrared absorption method (NDIR), SO2 and CO with cross-flow modulation NDIR, and the O2 unit uses paramagnetic method.PG-350 can be hand-carried and attached to a notebook computer or optional preprocessing unit, allowing high-performance use no matter the location.The sampling unit has a filter, mist catcher, pump, electronic cooling unit, and NOx to NO converter built in.PG-350 offers a large-scale, easy-to-read display.
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APNA-370 Ambient NOx Analyzer

  • Power 100/110/115/120/220/230/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz (to be specified)
  • Repeatability ±1.0% of F.S.
  • Sample gas flow rate Approx. 0.8 L/min
  • Series APNA-370
APNA-370 Ambient NOx AnalyzerThe APNA-370 continuously monitors atmospheric NOX, NO2, and NO concentrations using a cross-flow modulated semi decompression chemiluminescence method. The APNA-370 employs an independent, internal dry-method sampling device to achieve the highest levels of sensitivity and accuracy. The dry method, due to its minimal maintenance requirements and capability of continuous monitoring and instantaneous analysis of gas in its unaltered state, has been a preferred method for monitoring the atmospheric pollution. Features The APNA-370 uses a combination of the dual cross flow modulation type chemiluminescence principle and the referential calculation method.This gives it the advantages of the single-detector method plus the ability to do continuous measurements of NOX, NO, and NO2. The design gives great stability and extremely high sensitivity (0.1 ppm F.S.)Standard equipment includes a drier unit with an automatic recycle function to provide dry ambient air as the ozone source. This makes long-term continuous measurements possible.The detector uses a silicon photodiode sensor to reduce size and prolong working life.All the necessary features are built right into a single rack-sized unit, including a reference-gas generator, an ozone-source drier unit, an ozone decomposer, and a sampling pump. No supplemental gas is required.
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Model SR-300 Solvent Reclaimer

  • Series SR-300
  • External dimensions 200 (w) x 200 (d) x 600 (h) mm 7.9 (w) x 7.9 (d) x 23.6 (h) in
Model SR-300 Solvent Reclaimer Highly efficient, the SR-300 can reduce your per test solvent cost by up to 90 %. This optional unit, designed especially for reclaiming S-316 solvent, features a double column of activated carbon and activated aluminum. It has a large filtering capacity, is easy to operate, and requires no electricity.
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HORIBA S-316 Solvent

  • Series S-316
HORIBA S-316 Solvent The OCMA-350 uses the highly effective, environmentally-safe S-316 extraction solvent to extract the oil components from oily water samples, soil samples, or product surfaces. The extract is analyzed using IR absorbance, a non-dispersive infrared spectrophotometric technique which is specific to hydrocarbons such as oil.The OCMA-350 measures absorption in the 3.4 to 3.5 micrometer range. The two graphs at the right show the absorption spectra of (1) petroleum and (2) HORIBA S-316 solvent. All hydrocarbons, including oils, absorb infrared radiation at about 3.4 to 3.5 micrometers. As a result, the unit can measure any hydrocarbons in the extraction solvent quickly and accurately, with no distortion of values due to presence of the solvent.HORIBAs S-316 Solvent can be recycled with the aid of the optional SR-300 Solvent Reclaimer. Recycling the solvent not only cuts your solvent costs, but also helps protect the environment.
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OCMA-300 Oil Content Analyzer

  • Series OCMA-300
  • Measurement range: 0mg/l ~ 200mg/l dynamic ranging
  • Resolution 0 to 99.9 mg/L; 0.1 mg/L, 100 to 200 mg/L; 1 mg/L
  • Power 100 to 240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz 100 to 120 V AC; approx. 80 VA 200 to 240 V AC; approx. 120 VA
OCMA-300 Oil Content Analyzer OCMA-300 Oil Content Analyzer The OCMA-300 is an automated portable unit for monitoring oil content in both fresh water and saltwater. The one-touch monitoring process is fully automated, from sample extraction to analysis and sample expulsion. The OCMA-300 utilizes an S-316 extraction solvent to ensure superior oil particle stability and infrared absorptiometry for sample analysis. Using 0mgl200mgl dynamic ranging, the unit is capable of analyzing both high and low concentrations. The OCMA-300 provides swift, highly accurate analysis of the oil content of both fresh water and saltwater as well as that of such fluids as those found at factories and wastewater treatment plants. Features A microcomputer provides automated analysis of the samples at the touch of a button.Dynamic ranging provides analysis from 0mgl200mgl without manual switching.The use of an S-316 extraction solvent ensures the highest levels of oil particle stability.A digital display eliminates the misreading of analysis results. A visual display alerts users to the unit's operating status.The use of a proprietary syringe ensures a fixed amount of sample water and solvent.
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OCMA-310 Oil Content Analyzer

  • Measurement range: 0 mg/l ~ 200 mg/l dynamic ranging
  • Repeatability 0 to 9.9 mg/L; ± 0.2 mg/L ± 1 digit 10.0 to 99.9 mg/L; ± 2 mg/L ± 1 digit 100 to 200 mg/L; ± 4 mg/L ± 1 digit
  • Power 100 to 120 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 80 VA 200 to 240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 120 VA
OCMA-310 Oil Content Analyzer The OCMA-310 is an automated portable unit for monitoring oil content in both fresh water and saltwater. The one-touch monitoring process is fully automated, from sample extraction to analysis and sample expulsion. The OCMA-310 utilizes an S-316 extraction solvent to ensure superior oil particle stability and infrared absorptiometry for sample analysis. Using 0mgl200mgl dynamic ranging, the unit is capable of analyzing both high and low concentrations. The OCMA-310 provides swift, highly accurate analysis of the oil content of both fresh water and saltwater as well as that of such fluids as those found at factories and wastewater treatment plants. Features A microcomputer provides automated analysis of the samples at the touch of a button.Dynamic ranging provides analysis from 0mgl200mgl without manual switching.The use of an S-316 extraction solvent ensures the highest levels of oil particle stability.A digital display eliminates the misreading of analysis results. A visual display alerts users to the units operating status.The use of a proprietary syringe ensures a fixed amount of sample water and solvent.
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OCMA-25 Automatic Oil Content Monitor

  • Series OCMA-25
OCMA-25 Automatic Oil Content Monitor Over the past several decades, HORIBA has designed and manufactured a complete line of high-quality non-dispersing infrared analyzers and analyzer systems. HORIBA has extended infrared gas analyzer technology to the continuous measurement of oil in water for process monitoring and waste water alarm applications. The OCMA oil content analyzers are a unique solution to the problem of continuously and accurately measuring oil content in water; monitoring oil content in boiler water; monitoring process water for hydrocarbon break through; monitoring waste water discharge to meet regulatory requirements. Continuous monitoring meets water pollution control program.Features The OCMA-25 meets water pollution control program requirements. A rugged process-type instrument, the OCMA-25 provides a continuous real time measurement of the oil content in a sample stream. The OCMA-25 system is capable of measuring 0 5, 0 10, 0 20, up to 0100 ppm full scale. The OCMA-25 provides digital display in concentration units, concentration alarm functions, and an isolated 4 20 mA DC output signal.No interference. Based on the principle of solvent extraction and infrared absorptiometry, the OCMA-25 is total-ly insensitive to interferences such as suspended solids, air bubbles, dissolved solids, etc. It is extremely accurate.1. Control unitdigital display2. Solvent reclaimer3. Twin-headed pump4. NDIR analyzer5. Water separation filterSensitive to all oils, the OCMA-25measures oil concentration as those substances which are extracted intofluorochlorocarbon S-316. They are measured at 3.4 microns, which is the major hydrocarbon NDIR absorption band. Both petroleum and vegetable oils may be measured.Fluorochlorocarbon S-316 solvent reclaimer reduces cost. An activated carbon solvent reclaimer is integrated into the OCMA-25 to continuously recover solvent used in the measurement. Fluorochlorocarbon S-316 solvent is recycled in the analyzer. This minimizes solvent loss, insuring less maintenance and less cost.Calibration and cleaning are automatic. The OCMA-25 reduces attended maintenance time. A built-in automatic calibration function for zero and span can be set to automatically reset and span the analyzer from once each hour to once each 24 hours. During the calibration, the sample inlet strainer is cleaned using compressed air supplied by an integral air pump.Six alarm functions are standard. The OCMA-25 is completely equipped with visible L.E.D. alarms. These alarms include: oil concentration alarm, out-of-calibration alarms, filter and solvent failure alarms. The oil concentration alarm is fully adjustable from 0 100% of full-scale. In addition to L.E.D. alarm indication, each alarm condition provides a contact closure rated at 0.5 AMP 110 volts.
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Stack Gas Analyzer System

  • Series ENDA-600
  • Component NOx SO2 CO CO2 O2*1
  • Measurement methods NDIR NDIR NDIR NDIR Magneto-pneumatic detection
  • Linearity ±1.0% of full scale
  • Sample gas flow 2.5 L/min~3.0 L/min
ENDA-600 Series Stack Gas Analyzer System The ENDA-600 Series is a lineup of analyzers for the highly sensitive and accurate measurement of NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, and O2 stack gases emitted from combustion furnaces and the boilers of thermoelectric power plants. The units are capable of the simultaneous and continuous measurement of five different components using only one analysis device. The economical, space-saving, low-maintenance units offer stable monitoring over the long term and are equipped with such standard functions as automatic calibration, calculation, moving average, external confirmation direct output, and self-diagnosis. Offering superior operability and minimal maintenance, the sampling systems have been standardized into six types, including those for monitoring boiler gases, waste incineration, mining, and processing, thereby providing users with a choice of systems that meet the demands of a variety of fields and uses. For example, the ENDA-625 (COO2) is especially suited for stable combustion control and waste incineration plants, which are subject to laws regarding the emission of dioxins.Features A single analysis unit provides continuous, highly accurate monitoring of NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, and O2.A NOxCO2 interferant element sensor provides continuous compensation and accurate NOx monitoring limits the influence of CO2.The units are equipped with an automatic seven-day calibration function (standard) and can be equipped with a 19 day calibration function.A purge controller automatically purges clogs due to dust on a set cycle.The units are equipped with a reagent gas probe that is easy to insert and remove.An independent humidity mechanism minimizes damage due to liquefaction (units for use at waste incinerators, electric power plants, and glass furnaces).There is no alteration to any reagent gas composition, and a dust catcher completely removes SO3.
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ENDA-C2000 Stack Gas Analyzer System

  • Series ENDA-C2000
  • NH3 • Standard: 20 to 100 ppm • Optional: 10 to 20 ppm or less • Range ratio: 10 times, max.
  • Status signals Analyzer error, calibraion error, power failure (or NFB tripped), range indication, calibraiing, under maintenance, upper/lower limit alam (optional), purging (optional), contact capacity DC 125 V, 1A, AC 250 V, 1A resistance load
  • NOX • Standard: 20 to 100 ppm • Optional: 10 to 20 ppm or less • Range ratio: 10 times, max.
  • Drift (NOx analyzer) Zero drift: ±2.0 FS%/week Span drift: ±2.0 FS%/week Provided the ambient temperature change is ±5 °C
ENDA-C2000 Stack Gas Analyzer System The ENDA-C2000 Series is a lineup of units for the continuous monitoring of residual NH3 contained in emissions from ammonia dry method denitrification equipment. Measurement is highly accurate thanks to the use of a new drift-free chemiluminescent analysis (CLA) device. Used in semiconductor fabrication plants, the units are designed to provide a long life. The units are simple to use thanks to such features as an integrated analysis and operating instruments, front-panel operation, and self-diagnosis. The units are well suited for denitration catalyst inspection, controlling NH3 injection volumes, the prevention of ammonium sulfate crystal formation, facilities inspection, and process control. Features The units are equipped with a new drift-free chemiluminescent analysis (CLA) device.The units are capable of a minimum range of 0 ppm10 ppm for NH3 and NOx.The units are equipped with a revolutionary magnetopneumatic method oxygen analysis device that works using oxygens ordinary magnetism.Front-panel operation offers enhanced ease of use.Equipped with numerous functions, such as computer monitoring of analysis conditions, control, data processing, and memory, the units are simple to use and require minimal maintenance.The units are fully equipped with self-diagnostic functions.The units can be configured to meet the needs of a wide range of installation sites.
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ENDA-5000 Series Stack Gas Analysis System

  • Series ENDA-5000
  • NOx 200–5000 ppm (50 ppm– optional)
  • SO2 200–5000 ppm (50 ppm– optional)
  • CO2 5–25 vol%
ENDA-5000 Series Stack Gas Analysis System HORIBA Ltd. has developed a new model of its ENDA-5000 Series stack gas analysis system, which continuously measures the density of NOxSO2CO2COO2 in gases emitted from plants such as garbage incineration plants. The new system has gone on the market on April 20, 2011.Utilizing 3-D CAD spatial design, the new system will be the smallest of its kind in the industry. This downsizing has reduced the restrictions on the location where the system can be set up, as well as improving maintainability and operability. The system also supports network connection, enabling equipment diagnosis and monitoring operations from remote locations. With this new system, HORIBA is aiming at capturing the largest share of the replacement market in Japan and the large-order market in the Asian region, which has a particularly high growth potential.Features Smallest size in the industry half the volume of HORIBAs previous systems. The smaller size considerably reduces restrictions on locations where the system can be set up, creating more free space on the plant site. With the door open, the maintenance space at the front of the system has been increased by 50 cm. Downsizing has also made the system easier to operate.Can be connected to networks (LAN), enabling two-way data transmission. Network connection allows monitoring, equipment diagnosis, software updating, and other operations from remote locations.Enhanced operability and reduced running costs.A touch panel enables all operations to be performed simply by using one finger to select the required operation from the screen menu.The calibration record (15 for each constituent) and the alarm record (up to 56 occurrences) can be checked on screen, enhancing the efficiency of on-site management operations.The SO2 calibration time has been reduced to approx. 3 minutes, one fifth of the previous time. Calibration gas consumption has also been reduced to one fifth of the previous amount.
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