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Etihad Cranes
location DUBAI, United Arab Emirates

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Our Complete range of products are Gantry Cranes AND Semi-Gantry Crane, Paper Mill Cranes, Shipyard Cranes, Waste-To-Energy Cranes and Steel Industry Cranes.

Gantry Cranes AND Semi-Gantry Crane

Gantry Cranes

To provide you with more flexibility, Gantry Cranes come with legs and wheels and can move on runways that are usually on floor level. With high speeds and capacities, Gantry Cranes are ideal for outdoors.

Semi-Gantry Crane

When it is not required to cover the entire width of the workshop, Semi Gantry Crane is the perfect solution. One side of the crane is on a runway at ground level while the other side runs on an elevated runway.
GH Gantry Cranes are a global benchmark.

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Paper Mill Cranes

Used both at the input and output of the paper machine, these cranes also assist in maintenance and the storage of paper rolls.

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Shipyard Cranes

These cranes can be used for carrying out welding works during fabrication, along with handling raw materials, steel blocks or parts of ship.

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Waste-To-Energy Cranes

We start with an extensive study about the dimensions and characteristics of the waste plant, along with its duty cycle and performance. Our technology and experience helps us to find the perfect solution for your waste plant need.

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Steel Industry Cranes

Similar to the steel industry cranes, at times kinematic chains are used along with this crane. The capacity of the crane is dependent on the type of casting concerned. Automation systems are also included in order to streamline the manufacturing process.

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Automotive Gantry Cranes On Wheels

Known for their robustness and ease in use, maintenance and handling, Automotive Gantry Cranes on wheels offers complete autonomy, allowing the movement of loads in all types of industries and applications. This innovative crane offers remarkable results in lifting heavy loads with precision. Available from 10 tons to 400 tons as standard.

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