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location Bangalore, United Arab Emirates

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Our offered Product range includes Clarifiers, Clariflocculator, High Rate Solid Contact Clarifiers, Lamella Clarifier and Tube Settlers.


Fluid Systems Offers a wide range of Clarifiers to suit various clarification applications, from pre-treatment to effluent treatment. Fluid Systems primary clarifiers are designed to receive rawwaste from the incoming stream, after it has been pre-screened to remove large objects and grit. The clarifier reduces the velocity of the water, ensuring that the incoming water is distributed uniformly in a radial manner in all the directions. This also provides maximum setting time causing efficient separation of settled particles from water. Collected particles gradually travel down the through the slope forming sludge. The sludge is scraped of by a scraper bridge provided. The clear water overflows via a launder provided at the top portion.
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Clariflocculator is a combination of flocculation and clarification in a single tank. It has two concentric tanks where inner tank serves as a flocculation basin and the outer tank serves as a clarifier. In the Clariflocculator, the water enters the flocculator, where the flocculating paddles enhance flocculation of the feed solids. As heavy particles settle to the bottom, the liquid flows radially upward in the clarifier zone, . The clarified liquid is discharged over a peripheral weir into the peripheral launder. The deposited sludge is raked to the bottom near the central weir from where it is routed to the sludge chamber and discharged.
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High Rate Solid Contact Clarifiers

Fluid Systems Manufacture a Wide range of custom-built High Rate Solid Contact Clarifier HRSCC in India for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs. The High Rate Solid Contact Clarifier usually called as HRSCC is used mostly wherein the incoming load conditions vary. Much wider range of water qualities can be handled in the HRSCC Clarifier. The principle is based on mixing existing floc with the incoming effluent, to create a dense floc, which can be easily settled down
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Lamella Clarifier

Fluid Systems Lamella Clarifier is a compact, inclined plate type clarifier used for clarification of water & waste water having higher suspended and colloidal particles. The principle is based on settlement of colloidal particles by providing a series of inclined plates, which are arranged to form a separate sedimentation chamber between adjacent plates. The flocculated water enters the Lamella near the bottom section of the plates and flows upward between them. As the water moves upwards, solids settle downward by the plates onto the surface area provided by the plates. Solids continue to slide down the plate surfaces to the collection hopper.
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Tube Settlers

Tube settlers use multiple tubular PVC channels at an angle of 60, adjacent to each other, combined together to form a tube deck, for an increased effective settling area. The flocculated water enters the tube deck from the bottom and flows upward between them. As the water moves upwards, solids settle onto the surface area provided by the tube surface. Heavy Solids continue to slide down the tube surfaces to the collection hopper.
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