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Petrochemicals & Petroleum Products

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Bitumen, Crude Oil, Fuel Oil & Gasoil, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Bitumen 60/70


Asphalt, also known asbitumenis a sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum. It may be found in natural deposits or may be a refined product; it is a substance classed as a pitch. The primary use (70%) of asphalt/bitumen is in road construction, where it is used as the glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other main uses are for bituminous waterproofing products, including production of roofing felt and for sealing flat roofs. Asphalt concrete pavement mixes are typically composed of 5% asphalt/bitumen cement and 95% aggregates (stone, sand, and gravel).

Properties Unit Bitumen 40/50 Bitumen 60/70 Bitumen 85/100 Test Method
Sp. Gr. @25/25°C   1.01/1.06 1.01/1.06 1.00/1.05 ASTM D 70
Penetration @25°C   40/50 60/70 85/100 ASTM D 5762
Softening Point °C 52/60 49/56 45/52 ASTM D 36
Ductility @25°C   100 min 100 min 100 min ASTM D 113
Loss on Heating %Wt 0.2 max 0.2 max 0.5 max ASTM D 6
Drop in Penetration after Heating % 20 max 20 max 20 max ASTM D 6 & ASTM D 5
Flash Point °C 250 min 250 min 225 min ASTM D 92
Solubility in CS2 %Wt 99.5 min 99.5 min 99.5 min ASTM D 4007
Spot Test   Negative Negative 0.2 max AASHO T102
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Crude Oil

Petroleum has mostly been recovered by oil drilling (natural petroleum springs are rare). Drilling is carried out after studies of structural geology (at the reservoir scale), sedimentary basin analysis, and reservoir characterization (mainly in terms of the porosity and permeability of geologic reservoir structures) have been completed. It is refined and separated, most easily by distillation, into a large number of consumer products, from gasoline (petrol) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to make plastics and pharmaceuticals.

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Sp. Gr. 15.6/15.6 °C   0.8488 ASTM D 5002
API Gravity °API 35.21 ASTM D 5002
Sulfur content %Wt 1.69 ASTM D 4294
H2S Content ppm 15 IP 570
Mercaptan Content ppm 243 UOP 163
Nitrogen Content %Wt 0.08 ASTM D 5762
Water & Sediment %Vol <0.05 ASTM D 4007
Water Content %Vol <0.025 ASTM D 4006
Salt Content PTB 4 ASTM D 3230
Kinematic Viscosity @10°C mm²/s 11.02 ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @20°C mm²/s 7.51 ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @40°C mm²/s 4.4 ASTM D 445
Pour Point °C -30 ASTM D 5853
RVP psi 8.5 ASTM D 3230
Asphaltene Content %Wt 1.1 IP 143
Wax Content %Wt 6.7 BP 237
Drop Melting Point of Wax °C 52 IP 133
CCR %Wt 3.4 ASTM D 189
Total Acid Number mgKOH/g <0.05 UOP 163
Nickel Content ppm 5 ASTM D 5863
Vanadium Content ppm 11 ASTM D 5863
Iron Content ppm 1 ASTM D 5863
Lead Content ppm <1 ASTM D 5863
Sodium Content ppm 3 ASTM D 5863
Zinc Content ppm <1 ASTM D 5863
Copper Content ppm <1 ASTM D 5863

Iran Heavy Crude Oil

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Sp. Gr. 15.6/15.6 °C   0.8592 ASTM D 5002
API Gravity °API 33.19 ASTM D 5002
Sulfur content %Wt 1.98 ASTM D 4294
H2S Content ppm 18 IP 570
Mercaptan Content ppm 25 UOP 163
Nitrogen Content %Wt 0.13 ASTM D 5762
Water & Sediment %Vol <0.05 ASTM D 4007
Water Content %Vol <0.025 ASTM D 4006
Salt Content PTB 10 ASTM D 3230
Kinematic Viscosity @10°C mm²/s 16.4 ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @20°C mm²/s 9.59 ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @40°C mm²/s 5.58 ASTM D 445
Pour Point °C -24 ASTM D 5853
RVP psi 9.8 ASTM D 3230
Asphaltene Content %Wt 1.5 IP 143
Wax Content %Wt 5.5 BP 237
Drop Melting Point of Wax °C 55 IP 133
CCR %Wt 3.81 ASTM D 189
Total Acid Number mgKOH/g <0.05 UOP 163
Nickel Content ppm 12 ASTM D 5863
Vanadium Content ppm 37 ASTM D 5863
Iron Content ppm 1 ASTM D 5863
Lead Content ppm <1 ASTM D 5863
Sodium Content ppm 7 ASTM D 5863
Zinc Content ppm <1 ASTM D 5863
Copper Content ppm <1 ASTM D 5863

Iraq Light Crude Oil

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Density at 15°C kg/L 0.9011 ASTM D 1298
API Gravity at 60f  °API 25.44 ASTM D 287
Water by Distillation %Vol 0.05 ASTM D 4006
Sediment by Extraction %Wt 0.015 ASTM D 473
Sulfur %Wt 3.705 IP336
Pour Point °C   ASTM D5853
Salt Content lb/1000bbl 4.6 ASTM D3230
Water KF %Wt 1053 ASTM D4928
H2S Content ppm 0.63 UOP 163
Acidity mgKOH/g 0.075 ASTM D664
Mercaptan Sulfur ppm 88.9 ASTM D3227
Kinematic Viscosity at 50°C cSt 11.5581 ASTM D445
Asphalthenes %Wt 5.5 IP143
IBP °C 48 ASTM D86
Distillation at 5% °C 82 ASTM D86
Distillation at 10% °C 108 ASTM D86
Distillation at 20% °C 169 ASTM D86
Distillation at 30% °C 231 ASTM D86
Distillation at 40% °C 282 ASTM D86
Distillation at 50% °C 317 ASTM D86
Distillation at 60% °C 332 ASTM D86
Distillation at 70% °C 339 ASTM D86
Distillation at 80% °C 350 ASTM D86
Distillation at 89% °C 353 ASTM D86
FBP °C 355 ASTM D86

Iraq Heavy Crude Oil Assays

Properties Unit T-1A T-2 T-4 Test Method
Density @15°C kg/L 0.9097 0.9153 0.9135 ASTM D 5002
Sp. Gr. @ 15.6/15.6°C   0.9102 0.9158 0.914 Conversion
API Gr. @15.6°C °API 23.96 23.01 23.31 Calculated
Sulfur Content %Wt 3.34 3.34 3.25 ASTM D 4294
Carbon Residue, Micro %Wt 7.65 8.31 8.74 ASTM D 4530
Bottom Sediment & Water %Vol 0.1 1.35 0.6 ASTM D 4007
Salt as NaCl mg/L 5.04 15 6.3 ASTM D 3230
Ash Content @550°C %Wt 0.013 0.049 0.012 ASTM D 482
Total Nitrogen ppm 0.14   0.13 ASTM D 5762-01
Copper ppm <1 <1 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Iron ppm 1 1 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Nickel ppm 12 13 12 IP 501 (Mod.)
Vanadium ppm 36 37 36 IP 501 (Mod.)
Lead ppm <1 <1 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Chromium ppm <1 <1 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Zinc ppm <1 1 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Calcium ppm 5 63 1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Magnesium ppm 1 <1 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Sodium ppm 1 5 <1 IP 501 (Mod.)
Total Acid Number mgKOH/g 0.302 0.026 0.748 ASTM D 664
Vapor Pressure (DVPE) kPa 11.2 20.7 6.6 ASTM D 5191
Pour Point (max/Upper) °C -39 -24 < -42 ASTM D 5853
Pour Point (min/Upper) °C < -42   < -42 ASTM D 5853
Flash Point °C < -5 < -5 < -5 ASTM D 93 (Mod.)
Asphaltenes %Wt 5.2 4.82 5.5 ASTM D 3279
Wax Content %Wt   0.5 0.7 max UOP 46
Kinematic Viscosity @26.7°C cSt 31.03 40.11 31.97 ASTM D 445
Kinematic Viscosity @37.8°C cSt 19.32 25.09 19.55 ASTM D 446
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Fuel Oil & Gasoil

Fuel Oil & Gasoil

Fuel oil, (also known as marine fuel or heavy oil) is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid fuel that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the generation of heat or used in an engine for the generation of power, except oils having a flash point of approximately 40C (104F) and oils burned in cotton or wool-wick burners. In this sense, diesel is a type of fuel oil. Fuel oil is made of long hydrocarbon chains, particularly alkanes, cycloalkanes and aromatics. The termfuel oilis also used in a stricter sense to refer only to the heaviest commercial fuel that can be obtained from crude oil, i.e., heavier than gasoline and naphtha.

Oil has many uses; it heats homes and businesses and fuels trucks, ships and some cars. A small amount of electricity is produced by diesel, but it is more polluting and more expensive than natural gas. It is often used as a backup fuel for peaking power plants in case the supply of natural gas is interrupted or as the main fuel for small electrical generators.

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Density at 15°C kg/L 0.950 MAX ASTM D1298/12
Kinematic Viscosity at 50°C cSt 150 MAX ASTM D445/15
Flash Point °C 150 MAX ASTM D93/15
Water Content % (V/M) 0.5 MAX ASTM D95/13
Sulfur Content %Wt 2 MAX ASTM D4294/16
Vanadium ppm 10 MAX IP 470/05
Aluminum ppm 15 MAX IP 470/05
Calcium ppm 70 MAX IP 470/05
Silicon ppm 15 MAX IP 470/05
Zinc ppm 10 MAX IP 470/05
Nickel ppm 15 MAX IP 470/05
Sodium ppm 100 MAX IP 470/05

Cracked Fuel Oil (CFO)

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Flash Point °C 80 Min. ASTM D 93
Viscosity@100°C cSt 3-15 ASTM D 88
Specific gravity@15°C   1.01-1.06 ASTM D 1298
Ash ppm (wt) 150 Max. ASTM D 482
Sulfur %Wt 0.5 Max. ASTM D 5453
Carbon Content %Wt 80 Min. ASTM D 5291

Fuel Oil 280 CST

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Density at 15°C kg/m³ 970 max ASTM D 1298
Kinematic Viscosity @50°C cSt 280 max ASTM D 445
Redwood Viscosity @ 37.8°C Rsecs 2500 max Calculated
Pour Point °C 24 min ASTM D 97
Flash Point °C 65 max ASTM D 93
Sulfur Content %Wt 3.5 max ASTM D 1552
CCR %Wt 15 max ASTM D 189
Ash %Wt 0.05 max ASTM D 482
Water & Sediment %Vol 0.5 max ASTM D 1796
Calorific Value (Higher) Mj/kg 41.8 min Calculated

Fuel Oil 380 CST

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Density at 15°C kg/m³ 990 max ASTM D 1298
Kinematic Viscosity @50°C cSt 380 max ASTM D 445
Pour Point °C 32 max ASTM D 97
Flash Point °C 65 min ASTM D 93
Sulfur Content %Wt 3.5 max ASTM D 1552
CCR %Wt 15 max ASTM D 189
Ash %Wt 0.15 max ASTM D 482
Water & Sediment %Vol 1 max ASTM D 1796
Calorific Value (Higher) Mj/kg 41.7 min Calculated


Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Color   2 max ASTM D 1500
Cloud Point °C Report ASTM D 2500 or 5773
Cold Filter Plug Point °C Report ASTM D 6371/ IP 909
Cetane Index   50 ASTM D 4737
Cetane Number   55 ASTM D 613
Carbon Residue %Wt 0.2 ASTM D 4530
Particular Contaminates mg/L 20 max ASTM D 6217
Ash Content %Wt 0.01 max ASTM D 482
Appearance   Clear Visual
Acidity   0.1 nil ASTM D 974
Copper Corrosion   1 max ASTM D 130
Density @15°C kg/L 0.82-0.845 ASTM D 1298 or 4052
Distillation @90% recovery °C 357 ASTM D 88
Filter Plugging Tendency   1.4 ASTM D 2088
Flash Point PMCC °C 54-62 ASTM D 93
Pour Point °C 0 ASTM D 5948
Total Aromatics %Wt 10 ASTM D 5186
Sulfur Content %Wt 0.7 max ASTM D 4294
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Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

LPGhas a very wide variety of uses, mainly used for cylinders across many different markets as an efficient fuel container in the agricultural, recreation, hospitality, calefaction, construction, sailing and fishing sectors. It can serve as fuel for cooking, central heating and to water heating and is a particularly cost-effective and efficient way to heat off-grid homes. In the safety font LPG cylinders must be updated to new standards in safety and user experience, giving a huge contribution for domestic usage. It can be used for cooking, rural heating, motor fuel and refrigeration.

Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Sp. Gr. 15.6/15.6°C   To be Reported ASTM D 2598
Vapor pressure @37.8°C psig 200 max ASTM D 1267  or D 2598
Propane Content %Vol 96 min ASTM D 2163
Ethane Content %Vol 2 max ASTM D 2163
Volatile Residue (Butane+) %Vol 2.5 max ASTM D 2163
Residue on evaporation of 100ml   0.05 max ASTM D 2158
Oil stain observation   Pass ASTM D 2158
Copper corrosion   No. 1 strip ASTM D 1838
Sulfur content (ppm) ppm 40 max ASTM D 1266 or D 5453
H2S Content   Negative ASTM D 2420 or IP 103
Moisture   Pass ASTM D 2713 or D 1744


Properties Unit Specification Test Method
Sp. Gr. 15.6/15.6°C   To be Reported ASTM D 2598
Vapor pressure @37.8°C psig 70 max ASTM D 1267  or D 2598
Butane Content %Vol 95 min ASTM D 2163
Volatile Residue (Pentane+) %Vol 2 max ASTM D 2163
Copper corrosion   No. 1 strip ASTM D 1838
Sulfur content (ppm) ppm 80 max ASTM D 1266 or D 5453
H2S Content   Negative ASTM D 2420
Moisture   None Visual
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Bitumen 60/70

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 20 Metric Ton
  • Penetration 60/70
We are Gem Polymer Petrochemicals L.L.C having Our Corporate Office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. We are Manufacturers of bitumen having our plant in iran.

Additional Information:

Payment Terms : L/C, T/T

Packaging Details : New Steel Drums 180 +/- 5kg Packaging

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