We offer a complete product range of Nickel Azo Gold paint, Light Magenta color, Medium Violet color and Smalt Hue Transparent color
Nickel Azo Gold Paint
Pigment ClassificationSynthetic Organic (Mixture)
Color Index NamePO 48 / PY150
Color Index Number73900/73920 / 12764
We've added Quinacridone Gold to Nickel Azo Yellow to accelerate the amber tones seen in glazes and make this one of our most popular transparent colors for that purpose. (Series 7)
Essentially a lighter tint of Quinacridone Magenta, it is a convenient color for artists who want to mix and paint in the pastel color range. (Series 2)
Transparent color originally made from ground cobalt glass and used in 16th and 17th century European paintings in place of Ultramarine. Historically Smalt loses color over time, but this modern formula offers a classic deep blue that is permanent. (Series 1)