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Green Water Treatment Solutions
location Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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Our Product / Services

  1. Industrial Chemicals

    2 Products available
  2. Water Treatment & Purification Plant

    2 Products available
  3. Testing Equipments

    1 Products available
  4. Reverse Osmosis Plant

    1 Products available
  5. Plant Maintenance Service

    1 Products available
  6. Material Testing Labs & Services

    1 Services available
  7. Others Products / Services 3 Products / Services available

Products / Services

Leading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Cooling Tower Treatment, Sea Water Treatment and Control Equipments.

Industrial Reverse Osmosis System

Green WTS offer a wide range of RO water purification systems that works on membrane desalination process. This process is being popularly used in purifies brackish/high TDS water for drinking and industrial purposes.

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Wastewater Treatment Plants

  • We have successfully installed and commissioned Packed mineral water plants in various location, it generate huge volume of water every day. Depends on the requirement, plant can e designed and installed in the location on time with good quality.
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Chiller Water Treatment


developed to manage the problems associated with hard water, specifically hardness salts and the formation of scale across a wide range of commercial, industrial and process environments.


Applicable for commercial cleaning, industrial and process water treatment activities where the active control of microbiological activity in water and on hard surfaces. Typical application include cooling tower, chilled water, drilling applications and any other requirements where water is susceptible for microbial attack.

Corrosion inhibitors

They help manage and control the unwanted problems associated with harsh, corrosive environments that often develop within industrial and process systems.

Multifunctional additives

These multifunctionals have been developed as a high technology replacement for multiple chemical addition in industrial and process applications including water cooling systems, cooling towers, condenser and compressor systems and heat exchangers.

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Water Treatment Chemicals

Global access to clean potable water as well as the improvement of the environment by managing wastewater effluent is significant challenges for governments and the water industry alike. With the ever-increasing trend towards more demanding legislation coupled with the need for higher plant efficiency and quality, the time has come to employ intelligent solutions, innovative technologies and new strategies in engineering, plant building and operations.:

Green WTS water Treatment Company is your experienced partner for automation in water and wastewater treatment. We work with our customers to improve plant reliability and optimize energy expenditure, materials and maintenance. We can provide support during the construction of new plants and the expansion or modernization of existing sewage treatment plants and drinking water treatment plants as a service partner of integral automation solutions. In addition to remote control-based data transmission, O2 and variable pressure controllers, sludge treatment, and other water-specific processes, well-engineered migration strategies in connection with a comprehensive knowledge of a large variety of systems ensure smooth reconnection during operation as well as an enhanced level of functionality

  • Online Sensor for conductivity, flow, PH/ORP.
  • Microprocessor based digital meter for measuring and giving control output for flow, PH, ORP, conductivity.
  • Microprocessor based control panel for RO plants. (Reverse osmosis plant)
  • Control panels for ultrafiltration.
  • Switches for automation like level switches, pressure switches and flow switches.
  • Analytically product range of hardness test kit and SDI kit. (Silt Density Index
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Waste Water Treatment

Whether you are a small or large-scale commercial facility management company, business owner, commercial or industrial user, Green WTS waste water solutions are designed to meet your needs.
Green WTS manufactures and supplies new generation wastewater treatment plants, from small domestic to large-scale modular systems. Our bespoke solutions are tailored to your exact requirements and will effortlessly deal with all your wastewater demands, while our cutting-edge, environment-friendly, legislation-compliant solutions that are simple to install, easy to live with and economical to maintain.

  • Domestic our package plants are pre-designed for use in domestic properties, from single dwellings, massive accomodation camps to multi satelite cities.
  • Commercial our bespoke solutions are designed to meet the needs of commercial developments.
  • Industrial we will design and manufacture waste water systems that answers your specification, no matter how demanding or how large the throughput.
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DM Plants

Ion exchange technology is used to remove salts (cations and anions) from the water Soluble chemical compounds, when dissolved in water, become ionized; that is their molecules dissociate into positively and negatively charged components called ions.

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Mineral Water Plants

Green WTS pioneer of manufacturing and delivering diffrent type mineral water plants to honorable clients. Our bottled water processing plants is made with advanced technology and modern machinery in strict compliance with the international quality standards. These water plants are widely used all over the market and have great performance.

Our range includes water treatment including:
  • Pre-treatment
  • Reverse osmosis or distillation
  • Bottle washers
  • Fillers
  • Cappers
  • Case-packers
  • Shrink-wrappers
  • Blow molding equipment
  • Salient features of bottled processing plant
  • Reliable performance
  • High pressure pump
  • Advanced technology
  • Strong and sturdy
  • Durable
  • Avoids secondary pollution
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Sewage Treatment

Sewage Water Treatment Plant is one of the feasible and cost effective ways to reuse treated sewage. Our new generation advanced Sewage Treatment Plant effectively removes the varied contaminants from the sewage water. Our Plant is manufactured with higher engineering standards, industry best practice guidelines and strict quality control regime.

  • STP is the process of removing contaminants from waste water, both run off (effluents) and domestic.
  • It includes physical, chemical and biological process.
  • To remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants.
  • Its objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse back into the environment.
  • This material is after inadvertently contaminated with many toxic organic and in organic compounds.
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Boiler Water Treatment

Corrosion inhibitors

Specialty chemicals which focus on reducing the detrimental effects of corrosion on plant and equipment, helping to reduce down-time and improve operational efficiency by offering readymade solutions to the problems associated with such corrosive environments.

Multifunctional additives

These multifunctional have been specifically developed to be used across a range of industrial and process applications and offer combined performance benefits.

Oxygen scavengers

These specialty additives focus on improving the operational efficiency of steam boilers, industrial boilers and process systems by offering readymade solutions to the problems caused as a result of oxygen associated corrosion.

Condensate line protection

These treatment products have been developed to be used across a range of steam boiler, industrial and process applications.

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Cooling Tower Treatment


For effective management and maintenance of cooling towers, tower equipment and cooling installations.

Biocides - non-oxidising

Our high performance non-oxidising biocides have been designed for industrial, commercial and process applications where the effective control of microbiological activity is essential.

Biocides - oxidising

Specifically designed oxidising biosides cater to the needs of disinfection and microbial activity inhibition in residential and pottable water sector.


Effective cleaning of cooling tower equipment and installations, particularily where the effective control of microbiological activity is essential.

CIP tower pack cleaning system

Based on the use of a unique foaming chlorine dioxide (stabilised) system.

Scale and corrosion inhibitors

Developed to manage the problems associated with system corrosion and the unwanted formation of scale in cooling tower water systems.

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EVAPORATOR TREATMENT is a concentrated chemical compound consisting of polymer electrolytes and antifoam additives. It is used in evaporators in order to prevent scale buildup. Furthermore, acts as an antifoam agent.

Advantages and Characteristics:
  • Can be applied to all evaporators.
  • Improves the quality of distilled water.
  • Protects against scale formation.
  • Acts as a foam eliminator.
  • Easy to apply and use.
  • Cost effective due to its concentrated state.
Physical Properties:

EVAPORATOR TREATMENT is a homogeneous, incombustible, noncorrosive and of a low molecular weight. It is stable at high temperatures whilst acting as an efficacious diffuser. It is important to note that EVAPORATOR TREATMENT does not contain Ammonia or Phosphate.

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Sea Water Treatment


CLOG-CONTROL is a highly effective, aminebasedbiocide, used for treating and inhibiting the growth of living organisms both micro and macro which cause the problems of biological fouling, within sea cooling water systems. Biological fouling is the formation of a biofilm on the internal surfaces of the cooling system that are in contact with water. This biofilm consists of a layer of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae. In case that there is no control of the biological fouling, the biofilm that results from such growth can plug the pump equipment, block pipelines and coat heat transfer surfaces with layers of slime. Biological fouling of the cooling system leads to improper operation and the reduction in the efficiency of the affected equipment. CLOG-CONTROL consists of specific amine biocides, which prevent and inhibit the living micro organisms such as, bacteria, fungi and macro organisms such as barnacles, mussels and clams. At the same time it protects the seawater systems from corrosion. CLOG-CONTROL can be used in a wide range of applications on board and is suitable for use in all seawater cooling lines, seawater intakes, trimming tanks, ballast tanks etc.

Advantages and Characteristics:
  • Effectively prevents the formation of marine biofilm in seawater systems and inhibits the growth of living micro and macroorganisms.
  • Protects the system from seawater corrosion, leaving an amine protective film on the metalsurfaces.
  • Removes the biofilm, caused by microorganisms, on heat exchangers, which acts as insulating barrier therefore increasing the thermal conductivity.
  • Does not consist of strong oxidant materials such as Chlorine and Bromine biocides.
  • Maintains heat transfer in the system.
  • Non toxic, noncorrosive and fully biodegradable.
  • No known effect on rubber or plastic compounds.
  • Cost effective, easy to apply and use.
Physical Properties:

CLOG-CONTROL consists of specific amine biocides and is a non toxic, noncorrosive and fully biodegradable product.

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Water Testing Analysis Equipment

Green WTS offer an extensive range of high performance water testing and analysing kits and water quality analysis equipment designed and manufactured to the highest international quality standards for guaranteed performance.

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Control Equipments

Green WTS extensive range of high performance chemical dosing pumps, meters and control equipment are manufactured to the highest quality standards and are now used extensively in a wide range of demanding manufacturing, industrial and process applications where reliability, accuracy, and long term performance are essential.

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