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Water Treatment Accessories
2 Products availableWater Treatment & Purification Plant
2 Products availableElectronic Filter
1 Products availableSeparating Machines
1 Products availableClarifier
1 Products availableCleaning Machines & Equipments
1 Products availableIndustrial & Engineering Products
1 Products availableSeparators & Strainers
1 Products availableChemical Reactors & Process Tanks
1 Products availableOur product range contains a wide range of Circular Grit Traps, Equipment in Stainless Steel, Complete Plants, Grit Washing Plants and Mechanical Screens and Mechanical Fine Screens
Based on the ROTAMAT principle "screening washing transport dewatering in one unit" a complete ROTAMAT family was developed and successfully launched onto the worldwide wastewater treatment market.
All ROTAMAT screens work according to the unique and patented system that has been sold for more than a thousand installations worldwide. Depending on the screen size and bar spacing throughputs of up to approx. 3000 l/s (10, 800 m/h) per unit can be achieved. The screens can be installed intoeithera channel ortank. They are space-saving as they combine several functions - screenings separation, washing, transport and dewatering - in one system.
The machines are completely made of stainless steel. Their unique principle ensures maximum separation efficiencies and maximum throughput.
HUBER provides complete systems and processes for septic sludge treatment and septage receiving stations. Our equipment, as proven during many years of experience, is especially suited for septic sludge treatment.
Hundreds of HUBER plants for septic sludge treatment have been installed worldwide. Septic sludge is typically delivered in tanker vehicles. Depending on the size of the WWTP, it may be pumped into a balancing tank from where it iscontinuously fed to the plant. Direct feeding without prior balancing is possible at larger plants.
In any case, removal of coarse material, such as hygienic products, plastic material, etc., from the septic sludge is necessary.
For the reason of operating reliability of wastewater treatment plants it is necessary to separate the grit transported with the wastewater and other mineral materials (approx. 60 l / 1000 m of wastewater) from the digestible organic material.
Circular and vortex grit traps separate the grit from the wastewater with centrifugal force.
Plants for the sewerage system for treatment of
Advanced combined and stormwater treatment in municipal combined sewers is a main issue with regard to sustainable environmental and water protection. HUBER offers reliable solutions for a lot of problematic situations in combined and stormwater sewers: Solids retention, constant design retention level, overflow measurement and cleaning of stormwater retention tanks.
Innovative stainless steel products for
HUBER stainless steel products are the best solution for water and wastewater treatment applications - municipal and industrial. So, you should choose a material that satisfies the highest needs:
The HUBER Active Carbon Filter CONTIFLOWGAK removes micropollutants from the wastewater flow. The system uses granulated active carbon and is installed downstream of the secondary clarifier. An important advantage of the HUBER Active Carbon Filter CONTIFLOW GAC is that it has no influence on existing process-engineering systems on the sewage treatment plant and can be optimised further by adding a sandfilter or an upstream ozonisation plant.
The HUBER Active Carbon Filter CONTIFLOWGAK is a deep-bed type upflow filter. The system is highly efficient as no shutdowns for backwash cycles are necessary for the active carbon washing process.
As the influent flows from the bottom upward through the active carbon bed, the solid particles contained within the influent are retained in the filter layer and micropollutants are adsorbed on the large inner surface of the active carbon. The decisive factor for the second process is the residence time of the inflow in the active carbon bed.
The clear filtrate exits over a weir at the top of the filter. The active carbon bed, along with the accumulated solids, is drawn downward to the trough bottom into the airlift pipe, which is located in the centre of the filter. The airlift transports the mix upwards to the active carbon washer. Inside the washer, the solids are separated from the active carbon with a small portion of the filtrate flow. The active carbon is free of solids but still contaminated with micropollutants when it falls through to the filter bed so that an internal active carbon cycle is created. As the filter operation continues more and more micropollutants are adsorbed on the inner surface of the carbon.
For reasons of operational safety the first step of sewage treatment works is generally mechanical wastewater pre-treatment to prevent operational problems, such as blockages, wear, or silting.
Complete wastewater pre-treatment includes:
Huber offers reliable and innovative solutions for advanced wastewater treatment by means offiltration, active carbon filtrationandmicro-screening. This leads to a significant effluent quality improvement by addition of following treatment stages - for biologically treated wastewaster and also for raw wastewater:
Filtration of biologically treated wastewater serves for removal of suspended solids (suspensa) remaining in clarifier effluents. Such suspensa contain about 50 % carbon, almost 10 % nitrogen and over 1 % phosphorus.Around 1 mg/L (ppm) of phosphorus remain in the effluent, even if the biological treatment stage is designed for enhanced biological phosphorus removal and/or chemical phosphorus precipitation. Subsequent filtration is necessary where stringent phosphorus limits must be reliably maintained.
Micro-screening is also possible for the treatment of raw wastewater that is discharged into the sea of large rivers. Thereby almost all solids and, if required, also phosphates are removed
The grit / water mixture flows either by means of a pump or by gravity into the vortex chamber where a rotary motion is induced. An automatic air intake takes place through the centrically located drilling hole on the vortex chamber.
In grit washing plants the organics are separated from the mineral particles.
After removal of the organic material in our grit washers the clean grit is removed through a classifying screw, statically dewatered and discharged into a container.
Process water is needed in many production processes as a solvent, for production of material, or for cleaning purposes. Water is recirculated and reused for economical and environmental reasons. Grease, oil, fat, floating and suspended solids, settling material, and dissolved components need to be separated to provide good and uniform water quality. Recovery of valuable product from the water may be another additional objective. In addition, clogging and excessive wear of pipelines and other associated equipment is prevented, which increases the operating reliability of the production plant.
Where used process water is discharged as wastewater, pre-treatment is often required to prevent toxic or otherwise harmful substances from entering the sewer system and reduce thus surcharges and fees. Conventional gravity clarifiers are often incapable to achieve sufficient pre-treatment. Various types of flotation processes have been developed, whereof dissolved air flotation with pressure water recirculation has proven most effective.
The HUBER Dissolved Air Flotation Plant provides a significantly improved flotation process with a special inlet structure that provides optimum control of the flow within the flotation tan
More efficient membrane bioreactors for biological wastewater treatment
Activated sludge treatment in membrane bioreactors (MBRs) is an especially compact and efficient method of biological wastewater purification. Membrane bioreactors are applied where plants must be very compact due to lack of space and/or where a very high effluent quality is required as the treated water is discharged to highly sensitive watercourses or waterbodies, or is reused as service water, e. g. for irrigation.
With this treatment method the activated sludge is not separated in the secondary clarifier and returned but is retained in the aeration tank by membrane filteIncreasing hydraulic loads, insufficient tank depth and the poor settling behaviour of activated sludge are the most frequent reasons why wastewater treatment plants are unable to reliably meet todays minimum requirements on solids retention in the outlet. The increased loads of COD, BOD, nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluent will finally result in higher wastewater fees and increase the load of oxygen-consuming substances in receiving watercourses. Especially the accumulation of the nutrients phosphate and nitrate in surface waters can lead to eutrophication, growth of algae and water plants, oxygen depletion, and to fish dying and death of other water animals.
A downstream micro screen is a quick, efficient and economical solution in order to achieve a virtually solids-free effluent and eliminate oxygen-consuming substances.
rs. Biomass concentration in the aeration tank is increased three to fourfold, tank sizes are therefore accordingly small.
The effluent from the membranes (the 'permeate') is solids-free. Our ultrafiltration membranes retain even all bacteria so that the effluent is free of germs (disinfected).
The quality of the permeate from our membrane filters meets the EC standards for bathing waters. Our membrane filters are California Title 22 certified.
Wastewater contains thermal energy, and we can recover some of this energy with heat pumps.
With ourHUBER ThermWin systemfor heat recovery from sewage we withdraw sewage from the sewer, screen it, pump it through above-ground Heat Exchangers, and then return it back into the sewer.
Because we screen and pump the sewage, we can usecompact and cost-effective heat exchangers, wherein we generate a well-defined and turbulent flow for efficient heat transfer.
For screening we use a vertical screw screenHUBER Pumping Stations Screen ROTAMAT RoK4that is compact and lifts the screening through its vertical auger. Returned sewage flushed the lifted screenings over a chute back into the sewer.
Mechanical treatment is indispensable as the first process step of preliminary treatment of wastewater, both for STP inlets and other fields of application, such as process water treatment.
Disturbing coarse material has to be removed in order to protect the subsequent steps against damage/pollution or to relieve them. It is the goal to completely separate floating, settling and suspended material, depending on the bar spacing, and remove the material prior to discharging it into a container.
The hygienic conditions, operation safety and the fact that there are nearly any maintenance works are factors becoming more and more important.
For municipal STPs an additional screenings washing is recommendable as regards the denitrification, in order to lead the soluble organics again to biological treatment.