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We offer the best product range of Stress Frelyte, phytocare and Algaefix.

Cleanex Messfree Poultry Feeds

Cleanex Messfree is designed with two special formulations for effective function and efficacy. Messfree I : The product is basically an agglomeration of oxidative chemicals that can change the toxic ammonia to ionized state. Different types of oxides are amalgamated in a specific proportion and are mixed to achieve homoginisation. The product is in powder form and has a bulk density of 0.65. The product is non-toxic, non-hazardous and no side effects on biological organisms. Messfree II : It is a special mixture of different beneficial microbes having functional properties as ammonia convertor, Fibre convertor, Hydrogen sulphide transformer, mercaptans convertor and fly controler. Benefits:Release of ammonia into surrounding atmosphere is prevented.Reduces the moisture or water holding capacity of the litter.Foul odours of hydrogen sulphide are eliminated.House fly population is remarkably reduced.Value added litter with enhanced nitrogen is produced.Birds health and performance improves.Starch and fibres present in the litter are also fermented and the bye-products help in bringing up the gap of C : N. etc.Proteins present in the wastage are also converted into available nitrogen.Pathogens like E-Coli, salmonella, compylo bacter etc are controlled.The Consortium of micro organisms helps in rapid composting of litter.Lowers the stress to the animals.Reduces the incidences of coryza, CRD, E-Coli etc.
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Stress Frelyte

Each 100ml. containsSodium chloride : 1.0 gm.Calcium lactate : 1.2 gm.Calcium gluconate : 1.2 gm.Sodium bicarbonates : 3.0 gm.Sodium citrate : Sodium citrateAscorbic acid : 1.0 gm.Potassium chloride : 3.0 gm.Protein hydrolysate : 1.0 gm.Magnesium sulphate : 1.0 gm.Elemental sodium : 3.0 gm.Elemental potassium : 2.5 gm.Dextros monohydrate : 60 gm.Carrier : Q.S. Benefits: Neutralises the electrolyte imbalances & provides strength.Can be used as supportive therapy during anti biotic treatment.Best suitable alternative in summer to avoid dehydration.Dosage: 5-7 daysPOULTRY: 1 gm. 1 litre drinking waterLIVESTOCK: Calves sheep dog : 20 gm. animal dayLarge animals : 100 gm. animal day or as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation:200 gm, 500 gm, 1 Kg. plastic containers
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enefits:Releases phytate bound phosphorus from plant feed stuffs in the poultry feed ration.Improves mineral and protein utilization.Increases phosphorus availability of the feed and reduces the addition ofDCP.Releases minerals for assimilation.Higher growth rate and extra body weights seen in broilers .More egg production with more thickness of egg shells seen.Prevents leg weakness and other phosphorus deficiency related symptoms or disorders. Dosage: 150-200 gm. ton of feed 25 grams of phoscare 2500 should be used to replace every kg. of DCP with due correction of calcium. DCP replacement with phytase should be planned with careful consideration of fish, SFC and DORB contents of feed, age and phosphorus requirements of birds. Avoid over dosing or under dosing. Proper mixing of feed and Phoscare-2500 also very very important for better results. Always keep the phoscare 2500 in air tight containers after usage.
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Di Calcium Phosphate

  • Apperance White colored granular
  • Bulk density : 0.1 - 2mm 95%
  • Dioxin : 10ng /kg
  • Mercury (Hg) : < 0.1 ppm
  • Arsenic (As) : < 10 ppm
Product obtained by reaction of a calcium source with purified feed grade phosphoric acid. Phosphrous(P) : 18%Solubility in critic acid : 95%Calcium(Ca) : 23%For Local suppliers, we offer HDPE Laminated Paper Bags of 25 Kgs. net weight.Solutions can be offered in 210 Kgs. HDPE Drums.
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Geezyme-FS Poultry Feeds

Amylase, protease, lipase, alpha-galactosidase, beta-galactosidase, xylanase, cellulase, pectinase, glucanase and phytase in suitable proportions.Degrades and digests non starch poly saccharides and other anti nutritional factors.Nutrients in the feed utilised perfectly and completely.Manure quality improves and very less environmental pollution.Ammonia formation in the gut is minimised. Benefits: Feed value is increased with even less cost or less nutritive value ingredients.Better FCR and optimum feed consumption.Provides extra energy, extra utilisation of nutrients.Reduces wet droppings.Birds become very healthy and active.Dosage: Poultry Feed:500 gms.ton of feed. continously (or) as advised by a poultry consultant. Presentation: 1kg. pouch, 25 kg. plastic drum
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Microb Con

Beneficial microbial concentration alternative to antibiotics CompositionSpecial selective microbial cultures having functional properties of protecting microflora, stimulation of anti body production and stress relief. The main bacterial cultures incorporated are bacillus subtillis, bacillus lincheniformis, bacillus coagulans, saccharomyces cervisiae, saccharomyces boulardi, lactobacillus acidophillus. Strength: Minimum 2 billion cfu per gram.In water : 3gms 100 birds daily or 2 days in a week.In feed : 100 gms ton of feed daily. Benefits: Arrests the growth of pathogenic microbes in the gut and reduces the incidence of bacterial infections like E-coli, salmonella etc.Prevents bacterial infections in chicks, growers and broilers.Stimulates antibody productions and helps vaccines to function well.Improves disease resistance.Acts as best anti stress agent.Helps for betterFCRby better digestion and absorption of nutrients.More survivals seen in flock than normal. Presentation: Water soluble : 500 gms. containerFeed grade : 1kg. pouches.
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Vitamin B Supplement

Composition: Each kg. containsVitamin B12 : 100 mg.Elemental cobalt : 100 mg.Cooked proteins : 10 mg.Benefits: Continuous use of vitamin B -FS :Improves egg production &egg quality in layers.Increase growth&body weights in broilers.Improves the total performance of the breeders including hatchability and fertility.Corrects metabolic disorders &improves health and performance. Dosage: For continuous use :Layers : 100 gm. ton of feed.Broilers : 150 gm. ton of feed.Breeders : 200 gm. ton of feed.or as advised by a veterinarian. Presentation: 5kg. pouch, 25 kg. bag
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Composition:Elemental Copper : 10%Natural fungicides : Q.S. Benefits:Eradicates excess algal growths.Avoids foul adours in the ponds.Helps to control protozoan infections.Acts as pond sanitizer.Dosage: 1mtr. water depth.2-3 Ltrs. per hectare (or) as advised by an aqua consultant. Presentation: 1 Ltr., 5 Ltrs., 20 Ltrs.
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