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L&T Valves Limited
location Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

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Industrial Valves

Our product range contains a wide range of Double Block & Bleed Plug Valves, Globe Valves, Check Valves, Triple-offset Butterfly Valves and Aquaseal Elastomer-lined Butterfly Valves

Double Block & Bleed Plug Valves

  • Size 2" to 42" (50 mm to 1050 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 600
  • Design Standard API 6D
Beyond Standards:
  • Design complies to API 6D
  • Valves offered with API 6D monogram
  • Fugitive emissions Complies to ISO 15848-1
  • Fire safety - Complies to API 607/ ISO 10497
  • CE Marking - Meets requirements of Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, Annexure III, Module H
  • PED Module B1 Design examination certificate (certified by DNV) available
  • Atex - Meets requirements of Atex Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX), category 2 non-electrical equipment
  • SIL3 - Safety Integrity Level SIL3 certification complies to IEC 61508
Features that Add Value:
  • L&T Valves Double Block & Bleed Plug Valve provides online-verifiable bubble tight sealing and is a safe and reliable replacement to the conventional two-valve system
  • High integrity positive shut-off obtained independent of line pressure, without sealants/ lubricants
  • Mechanical sealing ensuring online-verifiable positive double isolation for critical services
  • Patented operator mechanism enables segments to move towards the seats during valve operation reduces wear and tear and enhances service life
  • Inbuilt cavity pressure relief system
  • Inline Maintainable Seats -Seats can be renewed without removing the valve from the pipeline (after draining and isolating the line)
Versatile Solutions:
  • Options: High Temperature, Cryogenic, FBE-lined, Steam-jacketed valves
  • ValvTrac RFID tags for reliable digital traceability
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Globe Valves

  • Size 2" to 20" (50 mm to 500 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 2500
  • Design Standard API 623, BS 1873, ASME B 16.34
Beyond Standards:
  • Globe Valve design complies to API 623 (higher stem diameter than BS 1873)
  • Fugitive Emissions - Complies to API 624 and ISO 15848-1 (
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Check Valves

  • Size 2" to 36" (50 mm to 900 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 2500
  • Design Standard BS 1868, API 594, ASME B 16.34
Beyond Standards:
  • Check Valve design complies to BS 1868 and API 594
  • Offered with API monogram
  • Fugitive Emissions - Complies with ISO 15848-1 (
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Triple-offset Butterfly Valves

  • Size 3" to 100" (80 mm to 2500 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 1500
  • Design Standard API 609 Cat B
Beyond Standards :
  • Design complies to API 609
  • Valves offered with API 609 monogram
  • Wide portfolio of Short-pattern and Long-pattern valves
  • Design Validation Test - 12 Class 150 valve successfully completed 10, 000 cycles
  • Fugitive emissions - Complies to ISO 15848-1 Endurance Class CO2 and Tightness class AH
  • Fire safe by design and complies to API 607/ ISO 10497 (preferred and non-preferred direction)
  • API RP 591 test conducted on 12 Class 150 TOBV at Element Lab, USA
  • CE Marking - Meets requirements of Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU, Annexure III, Module H
  • PED Module B1 Design examination certificate (certified by DNV) available
  • Atex - Meets requirements of Atex Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX), category 2 non-electrical equipment
  • SIL3 Safety Integrity Level to IEC 61508
Features that Add Value :
  • Triple-offset Geometry minimises seat-seal contact lower operating torque and cost of ownership
  • Compact and light weight as compared to gate valves of the same size
  • Hard faced in-situ body seat and flexible laminar seal ensure bubble tight sealing
  • Single piece Anti blow out shaft
  • Disc contour ensures mimimum turbulence and pressure drop
  • Retainer bolting complies to ASME Section VIII Div 1 Appendix 2
Versatile Solutions :
  • Options: High Temperature, Cryogenic, FBE-lined, Steam-jacketed
  • Offered with Electric, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Actuators
  • In-house Tests Capabilities - Cryogenic Test, Pipe Bending Test, Vacuum Test and Fast Closure Test
  • ValvTrac RFID tags for reliable digital traceability
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Aquaseal Elastomer-lined Butterfly Valves

  • Pressure Rating PN10, PN16, PN25, Class 150
  • Size 2" to 36” (50 mm to 900 mm)
  • Design Standard API 609 Cat A, EN 593 (BS 5155), MSS SP 67

L&T Valves manufactures Aquaseal Elastomer-lined Butterfly Valves in a variety of pressure classes, body styles, materials and actuation options to meet myriad requirements in process and utility lines.

At the core of L&T Aquaseal Butterfly Valve is an in-situ moulded integral elastomer seat that provides better performance and longer service life compared to valves with loose liners.

Aquaseal requires no maintenance, and is a truly fit-and-forget valve.

Salient Features:
  • Enhanced reliability, Longer service life
  • Tight sealing, Consistent low torque
  • Assured shaft sealing
  • One-piece blowout-proof Shaft
  • Reliable Drive - Positive shaft-disc connection
  • Lower resistance to flow - Contoured disc
  • Ease of installation
  • Integral actuator mounting platform
Versatile Range:
  • Pressure ratings:PN10, PN16, PN25 and Class 150
  • End connections: Wafer, Lugged, Flanged
  • Body materials: Cast Iron, SG Iron, Carbon Steel, SS 304/ CF8, SS 316/ CF8M
  • Elastomer options: Black/ White Nitrile, EPDM, Viton, Hypalon, Silicon
  • Specials: Long Neck, Extended Stem
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Knife Gate Valves

  • Size 2" to 24" (50 mm to 1800 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 and PN 10
  • Design Standard MSS SP 151

The Knife Gate Valve provides reliable shut-off for both dry and wet line fluids. The bonnet-less valve equipped with a heavy-duty gate to cut though both dry and wet line fluids. The bonnet-less valve sediments and is ideally suited for abrasive slurries, pulp stock, semi-solids, dry ash, chips, etc.

The valves find application in paper and pulp, minerals and metals, steel plants, thermal power plants and chemical/ petrochemical industries. L&T Valves offers Knife Gate Valves with and unidirectional applications.

The versatile metallic and resilient seats for bidirectionaland unidirectional applications. The versatile metallic and resilient seats for bidirectional range is available in wafer, lugged and flangedconfigurations.

Salient Features:
  • Sharp heavy-duty knife edge at the bottom of gate cuts through solid sediments and ensures reliable shut-off
  • Gate offered with surface coatings based on customer demand - Hardfacing, Nitriding, Chrome-plating
  • Replaceable seats - Easy maintenance at site. Longer service life.
  • Low operating torque - Facilitates use of a smaller-size actuators. Lower Initial Investment.

Versatile Range:
  • Pressure ratings:PN10 and Class 150
  • End connections: Wafer, Lugged, Flanged and Ranged
  • Body materials: Ductile Iron, Cast Iron, Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel
  • Elastomer options: Black/ White Nitrile, EPDM, Viton, Hypalon, Silicon
  • Specials: Long Neck, Extended Stem
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Dual-plate Check Valves

  • Pressure Rating PN10, PN16, Class 125
  • Size 2" to 12” (50 mm to 300 mm)
  • Design Standard API 594

Aquaseal Chek Valve is a soft-seated dual-plate check valve that conforms to API 594. The valve with cast iron body is available in sizes 2 (50 mm) to 12 (300 mm), in PN 10, PN 16 and ASME Class 125 pressure ratings.

Features & Benefits:
  • Patented retainer-less design - High integrity sealing, facilitates quick disassembly at site
  • Two independent seats - Consistent sealing even in uneven flow
  • Raised profile of the soft seat enhances sealing
  • Integrally moulded liner
  • Stopper pin prevents the discs from coming into contact with each other and thus prevents disc damage. The stopper pin also prevents spring failure by ensuring that the discs dont travel beyond the full-open position.
  • For sizes 6 and above, lifting eyebolt option is provided
  • Drain connections provided on demand
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Butterfly Control Valves

  • Size 2" to 72" (50 mm to 1800 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 600

The high-performance DiskFlo Butterfly Valve is used to achieve bi-directional bubble-tight shutoff while maintaining low breakout torque at high and low pressure drops. The high-performance DiskFlo Butterfly Valve uses pressure assisted Jam-lever toggle seating concepts. By utilizing the pressure drop across the valve to aid the seating process, Jam-lever toggle seating assures low breakout torque.

The need for strong actuator seating force is reduced since much of the force is supplied by the fluid pressure. To achieve especially high-performance throttling, even in large pressure drops close to the seat, it is combined with high thrust cylinder actuator and a double eccentric cammed disc.

Salient feature:

Soft Seat: To help energize the soft seat to bubble-tight shutoff in either flow direction, including alternating flow applications, Jam-Lever Toggle seating concepts utilize the pressure drop across the valve. Jam-lever Toggle soft seats achieve ANSI Class VI shutoff.

Metal Seat: For applications involving temperatures higher than those permitted by the Jam-lever Toggle soft seat, metal seats are used. A highly flexible lip, which assures full circle contact between the seat and disc when the valve is closed, is incorporated in the design. The lip flexibility permits breakout torque for the metal seat is the same or less than soft seat breakout torque. ANSI class IV shutoff is achieved through DiskFlo metal seats.

Dual Seat: DiskFlo dual seats incorporate both the Jam-lever Toggle soft seat and the flexible lip metal seat for added protection in unclean fluids or demanding applications. It also makes the DiskFlo a Firesafe Butterfly Valve.

DiskFlo Double Eccentric Cammed Disc: To lift it out of the seat immediately upon actuation, a double offset has been designed into the disc. This avoids wear on the seat and disc, reducing leakage and parts replacement. The throttling also improves as the friction is eliminated.

Flow Direction: Jam-lever Toggle seating allows DiskFlo to flow either shaft downstream or shaft upstream, depending on service conditions. With the shaft downstream the flow tends to open the valve. With the shaft upstream the flow tends to close the valve.

Flow Characteristics: The inherent flow characteristic of the DiskFlo valve is a modified parabolic. Other characteristic curves are achievable by means of HiFlo Positioner or a SMART positioner.

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Eccentric Plug Control Valves

  • Size 1" to 24" (25 mm to 600 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 600

The EFlo offers a high performance rotary globe valve which provides precision control over extended life span through enhanced safety. The EFlo is a high performance, safety focused, economical, yet feature rich, Eccentric Rotary Plug control valve for applications demanding higher rangeability, precise control and higher flow capacity.

The EFlo valve offers rangeability up to 160:1 - compared to 50:1 for typical globe control valves and 20:1 for most butterfly valves.

A heavy-duty, non-crossover shaft is out of the valves flow path. This superior design allows higher flow capacity for a given valve size. It also eliminates shaft damage from erosive process fluids. Many competitor designs use a straight-thru shaft which presents an obstruction to the flow, limiting capacity and presenting a target for erosion.

The EFlo offers positive, anti-blowout protection by means of a separate bonnet and integral shaft collar, as a standard option, emphasizing its status as the safest Eccentric Rotary Plug valve on the market. The end-post shaft is designed so there is no possibility for it to be lost downstream. The end-post is rugged, precision machined, perfectly aligned, and positively retained so movement is smooth and precise. The oversized shaft provides improved reliability and valve life by eliminating shaft failures and reducing bearing wear.

Salient Features:

Non-Crossover Shaft

  • Pocket-less flow-path tolerates slurries, even up to 3% paper stock.
  • Unobstructed flow when fully open.
  • Up to 70% greater capacity than other ERP control valves.
  • Not eroded by process-born particles.

Eccentric Rotary Plug

  • Plug does not rub seat ring. Less wear, less friction, more precision.
  • Stable throttling, low dynamic torque
  • Stable throttling in either flow direction
  • Inherently Linear characteristic
  • Flow direction assists movement to safety position on air-failure
  • Robust, rigid seat and plug give increased durability
  • Tight Shut-off, Class IV (Metal Seat), Class VI (Soft Seat), even after prolonged usage
  • Separate Bonnet and Integral Shaft Collar: A positive anti-blowout as a standard feature, in full compliance with ASME B16.34 Section 6.5.1, ensures that the shaft cannot blow out, even if the actuator is removed.

Trim Choices & Plug Design:

  • Hardened plug gives high performance and long service life.
  • Flow Capacity can be closely matched to the process application.
  • Full Area, 75 / 70%, 40% seats are economical to replace when optimizing flow capacity or changing service conditions.
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Steam Conditioning Valves

  • Size ½" to 36" (12.5 mm to 900 mm)
  • ASME Class Class 150 to 4500

This combined type Pressure Reducing cum Desuperheating control valve is a compact yet effective and carefully designed device. The DeFlo SCV eliminates all common issues faced by combined type steam conditioning valves.

The SCV is the most efficient way of steam conditioning where the water is injected in a highly turbulent area to ensure most efficient water to steam mixing. The DeFlo SCV are available in Standard, Angle and Expanded outlet configuration.

No special expertise is required to operate or maintain the DeFlo SCV as it utilizes most spares of a Standard GFlo Globe Control valve with an addition of a Thermal Desuperheating Sleeve at its outlet. This spray method protects the valve belly from pitting and thermal shocks/stresses unlike most competitive designs. This also reduces the SCV maintenance costs as the Valve and Trim life is greatly enhanced.

With an extended knowledge of Control Valves and Desuperheating units is one of the only two specialists in the world who are in the field of Pressure Reducing and Desuperheating.

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