PREVIEW Ease of MobilityA portable diesel engine pumpset with ease of mobility. FEATURES FUEL EFFICIENTBest in its class with a maximum output and low consumption of fuel. QUALITY COMPONENTSManufactured with quality components under strict inspection standards. MULTIPLE APPLICATIONSSuitable for pumpsets, threshers, oil expellers, saw mills and other agro industrial applications. EASE OF MOBILITYA portable diesel engine pumpset with ease of mobility.USED FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSEUsed for irrigation purposes in different kinds of applications with optimum SFC, head and discharge range. TECHINICAL SPECIFACTIONS Type 4 HP watts 5 HP wattsType of EngineHorizontal, Swirl type, Single Cylinder , 4 Stroke, Fully enclosed Horizontal, Swirl type, Single Cylinder , 4 Stroke, Fully enclosedNo. of Cylinders ONE ONEIS:11170Yes YesRated Output 4BHP 5BHPRated Speed 2600rpm 2600rpm6.5BHPRated RPM2050 2050 1900Bore80mm 87.5mm 85mm