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1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Senna Plant, Gum Arabic Talha and Gum Arabic Hashab.
Known by its botanical name, Cassia Acutifolia. Senna belongsto the N.O. Leguminosae family. It grows in September after the autumn rains and in April .
Definition :The plant has a pale green stem with long spreading branches. The sweetish taste of the leaves distinguish Senna from the Argel leaves. It has small yellow flowers and oblong pods about 2 inches long and 7 to 8 inches broad
Description :It is also called Nubian Senna or Alexandrian Senna or even Khartoum Senna. It grows in parts of Sudan and in some Arabian countries. The best senna is distinguished by a bright yellowish-green color of the leaves with a faint odor resembling the smell of green tea and a bittersweet taste .
Uses :
It is known for increasing the movement of the colon by increasing the functions of the intestinal wall. It is also a remedy for hemorrhoids, alimentary canal and prolapus. Similarly, both leaves and pods of the plant are used to cure breathing problems . An infusion of the pods is used as an effective way to suppress fever and to stop chronic nosebleeds. An infusion of the leaves is consumed to stop spasms or convulsions. The roots of the plant are consumed with milk to treat malaria.
Gum Arabic Talha is produced in Sudan by tapping a number of trees in the Acacia species
Definition :Gum Arabic Talha is the dry exudates obtained from the stems andbranches of Acacia Seyal, Acia Karroo, Acia ehrenbergiana, Acacia , Acacia Hockii and Acacia Sierberana
Description :Gum Arabic Talha is a yellowish- brown substance in solid form When dry its nodules are brittle and can easily break into siftings and dust. It is odorless and has a stringent taste. It is a water soluble gum derived from a number of Acacia trees and is considered a major source of technological grade gums . Uses :It is known for its uses in making textile and paper and in non-food uses such as lithographic formulations. It is also used in making explosives.
The peanut or groundnut is a species in the bean family, Fabaceae. It is widely cultivated in Sudan and is one of its major exports. Its local name is (Foul Sudani).
Definition:It is an annual plant growing from 1.00 to 1.6 ft tall with opposite leaves and yellow peaflower-shaped flowers. Peanuts grow in light and require five months of warm weather with little rain.
Description :It is also known as Arachis Hypogaea, hypogaea means under the earth since the flower stalk elongates then bends until the ovary touches the ground then the ovary is pushed underground where the fruit develops into the peanut.
Uses :
One of the reasons peanuts are favored as a food item is because of their nutritional value and the fact that they dont easily spoil for long periods of time. In cooking, peanut oil is healthier in comparison to saturated oils since peanuts are free of trans-fat. Peanuts have over 30 essential nutrients and phytonutrients and are a good source of fiber, magensium, phosphorus, manganese and vitamin E among other. Since they contain niacin, they contribute to blood flow to the brain. Research has shown that peanuts have resveratrol, which has anti-aging effects and reduces cancer risk and also reduces cardiovascular diseases.
They are the whitish/black/brown seeds found inside a watermelon. When roasted, they are served as a nutritional fiber-rich snack.
Definition :Its seeds unlike other fruits are consumed along with the flesh
Description :Gum Olibanum is a greenish-yellow solid in the form of irregular nodules which on pressing form a slightly plastic mass. Its product, the resin, is hand-sorted for quality. Quality is based on colour, aroma, shape, age and colour. Silver and Hojari are known to be the highest grades of frankincense. Hojari smells differently due to different climates, it smells better in western countries where the climate is cold and damp. Silver smells better in the hot climates of Arabia and Africa.
Uses :
The seeds contain a significant amount of fats, iron, proteins and other important nutrients.It contains 8 out of the 9 essential amino acids. It contains arginine which regulates blood pressure and treats coronary heart disease. It also contains niacin which maintains the nervous system , digestive system and skin health and magnesium which regulates blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on blood sugar. Additionally, it contains mono and polyunsaturated fats which help reduce blood cholesterol and reduce high blood pressure.
vSesame is one of Sudans most famous exports. The plant is known for its edible seeds and its uses in cuisines all over the world.
Definition:Sesame (Sesamum Indicum) is a flowering plant from the genus known as Sesamum Their plant family is pedaliaceae. It grows in numerous countries in Asia and Africa and is cultivated for its edible seeds which grow in pods. The plant grows up to 100 cm with opposite leaves 4 to 14 cm long with an entire margin
Description:Sesame known for its seeds that are used to produce oil or are consumed on their own. The seeds contain 50 to 60% fatty oil. The oil has powerful antioxidants and because the triple unsaturated fatty acids are missing, it can be stored for long periods of time.
The seeds are added to bread , salads, biscuits and candy. Sesame oil is also used for scrubbing the skin and massaging it. The seeds are rich in iron, magnesium, cooper , calcium, vitamins and they also contain sesamin which are antioxidant and have anti-cancer properties. Also, the seeds have phytosterols which reduces blood cholestoral
It is a very expensive type of natural waxes produced and kept in cylindrical bee hives of honey bees that secrete wax.
Description :Honey bees use the beeswax to build honeycomb cells to raise the young bees and store honey. They wax-secreting bees produce wax in a temperature ranging from 26 to 33 degrees Celsius .
Uses :
Beeswax is used to protect paintings and papers and act as an adhesive and also to style hair. It could be used as an anti-aging cream and it is beneficial for the balance of the body. It is used in dieting as a healthy option and is applied on wounds to fasten the healing process. At home, beeswax is used to make a furniture polish and a less concentrated beeswax lotion is used to polish wood. It is used in drugs, pills and ointments as a carrier of the drug and in making ear plugs for natural therapy.
Also known as frankincense, Gum Olibanum is produced in Sudan by tapping the tree Boswellia Papyrifera between December and March
Definition :Gum Olibanum is the dry exudates obtained from the stems and branche of Boswellia papyrifera (Del) tree (fam. Burseraceae). Frankincense trees can grow in all environments even out of solid rock.The trees produce resin when they are 8 to 10 years old and they are ensure that only the gum from A. senegal is used. tapped twice or three times a year, the final taps produce the best and highly aromatic content
Description :Gum Olibanum is a greenish-yellow solid in the form of irregular nodules which on pressing form a slightly plastic mass. Its product, the resin, is hand-sorted for quality. Quality is based on colour, aroma, shape, age and colour. Silver and Hojari are known to be the highest grades of frankincense. Hojari smells differently due to different climates, it smells better in western countries where the climate is cold and damp. Silver smells better in the hot climates of Arabia and Africa .
Uses :
It is used as a fixative for perfumes, in soap manufacture and as an incense in holly places. It is also used as an insecticide. When the charred ressin is grounded, it produces a powder called kohl also known as eyeliner. In areas infested with mosquito-borne illnesses , olibanum is recommended as a protection against Malaria, West Nile Virus and Dengue Fever
Hibiscus, also called locally as (Karkadeh), is a plant grown on commercial scale in Sudan. In countries neighboring Sudan, the infusion of the flower is called Sudanese tea
Hibiscus sabdariffa , referred to as Rosella or the Rosella fruit is one of the many species of Hibiscus, the genus that comes from the Malvaceae family. It is native to Africa and some parts of Asia. The world best roselle comes from Sudan.
Description :The flower of the plant is pale yellow with a red color at the base of each petal. The plant produces dried leaves which look like dried roses and are red in color. It has a pleasant odor and a bittersweet taste when its dried flowers are soaked in water and consumed as a beverage.
Uses :
Hibiscus is known for the juice produced from its leaves . However, it has a lot of benefits such as reducing cholesterol level, relieving coughs and sore throats, helping against chronic constipation since it acts as a mild laxative and stopping heartburn. It also contains vitamins, fruit acids, amino acids and bioflavonoids. In alternative medicine, the plant is used for treating cardiac and nerve diseases. It is also a natural diuretic in the sense that it elevates the rate of urination and this is crucial in treating liver cirrhosis, hypertension and a number of kidney diseases
An edible substance taken from the species of sub-Saharan acacia trees (Acacia Senegal).
Definition :Gum Arabic Hashab is a dried exudation obtained from the stems and branches of Acacia Senegal var. senegal (L) Willdenow or closely related species. The specification then proceeds to give limits for certain parameters which have been selected to try and ensure that only the gum from A. senegal is used.
Description :Gum Arabic Hashab is pale white to yellowish- orange and solid. When ground, the pieces are paler and have a glassy appearance. The fact that it has saccharides and glycoproteins gives it the properties of glue. It is odorless and slightly acidic and is known for being edible . Uses :Gum Arabic Hashab is known for its many uses in food items such as gelatos and soft drinks, marshmallows and other candies. It is also used in the food industry as a stabilizer. It is also an important ingredient in Lithography, printing, production of paint, production of glue and ink and even in the beauty industry to make some cosmetics It is an important ingredient in making shoe polish and is used in making postage stamps and cigarette papers. Printers have this substance in the interval between processing of the plates to stop aluminum printing from oxidation .