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1 Products availableLeading Manufacturer, Supplier & Retailer of Demineralization System, Sequencing Batch Reactor, ULTRA FILTRATION SYSTEM, Mbbr System and Extended Aeration.
PACT Demineralizationis the process of removing mineral salts from water by using the ion exchange process. Demineralised water is water completely free (or almost) of dissolved minerals as a result of one of the following processes:
Demineralized water also known as Deionized water, water that has had its mineral ions removed. Mineral ions such as cations of sodium, calcium, iron, copper, etc. and anions such as chloride, sulphate, nitrate, etc. are common ions present in water. The progress converts all salts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and other metal cations to their corresponding acids with cation exchange resin (s), then removes these acids with the appropriate anion exchange resin (s). The demineralization operation can be a sequential cation-anion process (single beds or layered beds) or an intimate mixture of cation and anion.
Ion Exchange Resins
There are two basic types of resin cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins. Cation exchange resins will release Hydrogen (H+) ions or other positively charged ions in exchange for impurity cations present in the water. Anion exchange resins will release hydroxyl (OH-) ions or other negatively charged ions in exchange for impurity anions present in the water. There are three ways in which ion-exchange technology can be used in water treatment and purification: first, cation-exchange resins alone can be employed to soften water by base exchange; secondly, anion-exchange resins alone can be used for organic scavenging or nitrate removal; and thirdly, combinations of cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins can be used to remove virtually all the ionic impurities present in the feed water, a process known as deionization. Water deionization purification process results in water of exceptionally high quality.
For many laboratory and industrial applications, high-purity water which is essentially free from ionic contaminants is required. Water of this quality can be produced by deionization. The two most common types of deionization are: two-bed deionization and mixed-bed deionization.
Two-bed deionization
The two-bed deionizer consists of two vessels one containing a cation-exchange resin in the hydrogen (H+) form and the other containing an anion resin in the hydroxyl (OH-) form. Water flows through the cation column, whereupon all the cations are exchanged for hydrogen ions. To keep the water electrically balanced, for every monovalent cation, e.g. Na+, one hydrogen ion is exchanged and for every divalent cation, e.g. Ca2+, or Mg2+, two hydrogen ions are exchanged. The same principle applies when considering anion-exchange. The decationised water then flows through the anion column. This time, all the negatively charged ions are exchanged for hydroxide ions which then combine with the hydrogen ions to form water (H2O).
Mixed-bed deionization
In mixed-bed deionizers the cation-exchange and anion-exchange resins are intimately mixed and contained in a single pressure vessel. The thorough mixture of cation-exchangers and anion-exchangers in a single column makes a mixed-bed deionizer equivalent to a lengthy series of two-bed plants. As a result, the water quality obtained from a mixed-bed deionizer is appreciably higher than that produced by a two-bed plant. Although more efficient in purifying the incoming feed-water, mixed-bed plants are more sensitive to impurities in the water supply and involve a more complicated regeneration process. Mixed-bed deionizers are normally used to polish the water to higher levels of purity after it has been initially treated by either a two-bed deionizer or a reverse osmosis unit.
Electrodeionization EDI
Electrodeionization Systems remove ions from aqueous streams, typically in conjunction with reverse osmosis (RO) and other purification devices.
Major Applications:
PACT Sequencing Batch Reactoris a modification of activated sludge process which has been successfully used to treat municipal and industrial wastewater. The difference between a conventional technology and SBR is that the SBR performs equalisation, biological treatment and secondary clarification in a single tank using a times control sequence. It has been very useful in the areas where there is limited amount of space. PACT Sequencing Batch Reactor is a fill and draw activated sludge system. In this system, the waste water is added to a single batch reactor, treated to remove undesirable components and then discharged. There are five stages in the treatment process: fill, react, settle, decant, idle.
The inlet valve opens and the tank is being filled in, while mixing is provided by mechanical means (no air). This stage is also called the anoxic stage. Aeration of the mixed liquor is performed during the second stage by the use of fixed or floating mechanical pumps or by transferring air into fine bubble diffusers fixed to the floor of the tank. No aeration or mixing is provided in the third stage and the settling of suspended solids starts. During the fourth stage the outlet valve opens and the clean supernatant liquor exits the tank. The separate treatment of the nitrogen-rich return liquors from sludge treatment represents a special application, which allows increased overall nitrogen removal and a reduction in biological treatment stage loads. Nitrogen removal can be achieved either conventionally with an external substrate for denitrification or using the innovative Anammox process.
PACT Ultra Filtration (UF)involves pressure-driven separation of materials from a feed solution. Ultra filtration membrane productivity is high, while pressure differences remain low. Ultra filtration can be applied in cross-flow or dead-end mode and are commercially available in tubular, hollow-fiber, plate and frame, and spiral wound configurations. PACT Ultra filtration (UF) utilises asemi-permeable membraneto physically remove suspended particles from water based on particle size and the pore size rating of the UF membrane.Suspended solidsandsolutesof highmolecular weightare retained in the so-called retentate, while water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane in the permeate(filtrate).
Among membrane technologies commonly used, UF is typically one step tighter with smaller pore size thanmicro filtration. Ultra filtration is not fundamentally different frommicro-filtration, both of them separate based on size exclusion or particle capture. Membranes tighter than UF areNano-filtersandreverse osmosis. UF membranes have pore sizes of approx. 0.005-0.05 micron. They facilitate the removal of molecules with higher molecular weights (e.g. proteins), while allowing dissolved ions and molecules with low molecular weights to pass which means that UF membranes can capture all microbes and bacteria, and also viruses. Due to difficulty in removing very small particles using conventionalwater treatment, and increased concerns about chlorine-resistant organisms, ultra filtration is increasingly becoming the method of choice for municipal water treatment plants.
Ultra filtration is achieving importance in the wastewater treatment sector. Ultra filtration is alsoused as a safe pre-treatment prior to reverse osmosis. PACT Ultra filtrationis very effective at removing tiny particles which can quickly foul reverse osmosis membranes, thus reducing the silt density index of the water. For this reason, it is frequently used as pre-treatment for surface water, seawater, and treated waste water upstream of RO. Ultra filtrationeliminates the extreme sensitivity of conventional plant treatment steps of coagulation, sedimentation and filtration to variable in fluent turbidities and particle charges. UF is also used in industry to separate suspended solids from solution. Industrial applications include power plants, petrochemical and chemical plants, Oil and Gas, pharmaceutical.
Normal biological water treatment is done traditionally by suspended growth mode (e.g. activated sludge and extended aeration process) or attached growth mode (tricking filter rotating biological conductors). The technology adopted in MBBR is combination of both which works on higher MLSS concentration in MBBR systems fast bio-reactions take place between bacteria and organic matter. There are generally two compartments thereby permitting more efficient and compact treatment.
PACT extended aerationprocess offers certain benefits that can be combined with conventional processes to obtain a high quality effluent. Extended aeration agitates all incoming waste in the sludge from a single classifier. The combined sludge starts with a higher concentration of inert solids than typical secondary sludge and the longer mixing time required for digestion of primary solids in addition to dissolved organics produces aged sludge requiring greater mixing energy input per unit of waste oxidised. Sludge may be periodically removed by septic tank pumping trucks as sludge volume approaches storage capacity.
PACTEXTENDED AERATION ADVANTAGES:PACT Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film (SAFF) process uses support media to retain an active biomass to reduce the in-fluent BOD Levels. Tubular diffusers are used with the SAFF media giving a good air dispersal and low level of blockage due to growth of biological film. SAFF reactor is a type of aerobic attached growth treatment process. Small foot print area, stable process, lesser sludge production and modular installations are the key features of SAFF process. Essentially SAFF system is a hybrid reactor where attached growth and suspended growth activity takes place simultaneously.
PACTSAFF ADVANTAGES:COMPACT is state o-of-the-art pre-engineered sewage treatment system utilising PACTs biological treatment expertise with TORAYs submerged remembrance technology, it contains the process elements of secondary, tertiary and advanced wastewater treatment in a single containerised package. The remembrance separation process eliminates the conventional sedimentation tank and allows high volumetric loading resulting in a much smaller footprint.
COMPACT can produce high quality effluent with high BOD5 removal (about 98%), complete nitrification and partial denitrification. It also achieves virtually complete TSS removal. Treated effluents have low turbidity values (
Dissolved air floatation (DAF)systems are commonly applied to remove suspended solids, fats, oils and associated BOD and COD from a variety of waters and waste-waters. Typically applications for DAFs are found in the food and chemical processing facilities, pulp and paper processing, and any facility which requires the reduction of oils, fibers, and other light solids. PACT DAF technology has been used with great success over the years to float contaminates from wastewater. systems are well-suited for the removal of light solids such as oil, fibers, proteins, starches, blood, inks, dyes and other substances which do not settle well by gravity.
PACT principals are among the pioneers in the water desalination industry. Since the early 70s PACT principals have designed and built scores of water desalination plants both for industrial and municipal applications. Among the various desalination processes such as MSF, VC, MED (thermal processes) and Reverse Osmosis, the latter is the desalination process where PACT has made its mark among the leaders in the field.
PACT desalination plantstreat brackish and high brackish well-water sources as well as seawater sources ranging from 30, 000-45, 000 mg/l TDS. Standard capacities manufactured by PACT cover few cubic meters per day up to 1000 m 3 /day. Custom-built systems up to the tens of thousands of m 3 /day are designed in-house and built to the most stringent specifications. Making use of high grade SS alloys for protection against aggressive marine environment as well as state-of-the-art energy recovery equipment for the most efficient use of energy (energy is the single most expensive item in cost of water desalination).
PACT BUILT RO SYSTEMin addition to aforementioned RO components, PACT custom-designed and built systems may also include one or more of the following:
PACT Industrial wastewater treatment the mechanisms and processes used to treat wastewater that is produced as a by-product of industries. After treatment, the treated industrial wastewater (or effluent) may be reused or released to a sanitary sewer or to a surface water in the environment. Primary treatment for the purposes of this manual will be limited to sedimentation with and without chemical addition. Other unit processes are usually combined with sedimentation as a part of primary treatment, including some degree of preliminary treatment, sludge treatment and disposal, and chlorination as a disinfection step.
Physical Unit Operation: Treatment methods includes Screening, mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, flotation, and filtration. Chemical Unit Operation: Treatment methods in which removal or conversion of contaminants is brought about by the addition of chemical or by other chemical reactions. Disinfection, pH adjustment, neutralisation, oxidation / reduction are most commonly used in waste water treatment Physio-Chemical Treatment: DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) air is intimately contacted with an aqueous stream at high pressure, dissolving the air. The pressure of the liquid is reduced through a back pressure valve, therefore releasing micron sized bubbles that sweeps suspended solids and oil from the polluted stream to the surface of the air flotation unit. Solids having a greater gravity than water tend to settle at the bottom and are removed by rotating scraper arms.
Clean water passes underneath a skirt. Biological treatment processes are those that use microorganisms to coagulate and remove the non settle able colloidal solids and to stabilise the organic matter. There are many alternative systems in use and each uses biological activity in different manners to accomplish treatment. Biological processes are classified by the oxygen dependence of the primary microorganism responsible for waste treatment.
Removal of biodegradable organics:
In aerobic processes, waste is stabilised by aerobic and facultative microorganisms; in anaerobic processes, anaerobic and facultative microorganisms are present. Activated sludge is a biochemical process for treating sewage and industrial wastewater that uses air (or oxygen) and microorganisms to biologically oxidize organic pollutants, producing a waste sludge (or floc) containing the oxidized material.
An activated sludge process includes:
The Sludge resulting from waste water operations are usually in the form of liquid or semi solid liquid that typically contains 0.25 to 12 percent solid by weight.
Reuse of treated Effluent:
Reuse of treated waste water in various industries being a cheaper source of water supply where the industrial plant can reuse its own wastewater through recycling or it can be used for irrigation.
state-of-the-art pre-engineered water treatment system, benefiting from decades of hands-on experience in clarification, filtration and disinfection hardware and software. The PACTCWTP utilises high efficiency chemical and physical processes to achieve portable water standard TSS in a very compact foot-print.
NOTE: Ranging from 10 to 300 cum/hr serving populations of 1200 to 36, 000 and multiplies with additional modules.
COPE OF SUPPLY:PACT Dewateringis the simplest definition of the removal of water. This process is used in many industries but commonly wastewater when water is separated from solids through a variety of different pumping or filtering processes. Sludge dewatering is the separation of a liquid and solid phase whereby, generally, the least possible residual moisture is required in the solid phase and the lowest possible solid particle residues are required in the separated liquid phase PACT Dewatering is used by large wastewater treatment plants to separate sludge into a liquid and solid. The principle methods in wastewater are belt filter presses and centrifuges. They are usually only implemented at larger facilities and are not cost efficient to be used on a small scale. This is only one part of the process of wastewater becoming treated water. Primary treatment is essential prior to the dewatering. The filtrate or centrate liquid which is separated during the dewatering process must also be treated. This typically involves circulation to the head works of the wastewater treatment plant. Filtration is the most widely used method in the treatment of sludge produced by wastewater treatment. It can consist just in drainage though sand beds or it can be mechanical under vacuum middle or high pressure conditions which require more sophisticated equipment. Filter presses operate applying very high pressures to the cake. Centrifugation is a separation process which uses the action of centrifugal force to promote accelerated settling of particles in a solid-liquid mixture. Two distinct major phases are formed in the vessel during centrifugation.
PACT BELT belt filter presses are reliable, cost-effective and time proven dewatering machines for municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment. Backed by expert process engineering support, and over 30 years of experience in the belt filter press industry, PACT has evolved into one of the most modern and complete solids dewatering supplies. PACT offers a complete line of high-performance belt filter presses for sludge dewatering and thickening. All critical parts (motors, variable drives, bearings, solenoids, pistons, limit switches, E&C, instrumentation, etc.) are sourced from globally reputable name brands.
Completely made of SS 304, it is installed to mix the sludge and the polymer solution, as well as to remove the water from the suspension resulting from the suspension resulting from the drum cloth filtering action. On diluted sludge, the belt press throughput can increase up to 60 %.
The sludge, which has been previously thickened in the pre-dewatering drum (or the motorised mixer), is conveyed to an area between the tensioning roller of the drainage-by-gravity zone. This area has the function to distribute the sludge uniformly onto the belt whole width. To achieve this, it is equipped with a blade at its outlet which can be adjusted in height and inclination. This blade levels, the sludge carried ahead by the belt, which, being pressed, is uniformly distributed and starts draining by gravity.
After the drainage by gravity, the sludge passes through a wedge zone where the pressure on the sludge layer increases slightly because of a series of seven idler and adjustable rollers placed both above and below the belts. This is useful to drain a fair quantity of water before the sludge reaches the proper pressing zone.
The sludge is now gradually pressed while going forward and winding wound rollers with decreasing diameters. The main factors to obtain a high pressing efficiency are:
At the end of the process, when the two filtering belts move apart and wind around the traction rollers, the sludge layer tends to detach by itself. The action is completed by two scrapping doctor blades (one for each roller).
Water intake at the treatment plant can come from a number of different sources. Surface waters come from rivers, lakes and reservoirs, which may have a wide range of chemistry with high mineral and metal contents, chloride levels and particulates. Ground waters taken from underground springs, water tables and wells are low in oxygen or fully de-aerated with varying amounts of hydrogen sulphides and sulphate reducing bacteria.
The objective of water treatment is to produce safe and potable drinking water. Generally to treat surface water (e.g. river water, lake water and well water) the treatment process consists of Coagulant Dosing, Mixing, Flocculant-Aid Dosing, Flocculation, Sedimentation, Filtration and Disinfection before distribution as drinking waters.
The main goals of such package units are removing suspended solids, turbidity and pollution from the available raw water in each area, providing a treated water quality based on WHO, European or national standards. The applied design criteria and the components of a water treatment plant depend on the turbidity and pollution of a known raw water source.
System is included from following stages of treatment:
In case of other raw water pollutants e.g. Ammonia, Iron, Manganese, Arsenic, Colour, Odour, dissolved Gases etc, either additional compartments in connection to the main plant can be used or we supply a separate plant to remove any specific problem.
PACTs innovative flocculation and flotationunitis a unique approach and replacement to traditional DAF treatment systems. The GEM unit can handle a much greater contaminant loading and produce much drier solids, and takes a much smaller footprint than a traditional DAF system. PACTs innovative flocculation and flotation unit is a unique approach and replacement to traditional DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation) treatment. The Gas Energy Mixing (GEM) System can generate better results, handle a much greater contaminant loading, adapt to flow changes and produce much drier solids with a much smaller footprint and using less chemicals than typical DAF systems. The GEM System obsoletes DAF units in terms of flotation efficiency and operation. Where a DAF unit typically operates under the collision method theory for flotation, the GEM System is designed to en-train air into the floc and sludge structure, known as the floc seeding method.
In PACT GEM System, the floc seeding method is accomplished with the following steps:
The above process is a completely different process that has been researched and developed over several years by PACT. PACT has developed a flotation process that is completely different and unique from processes that are currently used by traditional technology. Through these advancements in flotation, and a one-of-a-kind approach to the flotation process, the GEM System is able to achieve the following benefits:
Along with the GEM Systems engineered process for flotation and flocculation, the GEM System uses the advanced LSGM (Liquid Static Gas Mixer) technology for air entertainment and chemical mixing. CWT has developed and patented its LSGM technology, and is the core concept of how the GEM System operates. The GEM System comes with a standard of 6 LSGM cartridges, piped together in series. The LSGM consists of a stainless canister, with a cartridge insert. Each cartridge insert has a series of holes, with removable inserts. Each LSGM cartridge can be configured by removing or adding inserts. Removing or adding inserts on the LSGM cartridge allows the configuration of mixing energy for air or water treatment chemicals.
The ability to adjust the mixing energy across each head of the GEM System has the following benefits:
PACT Multimedia Filteris used to reduce the level of suspended solids in incoming feed water. Suspended solids consists of small particles such as slit, clay, grit, organic matter, algae and other micro-organisms. Incoming feed water that is high in suspended solids can cause a high-pressure drop and reduce the effectiveness of downstream filtration equipment such as reverse osmosis membranes and ion exchange beds. A multimedia filter typically consist of three layers of media consisting of anthracite coal, sand and garnet, with a supporting (non filtering) layer of gravel at the botto
Most of the industrial production involves release of effluent water streams with high chemical oxygen demand (COD) loads. COD is a measure of the oxygen requirement of the organic matter susceptible to oxidation by a strong chemical oxidant. It is used to define the organic strength of industrial wastes and polluted waters. COD wastes usually are not readily biodegradable and often contain compounds that cannot be removed by biological activity in wastewater treatment facilities. Addition of a high-pressure oxygen / ozone stream to such effluent treatment system shall reduce the COD at less contact time.
The use of ozone as a pre-oxidant or intermediate oxidant in drinking-water treatment is becoming increasingly common. Ozone is a very strong disinfectant and oxidizer. Any pathogen or contaminant that can be disinfected, altered or removed via oxidation process by ozone. It is the strongest of all molecules available for disinfection in water treatment, and is second only to elemental fluorine in oxidizing power. Compared to chlorine, the most common water disinfection chemical, ozone is a more than 50% stronger oxidizer and acts over 3000 times faster. Both chlorine and fluorine are highly toxic chemicals. Ozone treated drinking water can be expected to be: cleaner, clearer, colourless, non-staining, odourless, palatable, safer and oxygenated.
Comprise of the following components and optional items
Grey wateris defined as waste water, collected separately from sewage flow that originates from clothes washer, bathtub, shower or sink, but not from a kitchen sink, dishwasher or toilet. Grey water is distinguished from black water, which is waste water from toilets, kitchen sinks and dishwashers. Black water should not be reused in the home because of high risk of contamination by bacteria, viruses and pathogens. As water is precious and a lot of water is wasted during flushing of toilets it is a waste to use drinking quality water for the same. This can be achieved by treating grey water. Also this treated water can be used for irrigation in some cases. Grey water treatment is removal of unwanted suspended material from the grey water collected and disinfecting the same to make it useful for toilet flushing or irrigation or discharging to sewer lines according to the local laws applicable.