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Industrial Blowers, Coolers & Fans
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1 Products availableWe are leaders in the market for providing best range of Plasma Cluster
The condenser is a device used to change the high-pressure refrigerant vapor to a liquid. It is mounted in front of the engines radiator, and it looks very similar to a radiator. The vapour is condensed to a liquid because of the high pressure that is driving it in, and this generates a great deal of heat. The heat is then in turn removed from the condenser by air flowing through the condenser on the outside.
Your vehicles engine is constantly burning fuel and gets hot. The cars cooling system is responsible for carrying heat away to the outside air. The cooling fan motor powers the cooling fan, which keeps the engine from overheating. The fan is located in the engine compartment, at the front or rear of the radiator.
The fan cools the coolant as it passes through the radiator. The coolant flows through the entire engine and is responsible for absorbing the extra heat and thereby preventing the engine from overheating. The fan blows the air from the outside and passes it through the radiator. If the cooling fan motor and the fan stop working, the coolant will remain hot and cause the engine to overheat.
PlasmaclusterIon technology is an original Sharp sanitising technology that purifies the air by emitting positive and negative ions.
PlasmaclusterIon technology deactivates suspended airborne mould, viruses, dust mite allergens and bacteria
Magnetic clutches have many applications, but as far as a vehicle is concerned, it is used primarily for the air conditioning compressor. The principal will remain the same for different applications. On the front of an air compressor, there is a set of coils wound in a circular fashion and located in a housing. Around the outside circumference of this housing there is a pulley which rides on a set of ball bearings and race that is pressed onto the outside of the magnetic coil housing. The front of this housing has a flat surface facing forward and serves the same purpose as a flywheel. This whole unit rotates around the compressor driven by a belt.
The driveshaft for the compressor protrudes through the center of the flat surface or flywheel. Attached to the driveshaft is a round disc. This disc acts like a clutch in a car. This clutch disc is in very close proximity to the flat bearing surface and held away by the use of metallic springs on the forward side of the clutch disc. When power is applied to the compressor clutch, it causes an electromagnetic field in the coils
behind the clutch disc. This magnetic field attracts the clutch disc to the flat surface of the bearing like a magnet picking up a nail. The magnetic force overcomes the resistance of the springs, and the clutch locks up solid to the flat surface of the bearing and turns the compressor.
If the clutch disc is too far away from the compressor, it will make a metallic scraping noise as it is engaged, indicating that it is slipping. The correction for this is to adjust the disc to be a little closer. If the clutch does not come on, it should be checked for power at the compressor. If there is no power at the compressor, check the fuses and the relay. If there is power at the fuses and relays, there is an open in the magnetic portion of the clutch and the clutch needs to be replaced. If there is a continuous whining noise, the bearing is going bad and needs to be replaced.
While often overlooked in regular vehicle service, accumulators and receiver-driers play an important role in A/C operation. These components manage the flow of liquid and vapor refrigerant through the system, assuring maximum output and smooth, surge-free operation. DENSOs accumulators and receiver-driers also contain powerful desiccant packages to isolate harmful moisture from the system, protecting the internal components from corrosion, which can wear systems prematurely from the inside out and create costly leaks.
Atiming beltis a toothed non-slipping mechanical drive belt, used to drive the camshaft(s) within an internal combustion engine
Whether its an automotive petrol or diesel passenger car, SUV, light commercial or heavy duty truck applications, the Parts World LLC OE quality range of Oil Filters will cater to most oil filter change needs. Based on world class technology, our genuine quality Parts WorldOil Filters offer the best in automotive innovation & provide high quality performance for everyday driving.
Features platinum-to-platinum firing. Virtually eliminates gap erosion, reduces misfires, and provides improved durability.* Its the superior-performing spark plug providing preferred technology for DIS engines. Guaranteed for 5 years.**