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Petrotech Enterprises
location .., United Arab Emirates

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Our Products

  1. Valves & Valve Fittings

    2 Products available
  2. Computer Monitor

    1 Products available
  3. Spying & Intelligence Devices

    1 Products available
  4. Nuts Bolts And Fasteners

    1 Products available
  5. Screwdrivers

    1 Products available
  6. Others Products 2 Products available

Our Products

Our product range contains a wide range of Instrumentation Process Control and Filtration System Solutions

Mechanical Valves

Mechanical Valves & Piping's is the technology of providing tight and perfect closure and protection. It enables and improves Industrial & Mechanical performance. It is the technology of controlling fluids and gases to vary temperature. With extensive engineering expertise in motion & control, market leading breadth of product and services, Petrotech provides innovative components and complete systems to the customers worldwide. Petrotech partners with major suppliers from around the world to support the customers locally. Surf the division to review Petrotech's complete Mechanical Valves & Piping's product offering.
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Instrumentation Process Control

Parker Instrumentation Tube Fittings are designed as leak-free connections for process, power, and oil and gas instrumentation applications handling liquids, gases and chemicals. Parkers instrument tube fittings have been engineered and manufactured to consistently provide the highest level of reliability. All working pressures have been calculated using the maximum allowable stress levels in accordance with ANSI B31.3.
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Fluid Connectors

Mechanical Valves & Piping's is the technology of providing tight and perfect closure and protection. It enables and improves Industrial & Mechanical performance. It is the technology of controlling fluids and gases to vary temperature. With extensive engineering expertise in motion & control, market leading breadth of product and services, Petrotech provides innovative components and complete systems to the customers worldwide. Petrotech partners with major suppliers from around the world to support the customers locally. Surf the division to review Petrotech's complete Mechanical Valves & Piping's product offering.
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Filtration System Solutions

Mechanical Valves & Piping's is the technology of providing tight and perfect closure and protection. It enables and improves Industrial & Mechanical performance. It is the technology of controlling fluids and gases to vary temperature. With extensive engineering expertise in motion & control, market leading breadth of product and services, Petrotech provides innovative components and complete systems to the customers worldwide. Petrotech partners with major suppliers from around the world to support the customers locally. Surf the division to review Petrotech's complete Mechanical Valves & Piping's product offering.
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Fluid Conditioning Monitoring

  • Model PLC-2000.
Parker became one of the first to successfully market the concept of a Portable Particle Counter, the PLC-2000. Since then, Parker has grown into the industry leader for condition monitoring products. A variety of both proven and leading-edge products are now available for applications in both the industrial and mobile marketplace. Why on-site fluid condition monitoring?Certification of Fluid Cleanliness Levels Early warning tool to help prevent catastrophic failures in critical systems Immediate results with laboratory accuracy To comply with customer cleanliness requirements and specifications New equipment warranty compliance New oil cleanliness testing Identification of a fluid's saturation point andor water content Continuous monitoring for water contamination
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Mechanical Valves

Mechanical Valves & Piping's is the technology of providing tight and perfect closure and protection. It enables and improves Industrial & Mechanical performance. It is the technology of controlling fluids and gases to vary temperature. With extensive engineering expertise in motion & control, market leading breadth of product and services, Petrotech provides innovative components and complete systems to the customers worldwide. Petrotech partners with major suppliers from around the world to support the customers locally. Surf the division to review Petrotech's complete Mechanical Valves & Piping's product offering.
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Industrial Tools

Mechanical Valves & Piping's is the technology of providing tight and perfect closure and protection. It enables and improves Industrial & Mechanical performance. It is the technology of controlling fluids and gases to vary temperature. With extensive engineering expertise in motion & control, market leading breadth of product and services, Petrotech provides innovative components and complete systems to the customers worldwide. Petrotech partners with major suppliers from around the world to support the customers locally. Surf the division to review Petrotech's complete Mechanical Valves & Piping's product offering.
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Icount Particle Detector

  • Voltage 0-5 Volt, 4-20mA.
The Icount Particle Detector from Parker represents the most up-to-date technology in solid particle detection. The design dynamics, attention to detail, and small size of the permanently mounted, on-line particle detector brings a truly innovative product to all industry. The laser based, leading-edge technology is a cost effective market solution to fluid management and contamination control. Features and benefits of the Icount PD include:Independent monitoring of system contamination trends.Early warning LED or digital display indicators for Low, Medium and High contamination levels.Moisture % RH LED indicator (optional).Cost effective solution in prolonging fluid life and reducing machine downtime.Visual indicators with power and alarm output warnings.Continuous performance for dependable analysis.Hydraulic, phosphate ester & fuel fluid compatible construction.Self diagnostic software.
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