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1 Products availableGulf-O-Flex Tube insulation is an environmentally friendly CFC free, flexible elastomeric thermal insulation.
With smooth shark skin and is available in unslit form in wall Thickness of 1/4 , 3/8 , 1/2 , 3/4 , 1 , 1-1/4 in sizes ranging from 1/4 ID to 4-3/8 Iron Pipe size. Gulf-O-Flex Tube is non porous and resists mildew growth.
Gulf-O-Flex Sheets Insulation are flexible, elastomeric thermal insulations. Both are supplied in flat sheets 36x 48(.92mx 1.22m), in popular thicknesses. Gulf-O-Flex sheet also available in 48 (1.22m) x 360 (9.20m) continuous rolls in 1/8 , 1/4 , 3/8, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2 and 2. The insulations are furnished with a smooth skin one side or both sides on request, which forms the outer exposed insulation surface. The expanded closed-cell structure of Gulf-O-Flex makes it an efficient insulation. It is manufactured without the use of CFC's, HCFC's or HFC's. It is also formaldehyde free, dust free, fiber free and resists mold and mildew. Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials Gulf-O-Flex Sheet Insulations have a flame-spread index of less than 25 and a smoke-developed index of less than 50 as tested by the third party testing lab. (ASTM E 84 Method of testing surface burning characteristics of building materials complied.
Under the supervision of our R&D dept. based in Germany consistently provide actual values on these key performance criteria for mechanical system insulation. Thermal Conductivity: 0.0391w/m-K in 40C. Fire Rating: Class 0 and Class 1 under the specification of BS 476 Parts 6 & 7. USES Gulf-O-Flex is used to retard heat gain and control condensation drip from chilled water and refrigeration systems.
Gulf-O-Flex Flexible Insulated Duct is made of triple lamination of aluminum foil, polyester and metalized polyester film permanently bonded to a coated spring steel wire helix. Thermal efficiencies provided by wrapping the exterior with a blanket of fiberglass insulation. The strong outer insulation jacket/vapor barrier is made of fiberglass reinforced metalized polyester film laminated.
GULF-O-FLEX UNINSULATED DUCTGulf-O-Flex Uninsulated Duct is an uninsulated duct made of triple lamination of aluminum foil, polyester and metalized polyester film permanently bonded to a coated spring steel wire helix.
Gulf.O.Flex Rubber Cord Pads are made with the highest quality Oil Resistant Padding. The rubber pads are corrugated on both sides. The cork is laminated between two corrugated pads. Ideal for Air Conditioner, Compressors, Cooling tower, Presses machines, etc.
Gulf.O.Flex Metal sandwich pad is multi-layers pads separated by steel plate for load distribution. Multi-layers are recommended where vibration and noise control is required. Metal sandwich pads are used for Air-conditioning, Pumps, Motors, Generators and Fans simple field installation.
Gulf-O-Seal 30-36 is a tough and flexible adhe-sive and sealant, forming durable seal against air leakage. Due to its excellent water and abrasion resistance it can be used in indoors in thermal in-sulation system on metal duct.
Gulf-O-FlexTape is a flexible and self-adhesive re-inforcement insulation foam tape, ideal for wrap-ping liquid cooling and heating pipe lines. Espe-cially for valves and fittings where it is difficult to install tubing insulation.
Gulf-O-Flex Aluminum Tape is used for vapor sealing fiberglass duct board and sheets metal ducts, specially designed for air-conditioning ducts. It's made from malleable aluminum foil with crossed linked acrylic.
Canvas Cloth Our Canvas Cloth is commonly used with mastics & coatings to provide a protective barrier over pipe and sheet insulation. Gulf-O-Flex stocks only 6 oz Canvas Cloth.