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  1. Pure And Natural Herbs

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  2. Medicinal Plant

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  3. Herbal Products

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  4. Cooking Spices And Masala

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  5. Others Products 5 Products available

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Berberis Aristata

  • Botanical Name Berberis aristata
  • Common Name Chutro/ Daruhaldi
Srub; bark 2 mm thick, external surface longitudinal as well as transversely striated, yellowish grey, wood yellow. Leaves simple, spiny toothed, sessile, braodly lanceolate. Flowers in corymbs or racemes, yellow. Uses: Root bark and wood is alternative, deobstruent, used in skin diseases, menorrhagia, diarrhoea, jaundice and affection in eye. Decoction of root bark is stomachic, given in malarial fever and body inflammation. In Unani medicine, the root bark is used in leprosy; in tibetan medicine its decoction is used in piles, gastric disorders and other allied complaints
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  • Parts Used Tubers
  • Habit and Habitat Tropical region upto 3500 m.
Description: Twining or climbing herb; root tuberous, tubers variable, leaves 6 cm. in diameter, alternate, petiolate, cordate, entire, glabrous; flowers in spike, white Uses: Used in Piles, dysentry, syphilis and ulcers References: A compendium of Medicinal Plants in Nepal by Sushim Ranjan Baral and Puran Prasad Kurmi (October 2006)
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  • Botanical Name Emblica officianalis
  • Common Name Amlaa, Auraa, Dhaatri, Amrit phal
Deciduous shrub or tree. Leaves pinnate; leaflets small, sub-sessile, 9-12 mm long, pale green; stipules minute. Flowers greenish yellow, racemed on the branches, male flowers many; female flowers few. Fruit obscurely 6-lobed. Uses: Useful in harmorrhage, diarrhoea and dysentry, in combination with iron used for anemia, jaundice, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, hyperacidity, peptic ulcer, skin diseases, leprosy, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, cardiac disorders, intermittent fevers and greyness of hair. References: A compendium of Medicinal Plants in Nepal by Sushim Ranjan Baral and Puran Prasad Kurmi (October 2006)
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Asparagus Racemosus

  • Parts Used Root
It grows one to two metres tall and prefers to take root in gravelly, rocky soils high up in piedmont plains, at 1, 3001, 400 metres elevation). It was botanically described in 1799. Due to its multiple uses, the demand for Asparagus racemosus is constantly on the rise. Due to destructive harvesting, combined with habitat destruction, and deforestation, the plant is now considered endangered in its natural habitat. Uses: aphrodisiac (vrshya), enhances lactation (stanya kara), promotes strength (balya), promotes intelligence(medhya), increases digestive capacity(agni kara), provides nourishment(pustikara), beneficial for eyes(netrya).
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  • Common Name Shilajeet Pure Dry
  • Botanical Name Asphaltum
It is used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. The composition of shilajit has been investigated numerous times in both India and the former USSR, and depends on the location where it is found. It has been reported to contain at least 85 minerals in ionic form, as well as triterpenes, humic acid and fulvic acid. A similar substance from the Caucasus Mountains and the Altai mountains is called mumijo (Russian). Uses: Shilajit is traditionally considered to be a strong kidney tonic. From a Chinese perspective, it is a superb Jing tonic, since it increases the primal energy responsible for sexual and spiritual power.Shilajit is traditionally considered to be a strong kidney tonic. From a Chinese perspective, it is a superb Jing tonic, since it increases the primal energy responsible for sexual and spiritual power.
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Acorus Calamus

  • Parts Used Rhizome
  • Botanical Name Acorus calamus
This native perennial plant is 1-4 tall, consisting of tufts of basal leaves that emerge directly from a spreading rootstock. These basal leaves are erect and sword-shaped, resembling the basal leaves of Iris spp. (Irises), but more green. They are flattened (on one side more than the other), smooth along the margins, and have parallel veins. There is often an off-center ridgeindentation along the length of each leaf. Sometimes the base of the leaves or their margins are slightly red. Some leaves develop a cylindrical spadix that is about 24 in length and semi-erect.
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  • Botanical Name Acacia rugata
  • Parts Used Fruit
A large stragling shrub with more or less hooked prickles. Leaves 2-pinnate, pinnae 12-16, leaflets 30-50, membranous, 1-1.25 cm long; flowers in globose yellow heads, 1-1.25 cm across, arranged in panicle. Pods strap-shaped, straight, 7.6-10 cm long, thick and fleshy. Uses: Pod is purgative, anthelmintic, anti-diarrhoeal, emetic and diuretic; improves appetite, used in constipation, troubles of kidneys and the bladder; externally they are applied to leprous patches, prurigo, abscesses, eczema and bubos. The seeds are said to facilitate delivery during childbirth. Tender leaves are appetizer and used in hair loss.
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  • English Name Butter tree
  • Parts Used Fruit
The Chiuri tree is a medium sized tree native to Nepal. It grows mainly in the sub-Himalayan tracts on steep slopes, ravines and cliffs at an altitude of 400 to 1400 meters, particularly in the Chitawan district. Its botanical name is Diploknema butvracea Roxb syn. Bassia butyracea, syn. Madhuca butyracea, syn. Aesandra butyracea). It is also named butter tree. The main product of the tree is ghee or butter, extracted from the seeds and named Chiuri ghee. Uses: The potential use of Chiuri products is found in different fields such as confectionery, pharmaceutical, vegetable ghee production, candle manufacturing and soap making. It has been found to be effective for rheumatism. It is also used as an additive in animal ghee. The cake produced after processing of Chiuri is used as manure which has pesticide properties and is used on paddy fields (Rs 25pathi) and banana plantations. It is also used as a wormicide, nematicide, molluscicide, rodenticide and insecticide. The cake obtained during oil extraction from Chiuri can be used as crude fish poison substituting the dangerous chemical pesticides.
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  • Application Antipyretic, analgesic
  • Parts Used Rhizome
Root binnial, paired, tuberous, conical 3-9 cm long, 1-2.5 cm broad, external surface brown or blackish; longitudinally wrinkled, fracture short transverse cut surface shows grey bark, stellate cambium, central pith, root hair straight or slightly curved
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Piper Longum

  • Botanical Name Piper longum
  • Common Name Pipala, Pipali, Murjhad
A small shrub with a large woody root and numerous creeping, jointed stems, thickened at the nodes. The leaves are alternate, spreading, without stipules and blade varying greatly in size. The lowest leaves are 5-7 cm long, whereas, the uppermost 2-3 cm long. The flowers are in solitary spikes. The fruits, berries, in fleshy spikes 2.5-3.5 cm long and 5 mm thick, oblong, blunt and blackish green in color. The mature spikes collected and dried, form the commercial form of pippali and the root radix is known as pippalimula. Uses: Appetizer (Dipani), cures dyspnoea (Svasa), cough (Kasa), fever (Jvara), skin disorders (Kustha), abdominal tumor (Gulma), piles (Arsa), spleenomegaly (Pliha), pain (Sula), rheumatism (Amavata)
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