Twin-head cutting-off machine with 3 axes controlled by automatic movement of the mobile head and electronic management of all 45 (internal) to 15 (external) angles, with a precision, within each degree, of 280 positions. Advancement is driven by a pair of hydro-pneumatic cylinders. The innovative virtual rotation axis of the cutting units, subject of one of the patents that accompany this machine, as well as conferring absolute rigidity to the system, allows to manage positioning and profile blocking with great accuracy. These features allow to obtain a greater cutting precision than any other machine in its category and the name PRECISION is defined as the main feature. All axes movements take place on guides and slides on ball bearings. The automatic protections of the heads, the design of the push button control panels, front access to the electric and pneumatic panel, make it an advanced model also from a safety and ergonomics point of view