Our Products
We offer the best product range of PRESSED STEEL SECTIONAL WATER TANK, Cylindrical Water Tank and GRP Water Tank.
Pressed steel sectional tanks with capacities of up to 1300m3 have been installed worldwide in water supply projects, the food and processing industries, hotels, railways, hospitals and the utilities
sectors. Using proven technology, Balmoral steel sectional tanks and towers have an outstanding track record.
Cylindrical sectional tanks are manufactured in aluminum, Galvanized, stainless steel, epoxy coated steel or glass-fused tanks. The range of materials on offer Provides customers with cost effective and project specific options in the fire protection, potable and irrigation water storage, gray water, water treatment plants, etc.
The paneltankis a modular system, which then enables atankof any desired size to be assembled and constructed. Thesetanksare generally offered as Insulated or Non-Insulated.Tanks can be installed at the ground level, basements, roofs or inside buildings as well.