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Oil And Lubricants

Our product range contains a wide range of Industrial Gear Oil, MARINE DIESEL ENGINE OIL, DIAMOND DIESEL ENGINE OILS, TOPAZ ATF DEXRON and Gear Oils

Industrial Gear Oil

Product Description

Startec Quartz Industrial Gear Oils are premium quality extreme pressure oils designed primarily for lubrication of heavy duty industrial gears. Their high load carrying capacity and anti-friction characteristics combine to offer superior performance in gears and in all industrial applications. They are formulated using high viscosity Index, solvent refined base oils and incorporate special sulfur

Main Benefits
  • Excellent load carrying and anti-friction characteristics.
  • Outstanding oxidation and thermal stability.
  • Effective corrosion inhibition.
  • Effective water shedding properties.

STARTEC Quartz Industrial Gear oils can be used in steel gear transmissions, Industrial gears transmissions, Industrial gear drives where a full EP performance is required, circulating and splash lubricated systems and bearings.


STARTEC QuartzIndustrial Gear Oils meets AGMA 250.04 2 EP to 7 EP, AGMA 251.02 4 EP, 5EP, 6EP, DAVID BROWN SL 53.101, US Steel 220 & 224.Cincinnati Milacron P-63 (68). DIN 51517 part III

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Product Description

STARTEC Marine Diesel Engine Oil is trunk piston engine oil designed for use in medium speed diesel engines operatingon distillate fuels. The modern additive technology used in this oil provides superior enginecleanliness & protection.This oil is available in SAE 30 & SAE 40 viscosity grades with a TBN(Total Base Number) of 12. Each grade has got a suffix of 3 digits in which the first digit indicatesthe SAE grade (e.g. 3 indicate SAE 30 and 4 indicate SAE 40) and the last two digits indicate theTBN.These oils exhibit a high degree of water tolerance and meet the performance requirements ofAPI CF.

Features & Benefits

Superior detergency ensures piston and crankcase cleanlinessImproved anti-wear property minimizes engine wear and reduces maintenance costsExcellent thermo-oxidative stability retards oil degradation and controls its viscosityReserve TBN ensures protection of engine parts against corrosive combustion productsBetter demulsibility characteristics ensure water separation leading to trouble free operationSpecial rust & corrosion inhibitors prevent corrosion of engine parts in severe salt waterenvironment


  • Recommended for medium speed engines used in marine, power generation and industrialapplications operating on distillate fuelshaving sulphur contents up to 1 %. Speciallyrecommended for older engines where liner-lacquer is not a potential problem
  • Oils of appropriate TBN to be chosen based on the sulphur content of fuel used. Followmanufacturers recommendation for selection of suitable TBN level/ viscosity grade
  • Also recommended for general lubrication of shipboard equipment where specializedlubricants are not required or use of API CF quality oils are adequate
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Premium quality engine oil designed for use in naturally aspirated four-cycle and turbocharged diesel engines using high sulphur fuels.The TBN of 20 assures effective neutralization of harmful combustion products, particularly where fuel containing 1% sulphur or more is used.STARTEC Diamond Diesel Oil is suitable for Caterpillar pre-combustion engines.


  • Turbocharged and naturally aspirated diesel engines of all leading engine manufacturers requiringAPI CF-4 quality oils.
  • On-highway applications including light and heavy duty applications.
  • Heavy-duty diesel engines used in mining, construction, agriculture and other off-highwayapplications.

Features and Benefits

  • Excellent TBN retention
  • Neutralizes high sulphur fuel in engine combustion
  • Good engine deposit control
  • Excellent performance in Caterpillar PC engines
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STARTEC TOPAZ ATF Dex III is a transmission uid designed for use in automatic transmissionswhere Dexron III, Dexron II fluids have been specied. It is also commonly used as a power steering fluid.It is suitable for use with new technology transmission components and meets the need for improved uid stability and reliability underincreased operating temperature. STARTEC TOPAZ ATF Dex III meets the most demanding of all ATF specications.

Summary of Benets

  • Approved for a wide range of automatic and hydraulic transmissions.
  • Cost eective option to Dexron III products.
  • May be used for service fill or top up where Dexron II, Dexron III and Mercon fluids are specied.
  • Provides excellent protection of mobile hydraulic pumps such as those of Denison, Sperry Vickers and Sundstrand.
  • Greatly improved low temperature properties for smooth cold shifts.
  • Excellent shear stability for long fluid and component life.
  • Has unsurpassed retention of frictional co-ecient, for consistently smooth gear changes
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Gear Oils

Product Description

STARTEC QUARTZ Industrial gear oil is a high performance gear lubricant designed to provide excellent lubrication in a wide range of automotive transmissions, axles and final drives. It is formulated from high quality base stocks and balanced extreme pressure additives to protect gear components in applications where extreme pressure sand shock loading are encountered. It offers effective protection against oxidation degradation and rust & corrosion. It meets the requirements of API GL-5.

Features & Benefits
  • Excellent Extreme Pressure properties shields against wear under different operating conditions
  • Leading to enhanced equipment durability and lower maintenance costs.
  • High oxidation stability minimises sludge and deposit formation facilitating longer component life.
  • Effective rust and corrosion protection reduces wear and extends component life.
  • Good low temperature fluidity (SAE 85W-90 and 85W-140) reduces wear and enables easy start-up
  • Under low ambient temperatures.
  • Good anti-foam properties ensure film strength for effective lubrication.
  • Excellent seal compatibility helps minimise leakages and reduce chances of contamination.

STARTEC QUARTZ GEAR Lubricants are recommended for use in Hypoid gears, compatible with seal and gasket material used in automotive gears. Drive axle, trucks, and taxicabs, contracting and farming equipment.


STARTEC QUARTZ EP GEAR Lube meets API service categories GL-5 and U.S Military specification MIL-L-2105D

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