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Ultimate Power Solution
Provides a wide range of high quality products and services geared to our customer’s specific needs and requirements.
UPS is one of the leaders in supply, logistic and services for UAE, GCC countries, African countries and the foreign assistance mission, ISAF, NATO, UN, NGOs and Embassies.
When power needs are more challenging than normal specifications, Ultimate Power Solution is dedicated to providing solution that meet complex power requirements. All solutions and products are designed to meet the unique needs of each customer on a project – to –project basis.
Our Products:
Gasoline portable gen-sets 2.2-10 kva.
Diesel Gen-sets 8-2500 kva.
We have designs for any voltage such as Low, Medium and high voltages
All kinds of gene-sets accessories such as (Sound proof canopies, ATS, Synchronizing panels)
Tower Lights (Hand winch, Automatic mast lock, and 4*1000 watts metal halide lamps).
Solar & Wind Generators.
Gas Turbine-Gas gen-set (including CHP-units).
Marine auxiliary gen-sets, Onan Marine Gen-sets.
Mobile Gen-sets.
Heavy Fuel Power Stations
Wind Turbine
Hydro Generators
High quality products are ensured for all customers by means of:
-skilled and experienced workforce.
-High quality components.
We will be surprise if we get a request for quotations!
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