Our Products
Our Complete range of products are Rotary Drum Screens, Fine Drum Screens, Externally Fed Drum Screens and Internally Fed Rotating Drum Screens.
WASTEMASTER FTR is a rotating drum screen designed to combine separation of solids present in effluents with compacting and de-watering of the screenings thus obtained.
SPIRAMATIC VSA Fine Drum Screens are used in both municipal and industrial applications, as well as for the pretreatment in MBR plants. The machine screens, washes, conveys, and dewaters screenings all in one unit, thus eliminating the need for multiple pieces of equipment.
SGR Externally Fed Drum Screens are used for fine screening of sewage from both industrial and municipal purification plants. Alternatively, they are used for screening of process water from industrial processing plants.
RTV Internally Fed Rotating Drum Screens are suitable for pre-treatment of both municipal and industrial waste water treatment, as well as MBR plants