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Essential Oil

We offer the best product range of Lavandin Essential Oil, Myrtle Essential Oil and Rosehip Oil Virgin Organic.

Lavandin Essential Oil

  • Net weight 30ml/500ml

Lavandin Oil, an essential oil sourced from France also referred to asLavandula hybridaoil. Lavandin oil is steam-distilled from the flowering tops of a hybrid plant of two species of lavender. This essential oil is similar to lavender oil but has a more intense aroma with sharper notes, due to the fact that it is from a hybrid plant.

Lavandin oil is 100% pure with a strong and appealing fresh lavender scent. It is a highly desired ingredient in the soaping industry and is used to manufacture perfumes, lotions, toiletries and various cosmetic products. Natural essential oils such as lavandin oil is used for aromatherapy and commonly enjoyed in a diffuser to freshen the surrounding home environment.

Lavandin Essential Oil

Lavandin oil is extracted from the Lavandula x intermedia (also known as L. hybrida and L. hortensis), of the Lamiaceae (Labiatae) family and is also known as lavender.

Although this essential oil is sometimes confused with its cousin, lavender, it really is a wonderful oil and helps you feel more relaxed, easing sore muscles and joints, relieving muscle stiffness, clearing the lungs and sinuses from phlegm and for wound healing and dermatitis. It is really a very good oil to include in a massage blend and although not as well known and used as lavender, it is a very popular and effective ingredient for massage blends.

Lavender essential oil is one of the most favourite essential oils, as it has wonderful qualities and also smells great. It is a calming, relaxing oil, which combats stress and crisis, while the antiseptic properties helps with cold, flu and other ailments. Lavender essential oil is excellent for asthma and migraines. Apart from that it supports female health and on the skin it has a healing effect, while preventing scarring and balancing the skin.

Lavender Essential Oil properties

Lavandin essential oil has a light floral aroma, similar to lavender oil just sharper andit is clear in color.

Origin of lavender essential oil

It is an evergreen woody shrub about 1 meter high (3 feet), with gray-green narrow linear leaves and the most beautiful purple-blue flowers, perched on a long stem and a few varieties of it grow wild in the Mediterranean region, but the main producer is France.

The name is derived from the Latin word lavera which means to wash and the Romans used it frequently in their bath routine, and it is said to have been introduced by them into England, where it soon was a firm favorite.

It was a favorite for strewing on the floor, since it released an aroma when walked upon and it is often used these days in toilet water, as an insecticide or in sachets to be placed between linen. It is also used to clean wounds and to treat burns.

Lavandin is a hybrid plant developed in 1900 by crossing true lavender (L. angustifolia) with spike lavender or aspic (L. latifolia) and is larger than lavender with a woody stem and blue or gray flowers.

It is grown extensively in France and often preferred by the perfume industry for its oil and the flowers for sachets, potpourri and craft work.


Lavandin oil is extracted from the fresh flowering tops by steam distillation.

Chemical composition

The main chemical components of lavandin oil are lavandulol, linalool, linalyl acetate, camphor, cineole, caryophyllene, camphene, dipentene, limonene, ocimene and terpinene.


Lavandin oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing.

Therapeutic properties

The therapeutic properties of lavandin oil are antidepressant, antiseptic, analgesic cicatrisant, expectorant, nervine and vulnerary.


Lavandin oil can be useful in cases of muscle stiffness and aches and pains. It eases the lungs and helps with coughs, colds and flu.

It is also very beneficial for problems such as bronchitis, asthma, colds, laryngitis, halitosis, throat infections and whooping cough and helps the digestive system deal with colic, nausea, vomiting and flatulence.

Lavender essential oil relieves pain when used for rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and muscular aches and pains, especially those associated with sport.

On the skin, lavender essential oil tones and revitalizes and it is useful for all types of skin problems such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings and also acts as an insect repellent.

Lavender essential oil is one of the few essentials oils that can be used neat on the skin, and this is especially useful when treating a minor burn wound.

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Myrtle Essential Oil

Myrtle oil has an excellent healing effect on acne prone skin as it is bactericidal and antiseptic.


Origin: India

Myrtle EssentialOil

Myrtle essential oil has an uplifting effect on the body and mind and is helpful when used in cases ofself-destructive behaviour it is said to cleanse the inner being and dissolve disharmony.

It has an excellent healing effect on acne prone skin as it is bactericidal and antiseptic.

Oil properties

Myrtle Essential Oil has a clean camphoraceous smell, similar to eucalyptus and usually has a pale yellow colour.


Myrtle essential oil comes from the same family as eucalyptus, tea tree, bayberry and English bog myrtle. Myrtle is a small tree or large bush with lots of small, tough branches, small shaply pointed leaves and flowers followed by small, black berries. The leaves and flowers have a prominent fragrance.


Myrtle Essential Oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs of myrtus communis by stem distillation.

Chemical composition

The main chemical components are benzoic acid, vetiverol, furfurol, a and b-vetivone, vetivene and vetivenyl vetivenate.


It is classed as a non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil excessive use of it can lead to headaches and nausea.

Therapeutic properties

The therapeutic properties of myrtle essential oil are anti-catarrhal, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, expectorant and balsamic


Myrtle essential oil is primarily used for chronic pulmonary conditions, to expel phlegm and catarrh from the lungs. It is useful for acne prone skin and also as a sleeping aid, to uplift, refresh and restore.
Blended in a Cream
In a cream or lotion it is used to balance the production of sebum in the skin and thereby correcting and balancing overly-dry as well as overly-oily skin. The astringent, deodorizing and non-sensitizing effects of Myrtle essential oil are most effective when used on acne and oily, infected skin. Myrtle oil has an astringent effect on piles, if used in a diluted form together with cypress essential oil and witch hazel hydrosol.

Although most essential oils blend well together, myrtle oil blends particularly well with Bergamot, clary sage, clove, hyssop, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, peppermint, rosemary, spearmint, thyme and tea tree essential oils.

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Rosehip Oil Virgin Organic

Virgin Organic Rosehip Seed Oil is extracted from the seeds of the rose bush and is rich in essential fatty acids, particularly Linoleic (C18:2) and Linolenic (C18:3).High quality, pure, cold-pressed rosehip oil ranges from a beautiful deep golden hue, to a rich red-orange color

Cold Pressed Virgin (Unrefined)

Allergy concern: May contains seeds

Rosehip Oil Virgin Organic

Rosehip oil is a fairly new oil to be used and has gained great popularity because it has some great rejuvenating properties and is helpful with fighting sun damage to the skin.

It is high in GLA, and helps reduce the signs of ageing, especially the fine lines around the eyes (crows feet) and lines around the mouth, the drying effects of the sun and climate, as well as assisting with attenuating both accidental and surgical scars.

It helps the skin heal and regenerate and prevents the formation of ugly keloid scar tissue (thickening of the skin when forming scar tissue) and is helpful in healing burns, scars and stretch marks.

There have been some reports that it can aggravate acne, but since it is mostly used to counter the effects of ageing, this problem is not that relevant.

Rosehip oil is not a volatile essential oil, yet is expensive and scarce due to crop failures, and for this reason often sold adulterated, and mixed with another carrier oil.

Our product is pure and unadulterated and is from Chile.

  • Massage oil or used neat
    • It has great healing properties for damaged and distressed skin which makes it a good choice to include when mixing a massage oil or preparing a carrier oil blend, or to use neat when wishing to give your face a boost.
  • Cream or lotion
    • In a cream or lotion, or used neat on the skin, it is one of the most rejuvenating and regenerating compounds to be found, and for this reason, good quality anti-aging skincare products normally contain rosehip oil.
    • It is a good source of vitamin C, which is essential in the formation and synthesis of collagen in the skin, without which your skin would not only age prematurely, but will have terrible tone and the elasticity and suppleness would also be impaired.

Due to the high levels of the fatty acids linoleic (47.4%) and linolenic (33%) it helps the skin to heal and speeds up regeneration, while preventing the formation of thick keloid scar tissue (the over thickening and formation of fibrous tissue of the skin when forming scar tissue) and is helpful in healing burns, scars and stretch marks.

The success rate of attenuating and reducing the formation of keloid scar tissue and loosening up fibrous cords is successful in both accidental and surgical scars.

Fatty acids are essential building blocks of cellular membranes, to allow efficient transportation of nutrients from the extracellular space into the intracellular environment where metabolism takes place.

Besides the non-saturated fatty acids, the presence of carotenoids, flavonoids and trans-retinoic acid has also been detected in this oil and these could be responsible for some of the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of rose hip oil.

In a further study, it was found that it was useful when used on surgical scars (applied twice daily). The scars were less apparent, the skin more elastic and the color also improved significantly compared to patients not using it. The same success is reported on burns, when the oil was used to reduce scarring and returning the tissue to its normal and natural coloring.

It penetrates the skins very quickly, making it a good moisturizer and with all the other positive properties, and its tissue regeneration action, it is easy to understand why it is also described as the oil of youth.

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