Our Products
We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Rosewood Essential Oil, Chariot Heavy Musk SPL Fragrance Oil, Valerian Root Essential Oil, Pine Needle Essential Oil and Cardamom Essential Oil
This crisp and clean smelling essential oil is great for stimulating the brain, improving memory and mental clarity, while helping with a variety of congested respiratory tract problems, stiff muscles, coldness as well as boosting the liver and gall bladder. It is also used for improving hair and scalp health.
Origin: Brazil
Rosewood essential oil
Rosewood essential oil is extracted from Aniba rosaeodora (also known as Aniba rosaeodora var. amazonica) from the Lauraceae family and also known as bios de rose and Brazilian rosewood.
Although not possessing a wide range of therapeutic qualities, this essential oil is useful for lifting depression, fighting frigidity and impotence and for skin rejuvenation. It has excellent cell stimulant and tissue regeneration properties, making it a valuable ingredient in mature skin care.
Oil properties
The Rosewood essential oil has a slightly spicy, floral and sweet smell.
This Brazilian evergreen tree can grow up to 40 meters (125 feet) high and has a reddish bark and yellow flowers and is extensively felled in the South American rainforest, but now legislation requires distilleries to plant a new tree for each tree cut down.
The wood is used for building, French cabinet making, carving, for the production of chopsticks in Japan and of course, essential oil.
It is extracted from the wood chippings by steam distillation.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of rosewood oil are a-pinene, camphene, geraniol, neral, geranial, myrcene, limonene, 1, 8-cineole, linalool, benzaldehyde, linalool oxides and a-terpineol.
Rosewood oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil and is generally regarded as safe.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of rosewood oil are anti-depressant, mildly analgesic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, cephalic, deodorant, insecticide and stimulant.
When feeling overburdened by the world, this oil will lift your spirits and have a balancing action effect on the mind and body. It is used with good results in reducing headaches, colds, coughs, fever and infections and is a boost for the immune system.
Its aphrodisiac properties are useful to sort out sexual problems such as impotence and frigidity. It is an excellent oil to use in skincare, as it sorts out dull, dry and oily skin, while having a cell stimulant and tissue regenerating action on the skin which promotes rejuvenation of the skin.
A true masculine musky fragrance oil. Sultry amber notes embrace silky sandalwood, velvety florals and tender musks to create this smoldering oriental blend.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Soap.
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
The source of valerians potent earth-like scent, however, is its dark, woody roots. Most prominently used to help ease occasional tension and restlessness, valerians fragrance is often described as full, deep and musty.Some call is stinky feet or pooh oil
Origin: France
Valerian Root EssentialOilValerian oil is produced from the distillation of the botanicals root and has a unique fragrance that is calming and grounding
Oil properties
Valerian Root oilhas a strong aroma that is typical for root oils. It has a spicy, musky, aroma that is earthy. Somecall it stinky feet or poo oil.Valerian Root has an acquired scent, and when using in blends only one drop is necessary.
The Valerian plants are grown in many countries of Europe and in some part of Asia as well. A perennial herb originating from Europe, valerian is a flowering plant that typically grows to around four feet tall and blooms during early summer.The Valerian plant is cultivated in a fertile soil. Valerian root is collected in the fall. The roots are mop like and fibrous.
Our product is extracted by steam distillation of the dried roots.
Avoid during pregnancy and while nursing. Avoid with babies and young children.
Valerian Root oilis a very calming oil that can be used to quiet mind chatter, inspire inner calm, and give a sense of grounding to the inner self. It can be used before bedtime to promote relaxation before sleep. It is best used in a blend due to its strong aroma and only a little is needed to utilize its therapeutic properties.
Valerian oil blends well with Cedarwood, Copaiba Balsam, Lavender, Mandarin Red, Patchouli, Petitgrain bigarade, Petitgrain Mandarin, Tangerine, Spikenard, Yarrow
Pine oil is classified as a middle note essential oil and sought after for its fresh fragrance and cleansing properties. It is a desired ingredient in the soaping industry and is also used in skin care products, bath products, massage oils, detergents and disinfectants, or enjoyed in diffusers
Origin: Austria
Pine Needle EssentialOilPine oil is an essential oil sourced from Austria, that is steam distilled from the needles ofPinus sylvestris. Pine is a coniferous evergreen tree that can reach heights of up to 40 meters with long blue-green needles. It is a popular Christmas tree type in the United States.Pinus sylvestrisis also known as forest pine, Norway pine and Scotch pine. Our pine oil is 100% pure with a crisp forest like scent.
Oil properties
Pine oil has a fresh forest smell, is pale yellow in color and watery in viscosity.
This evergreen tree can grow up to 40 meters (130 feet) and has a flat crown and has a reddish-brown, deeply fissured bark, needle-like gray-green leaves that grow in pairs, orange-yellow flowers and pointed brown cones.
It is extensively cultivated for its wood, tar, pitch, turpentine and essential oil and was used by the Native Americans to prevent scurvy. Mattresses where stuffed with the needles to repel lice and fleas and the ancient Egyptians used pine kernels in their cooking.
Our product is extracted by steam distillation of the twigs and buds and yields about 0.1 -.05 %, although another type of oil can also be extracted by steam distilling the needles.
Chemical composition
The main chemical properties of pine oil are borneol, bornyl acetate, a and b-phallandrene, a and b-pinene and 3-carene.
Although pine and pine needle oil is considered non-toxic and non-irritant in low dosage it should still be used with care on the skin, since it can cause irritation in high dosage and may sensitize the skin as well. The oil from the dwarf pine (Pinus mugo. var. pumilio) is a dermal irritant and a sensitizing agent. Should you be prone to allergic skin reactions or are pregnant rather give this oil a miss.
Pine needleoil is most useful to relieve mental, physical and sexual fatigue, while having a cleansing and invigorating effect on an area and is great for vapor therapy in a sick room as it promotes healing.
It can be used for cuts and sores, scabies and lice and for excessive perspiration, while its warming properties help with rheumatism, arthritis, gout, muscular aches and pains and it can stimulate circulation. Furthermore it can help in cases of bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis, colds and flu. It eases breathlessness and sinusitis.
Care should however be taken if you are prone to allergic reactions, and this oil may also irritate the mucus membranes.
Although most essential oils blend well with one another pine oil blends particularly well with cedar wood, eucalyptus, lavender, neroli, rosemary and sage.
Cardamom essential oil has very strong antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which are safe as well. A mild solution in water can be used to bathe, while disinfecting theskinand hair.
Origin: India
CardamomEssential OilCardamom oil is extracted from Elettaria cardomomum (also known as Elettaria cardomomum var. cardomomum) of the Zingiberaceae family and is also known as cardamomi, cardomum and mysore cardomom.
Oil properties
Cardamom oil is sweet, spicy and almost balsamic in fragrance, is clear to pale yellow in color and slightly watery in viscosity.
A perennial, reed-like herb, Cardamom grows wild and is cultivated in India and Ceylon.
It grows up to 4 meters (13 feet) high and has long, green silky blades, small yellowy flowers with a violet tip and a large fleshy rhizome, similar to ginger. Oblong gray fruits follow the flowers, each containing many seeds.
Cardamom was well known in ancient times and the Egyptians used it in perfumes and incense and chewed it to whiten their teeth, while the Romans used it for their stomachs when they over-indulged.
The Arabs ground it to use their coffee and It is an important ingredient in Asian cooking. Valerius Cordus first distilled the essential oil in 1544 after the Portuguese discovered the East.
The essential oil of Cardamom is extracted by steam distillation from the seeds of the fruit gathered just before they are ripe. The yield is 1-5 %.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of cardamom oil are a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, limonene, 1, 8-cineole, y-terpinene, p-cymene, terpinolene, linalool, linalyl acetate, terpinen-4-oil, a-terpineol, a-terpineol acetate, citronellol, nerol, geraniol, methyl eugenol and trans-nerolidol.
Cardamom oil is non-toxic and non-irritant as well as non-sensitizing.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of cardamom oil are antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, digestive, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic and tonic.
Cardamom oil is particularly helpful for the digestive system. It works as a laxative and soothes colic, wind, dyspepsia and nausea even nausea in pregnancy. It warms the stomach and helps with heartburn.
When feeling weak and mentally fatigued, cardamom oil can help with its refreshing and uplifting effect.
Cardamom oils expectorant properties help clear coughs. It is a well-known remedy for impotence and low sexual response
It blends well with rose, orange, bergamot, cinnamon, cloves, caraway and cedar wood.
Fennel Oil Sweet, an essential oil sourced from Austria that is steam distilled from the seeds ofFoeniculum vulgare Mill.var. dulce.Our Fennel Oil Sweet is 100% pure with a sweet and herbaceous scent with notes of earth and anise.
Origin: Austria
Fennel SweetEssential OilOur fennel essential oil is extracted from Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce, which is sweet fennel (also known as F. officinale, F. capillaceum and Anethum foeniculum) of the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family and is also known as fenkel and Roman fennel.
This essential oil is used in aromatherapy to boost your courage, resolve and strength in the face of adversity, while helping a huge array of digestive problems, fighting obesity, clearing an oily skin and fighting wrinkles.
Oil properties
Fennel oil has a herby, slightly spicy smell, much like aniseed and it is clear in viscosity.
The name is from the Latin word foenum which means hay. It grows up to 2 meters (6 feet) in height and is a biennial or perennial herb, with green feathery leaves and golden yellow flowers, that bees like.
In Medieval times it was known as Fenkle and was a very popular herb with the ancient Chinese, Egyptians and Romans, who believed it conveyed longevity, courage and strength, as well as warding of spirits. Not only did they use it to strengthen eyesight, but they also used it for snakebites, colic and to rid dogs of fleas.
Sweet fennel oil (the one we sell) is extracted from crushed seeds by steam distillation and yield 2 4 %.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of frankincense essential oil are a-pinene, actanol, linalool, octyl acetate, bornyl acetate, incensole and incensyl acetate
Sweet fennel oil is powerful and shouldnt be used in large doses, as it may have a narcotic effect. It should be avoided altogether in pregnancy and cases of epilepsy.
It contains high amounts of trans-anethole and for that reason people with estrogen linked cancers, as well as breast-feeding mothers, pregnant women and women suffering from endometriosis should rather avoid it.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of fennel oil are aperitif, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactagogue, laxative, stimulant, stomachic, splenic, tonic and vermifuge.
Fennel oil is a remedy for digestive complaints such as flatulence, constipation, colic, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, dyspepsia and hiccups. It is also used in cases of obesity, as it promotes that full feeling and has a diuretic effect that helps to disperse cellulite.
For the mind, it adds courage and strength in the face of adversity. It has a cleansing and toning effect on the skin, helping with bruises, sorting out overly oily skin and to fight wrinkles in more mature complexions (possibly due to the estrogenic properties of the oil).
Used in a base cream or lotion, fennel oil can be helpful for general skin care and especially for dispersing bruises, livening a dull complexion, clearing an oily skin and fighting wrinkles in mature skins. It is also useful for removing cellulite, to fight rheumatism and helps with edema.
Tangerineessential oilis a tangy and zesty essential oil has some great properties to help relieve stress and digestive problems, but is mostly used to increase circulation to the skin, reducing fluid retention and to help prevent stretch marks.
Origin: Brazil
TangerineOilTangerine oil is extracted from Citrus reticulata (also known as Citrus nobilis, C. madurensis, C. unshiu and C. deliciosa) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as European mandarin, tangerine, naartjie and true mandarin.
This tangy and zesty essential oil has some great properties to help relieve stress and digestive problems, but is mostly used to increase circulation to the skin, reducing fluid retention and to help prevent stretch marks.
Oil properties
It is sweet and tangy and yellowy orange color.
Origin of TangerineOil
It is a native of China, but was taken to Europe in 1805 and a little later to America, who now is a large producer of this oil. The difference between tangerines and mandarins are the fact that tangerines are harvested around November while mandarins are harvested around February.
Tangerines are also deeper orange in color and do not have pips, while mandarins are more yellow and do have pips.
Tangerine oil is extracted from the peel by cold expression.
Chemical compositionThe main chemical components of tangerine oil are a-thujone, a-pinene, camphene, sabinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, y-terpinolene, linalool, citronellal, terpineol-4-ol, nerol and geranial.
It is a non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, but some phototoxicity has been reported and it would be best to not expose the skin to sunlight after a treatment.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of tangerine oil are antiseptic, antispasmodic, cytophylactic, depurative, sedative, stomachic and tonic.
Tangerine oil is soothing to the nervous system and has a tonic effect on the digestive system, while helping flatulence, diarrhea and constipation. It is also useful for the skin and is used to help with stretch marks, increasing circulation and reducing fluid retention.
It is an oil that can boost the digestive system, reduce retention, increase circulation and soothes the nervous system and relieve stress and tension.
Patchouliessential oil may remind people of the hippie era, its value in skincare is incalculable. It is also great for fighting depression and anxiety. It has great diuretic properties and also helps break down cellulite, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, speeding up healing and preventing ugly scars forming when wounds heal.
Origin: India
Patchouli OilPatchouli oil is extracted from Pogostemon cablin (also known as Pogostemon patchouli) of the Labiatae family and is also known as patchouly and puchaput.
Although this essential oil may remind people of the hippie era, its value in skincare is incalculable. It is also great for fighting depression and anxiety. It has great diuretic properties and also helps break down cellulite, while stimulating the regeneration of skin cells, speeding up healing and preventing ugly scars forming when wounds heal.
Oil propertiesPatchouli oil has a rich musky-sweet, strong spicy and herbaceous smell. It is light yellow to dark brown in color and is a thick oil.
Origin of Patchouli Oil
It is a perennial, bushy plant that grows up to 1meter (3 feet) high, with a sturdy, hairy stem and large, fragrant, furry leaves, about four inches long and five inches across. It has whitish flowers tinged with purple.
The plant is native to Malaysia and India, where it is known as puchaput. The word is derived from Hindustan word patch meaning green and ilai meaning leaf.
It was placed between Indian cashmere shawls en route to Victorian England, to protect the merchandise from moths, and without this signature smell of dried patchouli leaves the shawls could not be sold in England.
In the East, it is used in potpourris and sachets and place between linen, to keep bedbugs away, and it is the smell of patchouli oil, mixed with that of camphor, that gives Indian ink its characteristic smell.
Patchouli oil is extracted from the young leaves which are dried and fermented prior to steam distillation and yields 2 3 %. This oil improves with age to have a fuller, more well rounded odor.
Chemical compositionThe chemical components of patchouli oil are b-patchoulene, a-guaiene, caryophyllene, a-patchoulene, seychellene, a-bulnesene, norpatchoulenol, patchouli alcohol and pogostol.
PrecautionsIt is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but the smell of patchouli oil may be a little persistent for some people and large doses may cause loss of appetite in some individuals.
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of patchouli oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative and tonic.
On the skin, this oil is one of the most active and is a superb tissue regenerator, which helps to stimulate the growth of new skin cells. In wound healing, it not only promotes faster healing, but also helps to prevent ugly scarring when the wound heals.
Patchouli oil is very effective in sorting out rough, cracked and overly dehydrated skin and is used to treat acne, acne, eczema, sores, ulcers, any fungal infections, as well as scalp disorders.
Patchouli oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, helps for infections and insect bites, water retention and can help with stress related problems and addictions.
Oil BlendCitrus aurantium
Neroliessential oil is one of the most popular essential oils, as it not only has great therapeutic properties, but also has the most incredible smell. It has a greatly relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms, calming heart palpitations and has a wonderful rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, helping to prevent ugly scarring and fighting stretch marks.
Origin: Italy
Neroli OilNeroli oil is extracted from the flowers of Citrus aurantium var. amara (also known as Citrus vulgaris and C. Bigardia) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as orange flower and Neroli bigarade.
As with lavender, this essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils, as it not only has great therapeutic properties, but also has the most incredible smell. It has a greatly relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms, calming heart palpitations and has a wonderful rejuvenating and regenerative effect on the skin, helping to prevent ugly scarring and fighting stretch marks.
Oil propertiesNeroli oil has a sweet, floral and slightly haunting aroma, the color is pale yellow and the viscosity is watery.
Origin of Neroli Oil
It is also known as orange blossom and it takes about 1000 lbs. of orange blossoms to make 1 lb. of Neroli oil. The name is said to have originated from the Italian princess, Anne-Marie de la Tremoille (Countess of Nerola) who used the oil as a perfume and to scent her bathwater and gloves. It is still an ingredient for making traditional smelling eau-de-cologne.
Orange petals are often associated with marriage, purity and brides, as brides traditionally wore orange buds in their hair.
Neroli oil is extracted from the small, white, waxy flowers of the bitter-orange tree by steam distillation and yields 0.8 1 %.
Chemical compositionThe main chemical components of neroli oil are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, a-terpinene, nerol, neryl acetate, farnesol, geraniol, linalool, nerolidol, linalyl acetate, methyl anthranilate and indole.
Neroli oil is non-toxic, non-sensitizing, non-irritant and non-phototoxic yet must be used sparingly when a sharp clear head is needed, as it can be very relaxing.
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of Neroli oil are antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, cordial, deodorant, digestive, emollient, sedative and tonic.
On the skin, neroli oil can help to regenerate skin cells and is a rejuvenating oil useful to prevent ugly scar tissue, promote a smoother skin, fighting stretch marks and broken capillaries.
Neroli oil not only smells exquisite, but can also relax and calm the nervous system, the digestive tract and is helpful in skin care.
Oil BlendJasminum grandiflorum
Jasmine oil (blended with fractionated & deodorized coconut oil)does more than just smell exquisite it deeply relaxes, lifts depression and boosts confidence, helps with sexual problems, sooths coughing and tones and improves skin elasticity, while helping to reduce stretch marks and scars.
Ingredients: Pure jasmine absolute & deodorised fractionated coconut oil
This blend is already prediluted and ready for use.
Essential oils blended with carrier oils may clog diffusers; please clean thoroughly after each use.
Origin: France/Italy/Turkey
Jasmine OilOur Jasmine oil is extracted from Jasminum Gradiflora, of the Oleaceae family and is also known as Spanish Jamsine, Royal Jasmine, Catalonian Jasmine, jasmin, jessamine and common jasmine.
Although expensive, this essential oil does more than just smell exquisite it deeply relaxes, lifts depression and boosts confidence, eases childbirth, helps with sexual problems, sooths coughing and tones and improves skin elasticity, while helping to reduce stretch marks and scars.
Oil propertiesJasmine essential oil has a sweet, exotic and richly floral smell.
The more common species Jasminum grandiflorum (also known as royal jasmine, Spanish or Catalonian jasmine or jati) is also used for essential oil extraction.
Origin of Jasmine Oil
Jasmine is an evergreen, fragile, climbing shrub, that can grow up to 10 meters (33 feet) high and has dark green leaves and small white star-shaped flowers, which are picked at night, when the aroma is most intense.
An experienced picker can pick 10, 000-15, 000 blossoms per night.
Originally from China and Northern India, it was brought to Spain by the Moors, with France, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, China, Japan and Turkey currently producing the best essential oil.
The name Jasmine is derived from the Persian word yasmin. The Chinese, Arabians and Indians used it medicinally, as well as for an aphrodisiac and for other ceremonial purposes.
In Turkey, the wood is used for making rope stems and jasmine tea is a Chinese favorite (but Jasminum sambac Arabian jasmine is normally used for this) and in Indonesia it is used as a popular garnish.
Jasmine oil starts it journey as a concrete, which is made by solvent extraction, after which an absolute is obtained from the concrete, by separation with alcohol.
1, 000 lbs of flowers yield approximately one pound of liquid concrete, which yields 0.2% aromatic molecules.
Chemical compositionThere are well over 100 constituents found in jasmine oil, but the main chemical components are benzyl acetate, linalool, benzyl alcohol, indole, benzyl benzoate, cis-jasmone, geraniol, methyl anthranilate and trace amounts of p. cresol, farnesol, cis-3-hexenyl benzoate, eugenol, nerol, ceosol, benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, y-terpineol, nerolidol, isohytol, phytol etc.
PrecautionsJasmine oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing, although some people do have an allergic reaction to the oil. Due to its emmenagogue properties it should not be used in pregnancy. Using too much of this oil could impede concentration, as it is a deeply relaxing oil.
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of jasmine oil are anti-depressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, anti-spasmodic, cicatrisant, expectorant, galactagogue, parturient, sedative and uterine.
Jasmine oil tones dry, greasy, irritated and sensitive skin, increases elasticity and is often used to assist with stretch marks and to reduce scarring.
Jasmine oil has great value for treating severe depression, eases childbirth, is beneficial with sexual problems, on the respiratory tract, for muscle pain and for toning the skin.
Carrot seed oil is an ideal topical oil rich in antioxidants. It is a desired ingredient in the soaping industry and is also used throughout the cosmetic industry in a number of skin care products such as moisturizers, body lotions, creams and facial ointments as well as muscle creams
Origin: Hungary/Austria
Carrot Seed Oil (EssentialOil)Carrot seed oil is extracted from Daucus carota of the Apiaceae family and is also known as wild carrot and Queen Annes lace.This isan essential oil extracted from the seedsanddo not confuse it with the cheaper macerated carrot oilmade when people infuse the carrot material in a base oil.This must be one of the most underrated essential oils in aromatherapy. It has a soft earthy smell and not only helps to relieve stress and exhaustion, but is a powerful detoxifier and liver booster, while stimulating and rejuvenating the skin in general, thereby adding elasticity to any skin. At the same time it fights any skin problems, such as psoriasis, eczema, weeping sores, ulcers, boils and carbuncles. The formative action on the epidermal cells help to keep wrinkles at bay and is also helpful when fighting liver spots (age spots).
Oil propertiesCarrot seed oil has a slightly sweet, dry and earthy aroma.
Origin of Carrot Seed Oil
Carrot seed oil is mainly obtained from wild carrots, usually found in Europe. It is an annual or biennial herb with hairy leaves and umbels of white lacy flowers with purple centers.
The name is derived from the Greek Carotos and it had great medicinal value in ancient times, especially for its carminative properties. In modern application, it is used for cancer patients, especially those with stomach and throat problems.
Since carrot seed oil contains carotene and vitamin A, it is also very good for healthy skin, hair, gums and teeth and is also associated with good eyesight.
The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the dried seeds.
Chemical compositionThe main chemical constituents of carrot seed oil include a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, y-terpinene, limonene, b-bisabolene, geranyl acetate and carotol.
PrecautionsAlthough it is regarded to be a safe oil, it is best avoided during pregnancy.
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of carrot seed oil are antiseptic, carminative, cytophylactic, depurative, diuretic, emmenagogue, hepatic, stimulant, tonic and vermifuge.
Carrot seed oils greatest benefit lies in its purifying effect on the liver and the digestive system. It is also a great help in the treatment of muscular aches and pains, skin problems and respiratory ailments.
100% Pure Natural Myrrh Gel Oil (not steam distilled essential oil), reddish brown resin oil extracted from the Myrrh tree, Myrrh oil is known for its anti-fungal, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. It assists in killing bacteria, fungi and certain other detrimental microbes by making the body resistant to such infections.
Myrrh Gel OilMyrrh gel, If you talk about a magical essential gel oil in aromatherapy, then this must surely be it, as it not only works on increasing your spiritual self, but produce wonderful results when used to treat female complaints, skin ailments.
Oil propertiesMyrrh oil has a warm, slightly musty smell and is reddishbrown in color.
ExtractionMyrrh gel oil is extracted fromof the oleoresin-gum (crude myrrh).
Chemical compositionThe main chemical components of myrrh oil are a-pinene, cadinene, limonene, cuminaldehyde, eugenol, m-cresol, heerabolene, acetic acid, formic acid and other sesquiterpenes and acids.
PrecautionsMyrrh oil is non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but could be toxic in high dosage and should not be used in pregnancy, as it can act as a uterine stimulant.
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of myrrh oil are anti-catarrhal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, astringent, balsamic, carminative, cicatrisant, emmenagogue, expectorant, fungicidal, sedative, digestive and pulmonary stimulant, stomachic, tonic, uterine and vulnerary.
UsesMyrrh oil is effective against excessive mucus in the lungs and helps to clear ailments such as colds, catarrh, coughs, sore throats and bronchitis. It is used for diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence and hemorrhoids (haemorrhoids).
It is very good for mouth and gum disorders, such as mouth ulcers, pyorrhea (pyorrhea), gingivitis, spongy gums and sore throats. On the skin, it is used with great success on boils, skin ulcers, bedsores, chapped and cracked skin, ringworm, weeping wounds, eczema and athletes foot.
Oil BlendJasminum Sambac
Jasmine Sambac Essential Oil(blended withfractionated & deodorized coconut oil), whichis more musky, spicy, mysterious and exotic than the Jasmine grandiflorium.
Ingredients: Pure Jasmine sambacabsolute & deodorised fractionated coconut oil
This blend is already prediluted and ready for use.
Essential oils blended with carrier oils may clog diffusers; please clean thoroughly after each use.
Jasmine Oil SAMBACOur jasmine essential oil is extracted from Jasminum Sambac of the Oleaceae family.
Oil propertiesFloral, rich, sweet and warm, exquisitely exotic and graceful has a dark orange color.
ExtractionJasmine oil starts it journey as a concrete, which is made by solvent extraction, after which an absolute is obtained from the concrete, by separation with alcohol. The essential oil is then produced off the absolute by steam distillation.
Chemical compositionThe main constituents in the distilled lime oil, like the one we sell is a-pinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinolene, 1, 8-ceneole, linalool, borneol, citral and traces of neral acetate and geranyl acetate.
PrecautionsJasmine oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing, although some people do have an allergic reaction to the oil. Due to its emmenagogue properties it should not be used in pregnancy. Using too much of this oil could impede concentration, as it is a deeply relaxing oil.
Therapeutic propertiesRelaxing, intoxicating, warming. Great aphrodisiac, can help against depression, and can aid in finding restful sleep. Jasmine has a long tradition of being used in childbirth as a relaxing and supportive remedy. Jasmine is valued as a skin care ingredient for aiding dry, sensitive and irritated skin.
UsesIt is a valuable remedy in cases of severe depression and soothes the nerves, producing a feeling of confidence, optimism and euphoria, while revitalizing and restoring energy.
Jasmine oil facilitates delivery in childbirth: it hastens the birth by strengthening the contractions and at the same time relieves pain. It is effective in post-natal depression and promotes the flow of breast milk. Because of its deeply soothing and calming nature,
It has a very beneficial effect on the respiratory system, by soothing irritating coughs and helping with hoarseness and laryngitis. It furthermore helps with muscle pain, sprains, and stiff limbs.
Jasmine oil tones dry, greasy, irritated and sensitive skin, increases elasticity and is often used to assist with stretch marks and to reduce scarring.
During the Middle Ages it was given to jousting knights for courage, and a sprig of the herb was carried into courtrooms to ward off diseases
Origin: Hungary
Thyme Essential OilOur thyme oil is extracted from Thymus vulgaris (also known as Thymus aestivus, T. ilerdensis and T. velantianus) of the Labiatae family and is also known as common or red thyme.
This essential oil can cause skin irritation, yet has great value to help with concentration and to focus, as well as being an excellent bronchial and lung stimulant, making it valuable in bronchitis, coughs, colds, asthma and the like, while the warming qualities are great for rheumatism, sciatica, arthritis and gout.
Oil propertiesIt has a rather sweet, yet strongly herbal smell and is reddish-brown to amber in color.
ExtractionIt is extracted from the fresh or partly dried flowering tops and leaves of the plant by water or steam distillation and the yield is 0.7 -1.0 %.
Chemical compositionThe main chemical components are a-thujone, a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, p-cymene, a-terpinene, linalool, borneol, b-caryophyllene, thymol and carvacrol.
PrecautionsIt is a very potent oil and should not be used during pregnancy or in cases of high blood pressure. Because of the phenols (carvacrol and thymol), which can irritate mucus membranes and cause skin irritation, it should not be used for skin care products, and in general should be used in low concentrations.
When it is used in massage therapy, it would be a good idea to do a skin patch test to determine if the person is sensitive to it.
Thyme oil strengthens the nerves, aids memory and concentration, can help with the feeling of exhaustion and combats depression, while it fortifies the lungs and helps with colds, coughs, asthma, laryngitis, sinusitis, catarrh, whooping cough, sore throats and tonsillitis.
Thyme oil is beneficial to boost the immune system and can help fight colds, flu, infectious diseases and chills and as a urinary antiseptic, it is very helpful for cystitis and urethritis.
The warming effect of this oil can help in cases of poor circulation, as well as for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscular aches and pains, sprains and sport injuries
In India it is known as choomana poolu and is also referred to as Indian Verbena or Indian Melissa oil and used in Ayurvedic medicine to help bring down fevers and treat infectious illnesses. It is a valuable ingredient in perfumes and citrus-type soaps and is also an insect deterrent.
LimeEssential OilLime oil is extracted from Citrus aurantifolia (also known as Citrus medica var. acida and C. latifolia) of the Rutaceae family and is also known as Mexican and West Indian lime, as well as sour lime.
This clear smelling citrus oil can help lift depression and lighten your mood when feeling blue. It is used to fight cellulite and to tone the skin in general.
Oil propertiesLime oil has a sharp, citrus peel smell and is pale yellow to light olive in color.
ExtractionLime oil can be extracted by expression or by distillation the peel of the unripe skin by cold expression or the peel and /or the whole ripe fruit by steam distillation.
Our lime oil is obtained by steam distillation of the fruit rinds and since it is distilled it does not have a phototoxic effect on the skin.
Chemical compositionThe main constituents in the distilled lime oil, like the one we sell is a-pinene, b-pinene, myrcene, limonene, terpinolene, 1, 8-ceneole, linalool, borneol, citral and traces of neral acetate and geranyl acetate.
PrecautionsNon-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing if the oil is obtained by steam extraction, yet the oil obtained from cold expression can cause photosensitivity in strong sunshine and can irritate the skin.
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of lime oil are antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative and tonic.
UsesLime oil is useful to cool fevers associated with colds, sore throats and flu and aids the immune system while easing coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis, as well as helping asthma. Lime oil can stimulate and refresh a tired mind and helps with depression.
It can be helpful for arthritis, rheumatism and poor circulation, as well as for obesity and cellulite and has an astringent and toning action to clear oily skin and acne, and also helps with herpes, insect bites and cuts.
In India it is known as choomana poolu and is also referred to as Indian Verbena or Indian Melissa oil and used in Ayurvedic medicine to help bring down fevers and treat infectious illnesses. It is a valuable ingredient in perfumes and citrus-type soaps and is also an insect deterrent.
LemongrassEssential OilOur lemongrass essential oil is extracted from Cymbopogon citratus (also known as Andropogon citratus, A. schoenathus West Indian, Madagascar or Guatemala lemongrass; Andropogon flexuosus, Cymbopogon flexuosus East Indian, Cochin, British India or native lemongrass), of the Poaceae family.
It is a fresh smelling oil that can be used with success for fighting jet lag, cellulite, revitalizing a tired body and mind, as well as keeping the family pet free of fleas and ticks.
Oil propertiesLemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color, with a watery viscosity.
ExtractionLemongrass oil is extracted from the fresh or partly dried leaves by steam distillation.
Chemical compositionThe main chemical components of lemongrass oil are myrcene, citronellal, geranyl acetate, nerol, geraniol, neral and traces of limonene and citral.
PrecautionsLemongrass oil can irritate a sensitive skin, so care should be taken. It should be avoided in pregnancy, due to it being a possible skin irritant
Therapeutic propertiesThe therapeutic properties of lemongrass oil are analgesic, anti-depressant, antimicrobial. antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicidal, galactagogue, insecticidal, nervine, nervous system sedative and tonic.
UsesLemongrass oil revitalizes the body and relieves the symptoms of jetlag, clears headaches and helps to combat nervous exhaustion and stress-related conditions.
Lemongrass oil helps tone the muscles and tissue, relieves muscle pains by making the muscle more supple. It helps with correcting poor circulation and as an insect repellant. It helps to keep pets clean of fleas, ticks and lice.
It also is used for clearing up oily skin and acne, as well as athletes foot. It alleviates excessive perspiration.
The Egyptians used the oil in the mummification process, in cosmetics and as a insect repellant, while native Americans used Cedar oil in medicine and burnt it for purification. These days the wood is often used in the making of pencils and boxes.
Cedarwood Essential OilOur cedarwood essential oil is extracted from Juniperus virginiana of the Cupressaceae family. It is also known as Virginian, red, eastern red or southern red cedar, as well as Bedford cedarwood.
This clean smelling, balsamic oil does not only help calm and balance energy, but also promotes spirituality, while helping to clear the respiratory system of excess phlegm and catarrh. It sorts out urinary tract infections, as well as bladder and kidney disorders, while improving oily skin and clearing up dandruff.
Oil properties
It has a soft, woody and pencil-like smell and has a faint undertone of sandalwood. It is pale yellow to light orange in color and is viscous.
Wood chips and sawdust are subjected to steam distillation to extract the oil and the yield is about 35 %.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of cedarwood oil are a-cedrene, b-cedrene, thujopsene, other sesquiterpenes, cedrol and widdrol.
In high concentration, cedarwood oil may irritate the skin and it should be avoided in pregnancy.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of cedarwood oil are antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticide, sedative and fungicide.
Cedarwood oil benefits the skin by its sedating ability which relieves itching. Its astringent action is great for acne, oily skin, as well as for hair and dandruff. It helps with chest and urinary infections, acts as a general tonic and has a pronounced effect on mucus membranes.
It has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and is of great help in conditions associated with anxiety and nervous tension. It is also of value in cases of arthritis and rheumatism.
We are the main supplier of this product.
Lavender Oil, sourced from France as its name suggests, is steam distilled from the flowering tops of the plant. It has a pleasant characteristic aroma with a pale to light yellow color. Improve your bath experience by adding a few drops in your bath or Jacuzzi!
Origin: France
Lavender Essential OilLavender essential oil is one of the most favorite essential oils, as it has wonderful qualities and also smells great. It is a calming, relaxing oil, which combats stress and crisis, while the antiseptic properties helps with cold, flu and other ailments. Lavender essential oil is excellent for asthma and migraines. Apart from that it supports female health and on the skin it has a healing effect, while preventing scarring and balancing the skin.
Lavender Essential Oil properties
Lavender essentialoil has a light fresh aroma, is clear in color and watery in viscosity
Origin of lavender essential oil
It is an evergreen woody shrub about 1 meter high (3 feet), with gray-green narrow linear leaves and the most beautiful purple-blue flowers, perched on a long stem and a few varieties of it grow wild in the Mediterranean region, but the main producer is France.
The name is derived from the Latin word lavera which means to wash and the Romans used it frequently in their bath routine, and it is said to have been introduced by them into England, where it soon was a firm favorite.
It was a favorite for strewing on the floor, since it released an aroma when walked upon and it is often used these days in toilet water, as an insecticide or in sachets to be placed between linen. It is also used to clean wounds and to treat burns.
The leaves and stalks are used for extraction, and the oil is obtained through steam distillation.
Chemical composition
Lavender essentialoil is extracted from the flowering tops by steam distillation and yields 1.4 % 1.6 %.
Although lavender essential oil is considered one of the safest essential oils, you should discontinue use is you have any allergic reactions.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of lavender essential oil are antiseptic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, carminative, cholagogue, cicatrisant, cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, hypotensive, nervine, rubefacient, sedative, sudorific and vulnerary.
Lavender essential oil has a soothing and calming effect on the nerves, relieving tension, depression, panic, hysteria and nervous exhaustion in general and is effective for headaches, migraines and insomnia. Add a few drops in bath water daily.
It is also very beneficial for problems such as bronchitis, asthma, colds, laryngitis, halitosis, throat infections and whooping cough and helps the digestive system deal with colic, nausea, vomiting and flatulence.
Lavender essential oil relieves pain when used for rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago and muscular aches and pains, especially those associated with sport.
On the skin, lavender essential oil tones and revitalizes and it is useful for all types of skin problems such as abscesses, acne, oily skin, boils, burns, sunburn, wounds, psoriasis, lice, insect bites, stings and also acts as an insect repellent.
Lavender essential oil is one of the few essentials oils that can be used neat on the skin, and this is especially useful when treating a minor burn wound.
Although this essential oil has been typecast as an insect repellant (especially for malaria carrying mosquitoes), it also has great benefit in clearing the mind, refreshing rooms and for softening skin, while combating oily skin and sweaty feet.
Origin: Indonesia
Citronella essential oil
Although this essential oil has been typecast as an insect repellent (especially for malaria carrying mosquitoes), it also has great benefit in clearing the mind, refreshing rooms and for softening skin, while combating oily skin and sweaty feet.
Oil properties
Citronella oil has a slightly sweet, lemony smell.
It is extracted from a hardy grass, native to Sri Lanka and Java. This aromatic perennial grows about 1meter (3 feet) high and is a popular ingredient in wax candles, as an insect repellant, and is also widely used in perfumes, soaps, skin lotions and deodorants.
Citronella oil is extracted by the steam distillation of finely chopped fresh, dried or part-dried grass.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of citronella oil are citronellic acid, borneol, citronellol, geraniol, nerol, citral, citronellal, camphene, dipentene and limonene.
Citronella oil may irritate sensitive skin and cause dermatitis in certain individuals.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of citronella oil are antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorant, diaphoretic, insecticide, parasitic, tonic and stimulant.
Citronella oils most useful quality is that of it being an insect repellent. It is best used in a spray, a diffuser or on a cotton ball amongst linen. It is also useful in ridding cats and dogs of fleas.
Furthermore, citronella oil helps to clear the mind and has a general toning and tonic effect on the body. It is helpful with colds, flu and minor infections and also has deodorizing qualities.
Citronella oil is not only of benefit in its use as an insecticide, but its antiseptic properties make it a great boon when wishing to clear a sickroom. It also has an excellent effect on clearing the mind. It may be used for combating excessive perspiration and for balancing oily skin, as well as fighting intestinal parasites and bringing down fever.
This essential oil is positively affects your mood and revives the mind while clearing up congested oily skin and acne.Used in a base cream, lotion or as a wash, grapefruit oil can help to clear a greasy, congested and acne skin, while also helping the tissue get rid of cellulite and drain any excess retained water.
Origin: USA/Argentina
Grapefruitessential oil
Grapefruit essential oil is useful for more than just fighting cellulite and boosting your lymphatic system it positively affects your mood and revives the mind while stimulating the digestive system and clearing up congested oily skin and acne.
Oil properties
Grapefruit oil has a sharp refreshing smell and is either a pale yellow or light ruby colour with a watery viscosity.
Originally from Asia, it is now cultivated in the USA, Brazil and Israel. Grapefruit is picked from a glossy-leaved tree, about 10 meters (30 feet) high, with white flowers and large, pale yellow fruit.
The oil glands are imbedded deep within the peel and yield a small amount of essential oil.
Grapefruit oil is extracted from the fresh peel by cold compression and yields 0.5 1 %.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components are a-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, geraniol, linalool, citronellal, decyl acetate, neryl acetate and terpinen-4-ol.
Grapefruit oil is non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing and although listed as non-phototoxic, it can irritate the skin if exposed to strong sunlight after treatment.
Therapeutic properties
Some of the therapeutic properties of grapefruit oil are antidepressant, antiseptic, aperitif, diuretic, disinfectant, lymphatic stimulant, tonic and anti-infectious.
Grapefruit has a high vitamin C content and is therefore valuable to the immune system. It helps protect against colds and flu, has a very positive effect on obesity and also has diuretic properties, helping to remove excess water from the body and is therefore also great for treating cellulite.
It has an uplifting effect on the mood and helps with stress and depression. It is used with great success to combat muscle fatigue and stiffness while stimulating the lymphatic system and thereby clearing the body of toxins. It helps to clear congested oily skin and also assists with acne, while toning the skin and tissues. Grapefruit is used in hair care to promote hair growth.
This unpretentious essential oil is used in aromatherapy to create the feeling of happiness and warmth, while calming nervous digestive problems. It deals very well with colds and flu, eliminates toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, while supporting collagen formation in the skin.
Origin: Mexico/Brazil
Sweet Orange essential oil
This unpretentious sweet orange essential oil is used in aromatherapy to create the feeling of happiness and warmth, while calming nervous digestive problems. It deals very well with colds and flu, eliminates toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, while supporting collagen formation in the skin.
Oil properties
Sweet orange oil has a sweet, fresh and tangy smell, is yellow to orange in colour and watery in viscosity.
This evergreen tree has dark green leaves and white flowers and bright orange round fruit with roughish skin. The trees are native to China, but are now cultivated extensively in America.
Orange oil is used in many Curacao type liqueurs and for the flavouring of food, drink and confectionery and when added to furniture polish, helps to protect against damage from insects.
Orange oil is extracted from the orange peel by cold-pressing and yields 0.3 -0.5 %.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of rosewood oil are a-pinene, camphene, geraniol, neral, geranial, myrcene, limonene, 1, 8-cineole, linalool, benzaldehyde, linalool oxides and a-terpineol.
It is a safe non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, yet care must be taken with it since it can have a phototoxic effect. It should therefore preferably not be applied before going out into sunlight for prolonged periods.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of orange oil are antiseptic, anti-depressant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, carminative, diuretic, cholagogue, sedative and tonic.
It is a sunny and radiant oil, bringing happiness and warmth to the mind and helps people to relax and helps children to sleep at night. Orange oil can be used effectively on the immune system, as well as for colds and flu and to eliminate toxins from the body.
It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its lymphatic stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, detoxification, aiding the immune system and general well-being.
For the digestive system, orange oil can help with constipation, dyspepsia and as a general tonic. It is also useful in cases of nervous tension and stress.
Peppermint essential oil is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit and stimulating mental agility and improving concentration.
Origin: India
Peppermint essential oil
Peppermint essential oil is extracted from Mentha piperita of the Labiatae family and is also known as brandy mint and balm mint.
This cooling and refreshing essential oil is used in aromatherapy to stimulate the mind, increase mental agility and to increase focus, while cooling the skin, reducing redness and calming irritation and itchiness. It furthermore helps to ease spastic colon, migraine, headaches, sinus and chest congestion.
Oil properties
Peppermint essential oil has a fresh, sharp, menthol smell, is clear to pale yellow in color and watery in viscosity.
It is a native of the Mediterranean, but is now also cultivated in Italy, USA, Japan and Great Britain. It is a perennial herb that grows up to 1 meter (3 feet) high and has slightly hairy serrated leaves with pinkish-mauve flowers arranged in a long conical shape.
It has underground runners by which it easily propagates. This herb has many species, and peppermint piperita is a hybrid of watermint (M. aquatica) and spearmint (M. spicata).
According to Greek mythology the nymph Mentha was hotly pursued by Pluto, whose jealous wife Persephone, trod her ferociously into the ground, whereupon Pluto then turned her into a herb, knowing that people would appreciate her for years to come.
It has been cultivated since ancient times in Japan and China. Evidence of use was found in Egypt in a tomb dating back from 1000 BC.
Peppermint essential oil is extracted from the whole plant above ground just before flowering. The oil is extracted by steam distillation from the fresh or partly dried plant and the yield is 0.1 1.0 %.
Chemical composition
The chemical components of peppermint essential oil are menthol, menthone, 1, 8-cineole, methyl acetate, methofuran, isomenthone, limonene, b-pinene, a-pinene, germacrene-d, trans-sabinene hydrate and pulegone.
Peppermint essential oil is non-toxic and non-irritant in low dilutions, but sensitization may be a problem due to the menthol content.
It can cause irritation to the skin and mucus membranes and should be kept well away from the eyes. It should be avoided during pregnancy and should not be used on children under seven.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of peppermint oil are analgesic, anesthetic, antiseptic, antigalactagogue, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cordial, decongestant, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor and vermifuge.
Peppermint oil is excellent for mental fatigue and depression, refreshing the spirit and stimulating mental agility and improving concentration. It helps for apathy, shock, headache, migraine, nervous stress, vertigo and faintness and in general respiratory disorders, as well as dry coughs, sinus congestion, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and cholera.
On the skin, peppermint oil is used to relieve skin irritation and itchiness and also helps to reduce skin redness, where inflammation is present. It is used for dermatitis, acne, ringworm, scabies and pruritus and also relieves itching, sunburn and inflammation of the skin, while at the same time having a cooling action.
This warming essential oil is often usedin hot compress, used in vaporizers, blended in massage oil or in bath, lotions and cold relieve creams.
Origin: India
Ginger essential oilGinger essential oil is extracted from the fresh root of the plant Zingiberaceae officinale of the Zingiberaceae family and is also known as Commonly known asGinger.
This warming essential oil is often used for digestive problems, as well as nausea be that morning sickness or travel upset. It is also of value when treating colds and flu and especially for catarrhal lung conditions and rheumatic pain. It can also be used on the skin to help clear bruises.
Oil properties
Ginger essential oil can vary in color from pale yellow to a darker amber color and the viscosity also ranges from medium to watery. It is a strong smelling oil spicy, sharp, warm and with a hint of lemon and pepper, which smells of actual ginger.
The plant is said to originate from India, China and Java, yet is also native to Africa and the West Indies. It was most likely brought to Europe between the 10th and 15th century as a condiment and spice.
Ginger is a perennial herb and grows to about 3 4 feet high with a thick spreading tuberous rhizome. Every year it shoots up a stalk with narrow spear-shaped leaves, as well as white or yellow flowers growing directly from the root.
It has been used as a medicine since very early times and is recorded in both Sanskrit and Chinese texts and is also mentioned in the literature of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabians.
Asian medicine uses dried ginger for stomach problems such as stomach-ache, diarrhea, and nausea. The Chinese also use it to boost the heart and to help with mucus and phlegm.
The name ginger is said to be derived from the Gingi district in India, where tea made from ginger is used for stomach upsets.
The essential oil is extracted by means of steam distillation from the unpeeled fresh or dried, ground-up root (rhizome) of the plant, and can yield about 2 4 % oil.
Chemical composition
The essential oil has various chemical constituents including the following: a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, 1, 8-cineole, linalool, borneol, y-terpineol, nerol, neral, geraniol, geranial, geranyl acetate, b-bisabolene and zingiberene.
Ginger essential oil is non-toxic and non-irritant (except when used in high concentrations) but could irritate sensitive skins and can also cause photosensitivity.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of Ginger essential oil are analgesic, anti-emetic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, carminative, cephalic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, rubefacient, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific and tonic.
Ginger essential oil is used in the treatment of fractures, rheumatism, arthritis, bruising, carbuncles, nausea, hangovers, travel and sea sickness, colds and flu, catarrh, congestion, coughs, sinusitis, sores on the skin, sore throat, diarrhea, colic, cramps, chills and fever.
Tea tree essential oil (BP/USP)is one of the most powerful immune stimulant oils and helps fight infections of all kinds and helps clear the skin
It can be used in vaporizers, blended in massage oil or in bath, lotions, creams and soaps.
Origin: Australia
Tea TreeEssential OilTea tree essential oil is extracted from Melaleuca alternifolia of the Myrtaceae family and is also known as ti-tree, ti-trol and melasol. This oil must be one of the most used essential oils, and thousands of people swear by its wonderful healing properties.
Oil properties
Tea tree essential oil has a light spicy, rather pungent smell and is very pale in color with a watery viscosity.
It is a small tree from New South Wales in Australia, similar to Cypress, with needle-like leaves and heads of sessile yellow or purplish flowers and grows to about 7 meters (20 feet) high and thrives in marshy areas, though it is now cultivated in plantations.
Even when this tree is cut down, it flourishes and is ready for cutting again in two years. The oil is only produced in Australia where the Aborigines used it for a long time for a variety of medicinal purposes.
In World War II, the producers and the cutters were exempt from military service until enough essential oil had been accumulated. Each soldier and sailor was issued with some as part of their kit, to treat tropical infections and infected wounds.
Tea tree essential oil is an ingredient of soaps, creams, lotions, deodorants, disinfectants and air fresheners.
It is extracted from the leaves and twigs by steam distillation and the yield is about 1.8%
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of tea tree essential oil (also referred to as ti-tree oil) are a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, limonene, 1, 8-cineole, y-terpinene, p-cymene, terpinolene, linalool, terpinen-4-ol and a-terpineol.
Tea tree essential oil is considered a safe oil, as it is non-toxic and non-irritant, but some individuals so show sensitizing to this oil, and it should be used with this in mind. It should not be used on deep wounds or near the eyes, ears, nose or internally. Please remember that it is a most powerful oil, but using it unwisely could result in problems
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of tea tree essential oil are antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, balsamic, bactericide, cicatrisant, expectorant, fungicide, insecticide, stimulant and sudorific.
Tea tree essential oil is very important in the health of the immune system, as it acts as a immuno-stimulant and increases the bodys ability to fight off any infections, while it also is used to revive the mind and body after shock.
The world over, this oil is used with great effectiveness to ward of infections of any kind, and it is active in all three varieties of infectious organisms:
It can help with influenza, cold sores, catarrh, glandular fever and gingivitis.
Tea Tree essential oil helps with acne, burns, herpes, oily skin, athletes foot, cold sores, blemishes, diaper rash, warts, sunburn and infected wounds, while fighting dandruff on the scalp.
On the skin, Ylang ylang essential oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth.
It can be used in vaporizers, blended in massage oil or in bath, lotions, creams and soaps.
Origin: Indonesia
Ylang YlangEssential OilYlang ylang essential oil has a calming effect on the mind and body and is used in cases of frigidity and impotence.Ylang ylang essential oilhas a wonderfully balancing and stimulating effect on the skin, to correct sebum production and is also used to stimulate hair growth.
Oil properties
Ylang ylang essential oil has an exotic, sweet smell and is slightly yellow/light brownin color.
It is a tall tropical tree about 20 meters (60 feet) high with large, tender, fragrant pink, mauve or yellow flowers and is cultivated in Java, Sumatra, Reunion, Madagascar and the Comores. The name means flower of flowers.
In Indonesia, the flower petals are strewn upon the bed on wedding nights. The oil was once a popular ingredient of hair preparations in Europe and was known as macassar oil. The word anti-macassar originated from this, since an anti-maccasar was used to keep hair oil from staining upholstered furniture.
Ylang ylang essential oil is extracted from the freshly picked flowers by water or steam distillation.
Chemical composition
The main chemical components are linalool, geranyl acetate, caryophyllene, p-cresyl methyl ether, methyl benzoate, benzyl acetate, benzyl benzoate and other sesquiterpenes.
It is classed as a non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil, yet could cause sensitivity have been reported and excessive use of it can lead to headaches and nausea.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of ylang ylang essential oil are antidepressant, antiseborrhoeic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, hypotensive, nervine and sedative.
Ylang ylang essential oil has a euphoric and sedative effect on the nervous system and helps with anxiety, tension, shock, fear and panic while the aphrodisiac qualities is useful for impotence and frigidity.
On the skin, Ylang ylang essential oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth.
Frankincense essentialis one of the oils that can really calm and soothe the whole body and mind. It eases all aches and pains, clears the lungs and acts as a skin tonic. It can be used in vaporizers, blended in massage oil or in bath, lotions, creams and soaps.
Boswellia carterii (Origin: Kenya/Somalia)
Boswellia serrata (Origin: India)
Frankincense Essential OilFrankincense essential oil has a wonderfully calming effect on the mind and helps to create inner peace, while helping to sooth the respiratory and urinary tract and relieve pain associated with rheumatism and muscular aches, while having a rejuvenating, balancing and healing action on the skin.
Oil properties
Frankincense essential oil has a woody, spicy, haunting smell, a little bit camphoric, but very pleasant. It is pale yellow-green in color.
It originates from the Middle East, with abundant pinnacle leaves and has white or pale pink flowers. Deep incisions are made in the tree trunk and the bark peels off in narrow strips.
Over weeks a milky juice exudes and hardens on contact with the air, resulting in an oleo gum resin, from which the oil is extracted by steam distillation.
The word is from the French word Franc meaning luxuriant or real incense and together with Myrrh, it was the first gum to be used as incense.
Also known as Olibanum, frankincense was used by the ancient Egyptians as an offering to the gods and as part of a rejuvenating face mask. It was also used to fumigate the sick, in order to banish evil spirits. The Hebrews valued Frankincense highly, it was one of the gifts offered to the baby Jesus
Frankincense essential oil is extracted by steam distillation from the oleo gum resin and yields about 3 10 %. An absolute is also produced, but is mainly used as a fixative
Chemical composition
The main chemical components of frankincense essential oil are a-pinene, actanol, linalool, octyl acetate, bornyl acetate, incensole and incensyl acetate
Frankincense essential oil is non-toxic and non-irritant and can be used by most people.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of frankincense essential oil are antiseptic, astringent, carminative, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, sedative, tonic, uterine, vulnerary and expectorant
Frankincense essential oil soothes and calms the mind, slowing down and deepening breathing and is excellent for use when meditating. It also helps to calm anxiety.
Frankincense essential oil is said to help rejuvenate an ageing skin, is a skin tonic and is effective with sores, carbuncles, wounds, scars and skin inflammation.
Our rose geranium essential oil is extracted from the plant Pelargonium graveolens of the Geraniaceae family and has a rosier smell than that of its cousin Pelargonium odorantissimum, which is more the commonly known geranium essential oil and has a more wild lemon-apple smell.
If the oil is made from the leaves when they start turning yellow it has a stronger rose aroma then the younger, greener leaves.
Origin: Egypt
Geranium Essential OilGeraniumessential oil has a firm place in aromatherapy, as it helps to balance the mind and emotions, while stimulating the adrenal cortex and balancing the hormonal system and stimulating the lymphatic system. On the other hand, it balances the production of sebum in the skin, while keeping it supple and helping with the healing of wounds.
Geranium Essential Oil properties
The oil is mostly colorless, but can have a slight light green color to it. It has a watery viscosity.Origin of geranium essential oilThe plants originated from South Africa, as well as Reunion, Madagascar, Egypt and Morocco and were introduced to European countries such as Italy, Spain and France in the 17th century.There are about 700 different varieties of the plant, yet only 10 supply essential oil in viable quantities, as the normal garden geranium produce far too little oil for extraction.It is a hairy perennial shrub, often used in hedgerows, and stands up to about one meter high (3 feet) with pointed leaves, serrated at the edges and it has pinkish-white flowers. In early times geraniums were planted around the house to keep evil sprits at bay.
Extraction of Geranium Essential Oil
The leaves and stalks are used for extraction, and the geranium essential oil is obtained through steam distillation.
Chemical composition
The geranium essential oil is composed of various chemical constituents and includes a-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol and geranyl butyrate.
Geranium essential oil does not cause any side effects, since it is non-toxic, non-irritant and generally non-sensitizing, yet can cause sensitivity in some people and due to the fact that it balances the hormonal system, it might not be a good idea to use it during pregnancy.
Therapeutic properties
The therapeutic properties of geranium essentialoil are astringent, haemostatic, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, diuretic, deodorant, haemostatic, styptic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary.
Geranium essential oil can be used to help in the treatment of acne, bruises, burns, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, hemorrhoids, lice, as a mosquito repellant, ringworm, ulcers, breast engorgement, edema, poor circulation, PMS, bath oil, menopausal problems, stress and neuralgia.
Lemon fragrance oil is the aroma of a freshly squeezed juicy lemon which makes your house smell clean and fresh.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Soap.
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
A fragrance withthe smell of freshly sliced ripened mango.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes)
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
Clean woody elements of cedar and pine balance with a hint of spice to accent the floral accord. A clear musk undertone envelops the outdoors sensation with shimmering sweetness.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Attars &Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Liquid Soap
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
Seven fruits is a fruit salad of orange, red orange, strawberry, apple, papaya, bananaand grapes.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Detergent.
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
Thisexotic fancy woody fragrance oil is a walk in the woods with the smell of crisp leaves under foot and fresh pine with berries falling off the trees.
Top Notes: Lemon, Orange, Lime, Blackberries
Mid Notes: Carnation, Rose, Muguet
Base Notes:Pine, Cedarwood, Patchouli, Eucalyptus leaves.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Candles, Detergents, Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Liquid Soap
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
We believe we have quite possibly found the sweet green apple fragrance oil on earth!
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Soap.
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
This fragrance oil by Natures Key smells just like a sweet Floral Shoppe; a unique combination of carnation, tulips, roses, and the ozony base note of fresh greenery.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Liquid Soap, Detergents & Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes).
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
This fragrance oil is a single note of fresh strawberries. Great for a straight strawberry scent or for mixing with other fragrances to be creative!
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes).
Always test fragrance oil in small batches of all applications before large batches.
This fragrance oil is a juicy fresh ripened peach. The best peach you will ever find!A Best Seller
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes).
A sweet smell ofrose with herbacous note.
Great for use by itself or for creative mixing with other fragrances.
Suitable for Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Liquid Soap
Vanilla may be one of the most popular scents ever.Its sweet, warm, complex and comforting. Its versatile and blends well with a variety of other fragrance notes including sweet, spicy, floral and clean.
Candles, Detergents, Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Soap (may accelerate tracing -try in a small batch first)
This isexotic perfume grade fragrance oil, free of phthalates, is an artificial essential oil that is the exact laboratory replica of natural Sandalwood Oil. Common use of Sandalwood Fragrance Oil is in the cosmetic industry due to the desirable smell profile and is available at a more advantageous price point than the natural Sandalwood Essential Oil.
Candles, Detergents, Cosmetics (Creams, Lotions, Lipsticks, Hair Oils, Spray Perfumes) and Soap
Perfume Grade
Origin: India
Pumpkin Seed Oil is widely used for culinary and cosmetic applications. It is a popular ingredient used to enhance creams, lotions, balms, massage oils and soap due to its naturally occurring Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and Vitamins A
Cold Pressed Virgin
Pumpkin Seed OilPumpkin seed oil is just simply the oil taken from pumpkin seeds. It is a very popular ingredient in recipes of Eastern Europe. The traditional way of making pumpkin seed oil is still practised in the countries of Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary and in the Styria region of Austria. There it is made from roasted seeds of the local pumpkin variety. This oil is very thick in density and highly colored. Pumpkin seed oil is healthy for the body because it contains many health boosting nutrients, especially the essential fatty acids and some vitamins and minerals in low amounts. This oil is well tolerated when applied topically or when ingested.
Pumpkin Seed Oil Cosmetic PropertiesPumpkin seed oil has some potent health benefits because of its therapeutic properties.
1. Pumpkin seed oil for skin
The oil has a nice nutty flavour. It can be applied topically directly on the skin. Take a few drops of this oil ( go for refined oil as it is thinner ) and apply it on the skin. Let it absorb in the skin. This moisturizes the skin and makes it look hydrated. Pumpkin seed oil provides the skin with Vitamin E, antioxidants and essential fatty acids ( fats ) along with carotenoids which are required for healthy skin. This oil therefore boosts skin health and promotes better functioning.
2. Pumpkin seed oil for hair loss
Instead of applying this thick and dense oil on scalp, better take it as health supplement in diet. Taking pumpkin seed oil may help with hair loss for men. It has not been proved. Pumpkin seed oil has some effect on testosterone and androgen, both of which play an important role in hair loss. It may have aDHT ( Dihydrotestosterone ) inhibiting activity which is helpful in hair loss. Try including 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seed oil in diet and look at the results.
Green Arabica Coffee Bean Oilpossesses a remarkable ability to nourish, moisturize and improve skin elasticity, improves skin tone, lift and gives your skin a healthy glow.
Green Arabica Coffee Bean100% Pure / Refined / Natural / Undiluted / Cold Pressed Carrier oil. For Face, Body, Hair, Lip and Nail Care.
Green Coffee BeanOil RefinedBrazilian GREEN ARABICA COFFEE SEED OIL. 100% Natural Cold Pressed Refined Carrier Oil for Skin, Hair, Lip and Nail Care.
Green Arabica coffee bean oil is highly recommended for dry, brittle and damaged hair to encourage healthy hair growth, repair split ends and increased vitality.
Green Arabicacoffee bean oil(Brazilian) possesses a remarkable ability to nourish, moisturize and improve skin elasticity, improves skin tone, lift and gives your skin a healthy glow. it also balances ph and after application the skin usually feels soft and smooth. It is used on face, body, lip, nails and hair. It is rich in phytosterols that promote excellent moisture retention, quick penetration and good adherence within cosmetic applications. it is also exceptionally high in its composition of essential fatty acid.
FOR FACE: A few drops are sufficient to apply on the whole face. It is usually applied at night and day as a moisturizing agent. It is non-greasy and non-oily and absorbs into the skin very easily and does not leave an oily feel. FOR HAIR: Gently massage and rub the oil on the scalp. A few drops of oil dropped on brush or comb while brushing the hair Or Add 2-3 drops to your own favourite shampoo or conditioner. It gives the hair freshness, brilliance and lustre. Brazilian Green Arabica Coffee Seed Oil promotes silky soft hair, prevents moisture loss and adds elasticity and suppleness, and also provides an immediate sparkle and shine, and helps to mend split ends. This oil is absorbed very easily by the skin and the scalp and helps the cells to rejuvenate.
FOR NAILS: Rub 1-2 drops of Oil into nails and cuticles. It will increase the softness of cuticles and strengthen the nails and also give your nails a healthy radiance.
FOR BODY: Just mix a few drops of Brazilian Green Arabica Coffee Bean Oil with your favourite Body cream. Use a circular motion and massage the product to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
FOR FACE & BODY & NAIL & HAIR: Just mix a few drops of Brazilian Green Arabica Coffee Bean Oil with your favourite cream, lotion, make-up remover, shower & bath gel, shampoos, face mask, nail products, cuticle cream, hand cream, sunscreen products and various lip balms. You will love this oil.
Cosmetique Virgin Argan Oil. Premium Quality 100% ECO Certified Organic For Hair, Skin, Face & Nails Best Moroccan Anti-Aging, Anti-Wrinkle, Anti-Oxidant Beauty Secret Prevents Frizz & Increases Natural Hair Shine & Silkiness
Argan Oil Organic-cold pressed and unrefinedOften called liquid gold, the Argan oil is an organic product extracted from the kernels of theargan tree, which is native to Morocco.
Theoil (cold pressed and unrefined) is rich in natural tocopherols (vitamin E) and phenols, carotenes, squalene, and fatty acids, making it a truly luxurious oil. It absorbs quickly and is often used in skin, nail, and hair treatments to deliver deep hydration, strengthen brittle hair and nails, and prevent/reduce stretch marks. Wonderful for use in lotion and cream formulations, or used alone.
Most commonly used as skin moisturizers due to its high vitamin E and fatty acid content, argan oil is the ideal product to give skin a natural boost. It absorbs easily and is non-greasy and non-irritating, which makes it a great natural moisturizer.
Argan oil is proven to make hair softer, silkier and shinier.
It is the ideal hair conditioner, and it can even help to treat split ends and tame frizzy hair.
Due to its ability to tame frizz and give hair shine, argan oil is also commonly used as a styling agent. It makes hair more manageable and adds a healthy, attractive shine to any hair style.
Its anti-oxidant effect makes argan oil the ideal anti-aging product. It restores elasticity and leaves skin feeling plumper and softer.
In addition, it is good for dry skin conditions, acne, stretch marks, foot hand and nail treatment and as lip moisturizers.
Keeps well when stored properly (in a cool place (under 77 degrees F) and away from sunlight.
Argan oil combined with geranium essential oil is a great blend for all skin types, from dry and sensitive to oily and combination skin.
The use of geranium essential oil is invigorating yet soothing, which makes it great for morning use.
Add the Argan Oil and Rose Geranium to your jar and gently stir.
Add a small amount to your fingers tips and massage into your skin with the tops of your hands or a make-up sponge.
This delightful hydrosol has an uplifting bitter-sweet citrusy floral aroma that is quite complex. It is a very mild version of its essential oil counterpart, making it a beautiful addition to formulations. It has a gender neutral aroma making it a great hydrosol for the whole family.
Jasmine hydrolate is by-product of Jasmine oil distillation and contains the water soluble constituents of the Jasmine flower. Jasmine Water is a natural perfume and after bath splash that refreshes skin and the senses with the refreshing floral scent of jasmine. Jasmine Water is delicate freshener that imparts the natural fragrance of jasmine
Best known for its ability to calm and ease with a fruity floral aroma. Chamomile hydrosol imparts itself heavily when used as a general spray. A great hydrosol for facial and body applications.
This powerful hydrosol is used in skin care, meditation, energetics work, fragrance blends, and other aromatherapy preparations. Frankincense Hydrosol has a fresh scent that is resinous and sweet with woody undertones. It has aroma notes that are similar to both the resin tears and the essential oil.
Lavender (English) hydrosol has relaxing and balancing qualities.In comparison to lavender essential oil, this hydrosol has a much grassier aroma with a sweet floral top note typical of Lavandin. This is because the water soluble constituents of the plant are also included in the hydrosol. It is ideal for oily and combination skin. Mentally refreshing and marvelous on the emotions!
A crisp and refreshing hydrosol distilled from whole organic lime fruits. It has been traditionally used for oily skin. Use it as a rejuvenating facial toner or aroma spray. It blends wonderfully in cosmetic creations. Fresh, festive and invigorating
Sandalwood hydrosol is a precious skin ally, calming room spray, and powerful meditation enhancer