Fill-Rite offers a full range of positive displacement TS Oval Gear Meters with weights and measurescustody transfer accuracy for the measurement of a wide range of fuels, heavy oils, glycols, lube oils, andpetro-chemicals. These meters are able to handle the pressure and maintain their accuracy due to the useof only two oval gears eliminating metal-metal contact, fewer seals, low differential pressure, and lessslippage due to the patented wave form gear design.The TS Series is well suited for use in fuels process transfer, high speed batching and loading, tank truckmeters, LPG systems, stationary dispensing, industrial and petro-chemical refining processing. Combinedwith a mechanical register, printer, or solenoid batching, it is possible to build an application specificsystem that delivers performance, accuracy, and easy maintenance making the TS Series the intelligentchoice.The Aluminum TS Series offers a full range of metering options ranging from 1, 1-12", 2", and 3" sizes with40-200 GPM at a 150 PSI. These highly precise meters are available in a wide range of configurations toaccommodate different temperatures, viscosities, chemical compatibilities, mechanical register calibrations, strainers, filters, air eliminators, air check, backpressure, and preset valves, flanges, and seals.