Our Products
Industrial Motors
2 Products availableCommercial Air Conditioner
1 Products availableDomestic Fans, AC & Coolers
1 Products availableIndustrial Valves
1 Products availablePumps, Pumping Machines & Parts
1 Products availableDosing System
1 Products availableElectric Motors & Components
1 Products available
Since 2006 ebm-papst has a subsidiary in Dubai / UAE to offer technical support and commercial solutions to its customers in the entire Middle East area including Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi-Arabia, Syria, U.A.E. and Yemen.
ebm-papst Middle East – our office and warehouse in Dubai.
ebm-papst Middle East – our office and warehouse in Dubai.
Product support
ebm-papst Middle East's team of sales engineers, supported by the massive Research and Development facilities of our parent companies, can advise you on the most effective use of our products. Whether it is in the advantageous application of our fans in your existing equipment, or in developing new air movement and control solutions, we can help you.
Logisitc support
Immediate or short-term supply of fans, blowers and motors are possible out of our Dubai warehouse.
Basic Information