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Galva Coat Inductries
location Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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Our Product / Services

  1. Street, Flood & Commercial Lights 3 Products available
  2. Metal & Industrial Fabrication

    1 Services available
  3. Decorative Lights, Lamps & Lamp Shades

    1 Products available
  4. Others Products / Services 5 Products / Services available

Street, Flood & Commercial Lights

We offer a complete product range of Street Lighting Poles, Stadium Flood Lights and Transmission Poles

Street Lighting Poles

Poles are designed according to AASHTO standard Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signals and its latest revisions. Design wind speed is 160 Kmhr or as per the customer request multiplied by gust factor of 1.3 (Gust speed is 208 Km hr or as specified in the project specifications) Design of poles is performed utilizing Computer software to analyse the pole shaft, base plate and anchor bolts.
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Stadium Flood Lights

The stadium high masts with fixed head frame for mounting the flood lights are mostly used for those outdoor places where the high concentration of lights is required over a small area, such as a Football Stadium, Race Course, etc. The height of the mast and the number of the flood lights are specified by the customer or the flood lights supplier based on the lighting study for the concerned area.
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Transmission Poles

Transmission poles are used for the Over head Power distribution network of Low & Medium voltage lines. The main purpose of using it is to support the electrical current cables.
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