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Elemental Analyzer
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1 Products availableTension Meter
1 Products availableGas Analyzers
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1 Products availablePlate Load Test Equipment
1 Products availableWe offer the best product range of Crude Oil Distillation System, Microactivity Reactor, Density Meter, Noack evaporative tester equipment. and h2s Analyser.
Processor controlled combined crude oil distillation system for fully automatic operation according to ASTM D-2892 (TBP) and ASTM D-5236 (Potstill). PETRODIST 400 CC is a combination of the following systems:
Both systems can operate at the same time (simultaneously) in fully automatic, uninterrupted and unattended mode.The data evaluation software provides also a combined TBP-curve for both systems.
Compact design with control system and safety items for unattended operation. No operator intervention and no intermediate stops are required.All necessary accessories will be supplied together with the system. The installation requires water, nitrogen, compressed air and electricity.
The system enables to perform TBP- and Potstill distillations of various crude samples according to ASTM-standards and is designed for laboratory use.
The system is equipped with a central computer control, vaccum supply and thermostate system, data storage and evaluation station as well as a fraction collector, designed to serve for both distillation systems simultaneously and provides direct automatic distillation flow rate control.
The fraction/receiver changes are automatically performed according to preselected cut temperatures or in case of receiver overfilling. Both systems are equipped with individual fraction collectors to allow simultaneous operation of both systems. The final data and the TBP-curve in wt% and vol% are printed out after reweighing the residue.
The unit requires water, nitrogen, compressed air and electricity. Dry ice or liquid nitrogen is required for cold traps.
In the lab, in the process, in the field - the CALIDUSTMGas Chromatograph is fast becoming the leading choice for GC applications in a wide variety of industrial and environmental applications.
With the ultrafast, ultra-user-friendly, highly durable, practical, reliable and economical CALIDUS GC you will find more measurement solutions faster and easier, produce better quality products, increase productivity and profitability, with far less hassle and environmental impact.
Learn more about what the CALIDUS Gas Chromatograph can mean to you and your operation.
The table below shows which elements can be determined by which elemental analyzer.Simply click on the analyzer name corresponding to your application fortechnical specifications and detailed product information.
1) While the CS-580 uses a horizontal furnace, the CS-580A is equipped with a vertical furnace in order to integrate the automatic sample changer Autoloader.
2)While the CHS-580 uses a horizontal furnace, the CHS-580A is equipped with a vertical furnace in order to integrate the automatic sample changer Autoloader.
3) Compared to the CW-800 the CW-800M can process different carrier gases (N2, O2) and change temperatures during measurement (ramping).
Fixed Bed Reactor
The PID/Particulate Systems Effi Microreactor, is a highly-advanced modular laboratory system for measuring the activity and selectivity of catalysts. The Effi Microreactor has been developed to help save time and resources at both the catalyst development stage and the factory report process during the screening.
It can accommodate a wide variety of reactions including hydrocracking, hydrotreating, isomerization, hydrogenation, hydrodesulphurization (HDS), oxidation, hydrodenitrogenation (HDN), reforming (aromatization), GTL (Fischer-Tropsch), and steam reforming, to name a few.
The automated CANNON D155 offers a low-cost, affordable alternative to manual hydrometer methods for measuring density and specific gravity with easy, one button operation. The built-in thermal control provides quick, precise measurement with 4 decimal resolution.
Determination of the evaporation loss of lubricating oils (particularly engine oils).Procedure A uses the Noack evaporative tester equipment.Procedure B uses the automated non-Woods metal Noack evaporative apparatus.
Measuring Noack PrincipleA quantity of 65 grams of sample is heated to a specific temperature and maintained for 1 hour while it is enclosed in a crucible, the crucibles cover is shaped to allow a constant vacuum of -2 mbar to remove from the crucible the evaporating portion of the sample.At the end of the test, the sample is cooled and then reweighted: the difference, reported in percentage, represent the samples Evaporation Loss by the Noack Method.Method A: bath is controlled at 250C.Method B: the sample is controlled at 245.2C.
Measuring Temperature ProbeIP 570 - Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide in Fuel Oil Rapid Liquid Phase Extraction Method
The H2S Analyser was originally developed in cooperation with Lloyds Registers Fuel Oil and Bunker Analysis Service (FOBAS) along with support of other major international oil companies to offer rapid measurement of H2S in liquid petroleum products.
The H2S Analyser is an excellent tool for supporting Quality Control and safety ensuring product is within approved specification. Rapid repeat sample measurement means it can also be used to assist product remediation treatment of feedstocks and off specification product.
H2S is efficiently purged from the test sample by a combination of heat and agitation, and is measured by a proprietary advanced gas specific detector. The instrument offers a cost effective solution for H2S measurement no costly or hazardous chemicals are required and there is no need for analytical preparation by an experienced chemist.
The Vapour Phase Processor (VPP)
IP 570, procedure A includes the VPP accessory which provides a more robust specification tool for monitoring H2S. This is achieved by removing any interfering chemicals such as toluene, xylene or Mercaptans which can damage the sensor and interfere with readings. Additionally the VPP can be used to address a broader range of petroleum products.
H2S Analysis of Crude Oil ASTM D7621, appendix X1
The H2S Analyser combined with the VPP offers a fast and robust means of determining H2S levels to ensure effective evaluation and treatment of Crude oil. The instrument provides a cost effective alternative to traditional methods which typically are unable to identify entrained H2S especially at low gas levels.
H2S Global Proficiency Testing Scheme
The SETA H2S PTS scheme provides global inter-laboratory comparison of test results and performance. Participation acts as a quality assurance programme enabling users to continually monitor and validate instrument performance and results in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025.
Test Equipment for Measurement of Lubricity of Aviation Turbine Fuels by the Ball-on-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator according to ASTM D-5001.
Fully Automatic Test Equipment for Measurement of Lubricity of Aviation Turbine Fuels by the Ball-on-Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator according to ASTM D-5001.
The BOCLE-equipment according to ASTM D-5001 measures the actual wear scar size with a test ball specimen. The wear scar is generated by the friction between the stationary ball and a rotating cylinder. A part of the rotating cylinder is immersed in the turbine fuel tank (50 ml) and covered with the turbine fuel. The temperature of the fuel tank is controlled, as well as the relative humidity of the air which is circulated into and above the test fluid the air flow rate is controlled, too. The Test Ball is loaded by a constant weight for the test period 30 min. After the test the minor & major axis of the resultant wear scar are measured with a microscope. The wear scar defines the lubricity of the aviation turbine fuelor other liquids.
The Seta Salt-in-Crude Analyser is a robust and portable instrument for determining the chloride (salt) content of crude oils in full conformity to ASTM D3230, IP 265 and equivalent test methods.
The Seta Salt-in-Crude Analyser is pre-calibrated and automatically displays salt concentration measurements in g/m3 or lbs/1000bbl (pounds per thousand barrels), this avoids the need to mix salt calibration standards and makes testing a simple and fast procedure.
Our Drop Shape Analyzer DSA100 is our high-quality system solution for almost all tasks in the analysis ofwettingandadhesionon solid surfaces. From the basic unit for precise measurement of thecontact angleto the fully automatic expert instrument for serial measurement ofsurface free energy(SFE) we have the suitable DSA100 for your special requirements. We exactly match the individual, flexible and reliable components to your surfaces and processes.
Flexible solutions for your tasksWe have developed all components of the DSA100 to provide solution-oriented support in the investigation and optimization of wetting and adhesion behavior. With up to three axes for sample positioning, the sample is moved quickly and reproducibly to the measuring positions. Measurement of the contact angle with up to 8 liquids ensures maximum accuracy when determining the SFE. Our pressurized double-dosing unit allows measuring the SFE extremely fast and reliable, using our novel, scientifically validated dosing technique, theLiquid Needle.
Precisely controlled temperature and humidity chambers help to provide a realistic modeling of the process conditions. Our special sample tables optimize the investigation of wafers and ultrahydrophobic surfaces. High-tech solutions for optical components enable a time-saving, automatic image setup, and measurement of extremely fast wetting processes. They also allow measurements to be made on microscopically small samples.
Quality down to the last detailThe particularly uniform LED illumination and the quality lens ensure high precision when displaying the drop for accurately measuring the contact angle orsurface tension. Thanks to the large zoom range, even small drops appear with the optimum width in the video image and can, therefore, be investigated reliably. We have also provided protection for sensitive components and have minimized the troublesome effect of vibration. The high-resolution camera, the lens and the syringes and storage vessels for test liquids are mounted in a robust, enclosed housing.
It is often necessary to adjust the viewing angle before measuring the contact angle. This is achieved particularly quickly and easily with our DSA100. The position of the drop in the image remains unchanged when the viewing angle is adjusted. As a result, the otherwise usual tracking of the sample height is no longer necessary. This innovative optical arrangement also creates space for large samples.
Comprehensive analysis of solids and liquidsOur DSA100 measures the surface tension of liquids using thePendant Dropmethod. The results can be used to analyze the relationship between the wetting of the solid and the liquid properties. The results help to provide a scientific picture of the interface contact, which can be used, for example, to optimize the adhesion and long-term stability of coatings. Other solutions for measuring the liquid-liquidinterfacial tension, for measurements at high pressures and for surface rheology make the DSA100 a universal instrument for interface research.
ADVANCE our intuitive software solution for your measurement tasksThe simple operation of the instrument goes hand-in-hand with the clear user guidance of ourADVANCE software. The relevant functions for each particular step are arranged in tiles which display all elements necessary in the context. By avoiding the use of menus and pop-ups, ADVANCE saves any unnecessary clicks and time-consuming searches for hidden elements. Particularly comfortable is the programming of automatic sequences that integrate the software-controlled components of the DSA100 incomplete sample analyses with maximum flexibility. Using these automation programs provides high reproducibility and reduces the users influence on the results to a minimum.
Tasks and applicationsThis list includes a selection of components which are not included in one of the DSA100 versions listed on the right.
Cloud Point of petroleum products and biodiesel fuels.
Pour Point of petroleum products, crude oils, motor and engine oils, additives, lubricating oils,
Measuring Cloud and Pour Point PrincipleCLOUD POINTThe sample is cooled down according to the methods while the clouds appearance is observed on the silver bottom of the test jar by means of an optical sensor. The measurement is done by reflection on the silver bottom of the test jar via a fast light detector. The signal from light detector is traded by the LabLink software. The dynamic measurement is performed regardless of the samples colour.
POUR POINTAccording to the methods, the sample is cooled down at a specified rate and, at the prescribed temperature intervals, the mechanical arm of the analyser lifts the test jar from the cooling jacket and tilts it in order to bring it in horizontal position to test the flow of the product. The sample movement is detected by the thermal probes (PT100 detection) placed above the sample surface which react if touched by the cooled sample.
Measuring Cloud and Pour Point DevicesNew LabLink software able to manage up to 6 analytical heads simultaneously (stand alone)
Integrated gas CFC free motor compressors:
Equipped with an automatic energy power save system. After 15 minutes from the end of the analysis the cooling system goes in stand-by mode.
Safety DevicesThe TE-BBR is a thermoelectrically-cooled bending beam rheometer for testing flexural creep of asphalt binders from ambient to 40 C ( 0.03 C). A crack seal option provides for low-temperature characterization of crack seal creep under load for 0.5 thick specimens. TE-BBR meets or exceeds ASTM, AASHTO and SHRP provisions for flexural creep testing of asphalt binders.
ElvaX ProSpector IIis a powerful handheld analyzer employing the latest developments in XRF analysis. Due to the advanced electronics and state-of-the-art mathematical algorithms, ProSpector provides ultimate quality of measurement within a couple of seconds. It is an intuitive and user-friendly instrument for highly accurate elemental analysis in a variety of applications.
On-site instant analysis without sampling:
Our Force Tensiometer K11 is a precision and fully automatic instrument for the reliable measurement ofsurface tensionandinterfacial tension. With its high-quality components and simple operation, the K11 assists in the quality control and optimization of surfactant solutions and interfacial processes.
Quality components for reliable resultsOur Force Tensiometer K11 measures the surface tension and interfacial tension based on the force which acts when a measuring probe is wetted. The instrument features a high-quality force sensor which ensures accurate results and high reproducibility. In the interests of precision, the probes are also manufactured with highly accurate contours. Our instrument therefore provides equally reliable results for measurements carried out using thering, plateorrod method. The K11 also enables the density of liquids to be measured accurately. This method is particularly useful for measurements using the ring method, in which the density is used to calculate the surface tension from the force. Measuring density with our K11 saves the trouble of carrying out external measurements.
The sample stage of our K11 has a high position resolution and, if required, can be moved very slowly and carefully. This enables the force maximum in ring measurements to be determined with great accuracy, and therefore makes this method highly reliable. As an option, the stage can also be moved very quickly for setting up measurements rapidly. At the same time, the large, illuminated sample chamber helps when preparing the measurement. Magnetically locking glass swing doors shield the measurement from troublesome air currents.
Our K11 has the option of accurately controlling the temperature of the samples between -10 and 130 C. This enables thermal process conditions to be simulated, for example to optimize the addition of surfactant for a particular production step. An additional, automatic stirring function ensures optimum mixing of dispersions before measuring.
Easy and intuitive touch panel operationIntuitive operation by means of a special touch panel is a unique feature of our K11. Our touch panel has intelligent, programmable measuring sequences for all the methods incorporated. A simple touch of a finger starts the measuring programs, the parameters of which we have optimized for the most frequent situations. The accurately controlled sequences guarantee that the measuring conditions are highly repeatable. However, the parameters can also be flexibly adjusted and applied as a user-defined standard. A reliable measuring sequence for the standardized quality assurance of transformer oils in accordance with ASTMD971 is also included.
Our touch panel software manages the measuring results in a transparent structure. The touch panelalso has a vast working memory and convenient, fast access to a very large number of storable measurements.It is also capable of producing comprehensive and clear measurement reports, sending them directly to a printer or saving them in the widely used Microsoft XPS format. Data can simply be copied from the touch panel to a USB flash drive for easy export.
Tasks and applicationsFully automatic system with a new type of fraction collector as a replacement of PETRODIST 300 CC-F. The processor controlled system is designed according to ASTM D-1160 but with automatic fraction collector for the determination of boiling ranges of crude oil products under vacuum. The system can be operated in strict accordance to the ASTM procedure with 1 single receiver or alternatively by using a new type of automatic fraction collector with 5 receivers.
Key features:
The distillation volume is measured automatically in receivers, temperature controlled by an IR-heater. The yield is calculated in percentage to the charge quantity. Distillation report, final data and distillation curve are printed out.
Technical DataAvailable flask sizes | 500 mL | |
Flask charge | 200 mL | |
Operating temperature | Up to 400 C (750 F) | |
Final cut temperature | up to 600 C AET | |
Max ambient temperature | 25 C | |
Fraction collector | 5 calibrated receivers, 200 mL each | |
Operating pressure | vacuum down to 1 Torr | |
Mains supply | 208-250 V, 50 Hz (standard) 208-250V, 60 Hz (optional) |
There are numerous techniques by which to determine the quantity vs. equivalent size distribution of a collection of particles.Selecting the right technology is critical to obtaining reliable data. No single technique is appropriate for all materials or applications. For this reason, Micromeritics offers you six different particle size analyzer choices, each employing different analytical techniques, to fit your application.
Gas pycnometry is recognized as one of the most reliable techniques for obtaining true, absolute, skeletal, and apparent volume and density. This technique is non-destructive as it uses the gas displacement method to measure volume. Inert gases, such as helium or nitrogen, are used as the displacement medium. Density calculations using the gas displacement method are much more accurate and reproducible than the traditional Archimedes water displacement method.
The AccuPyc II 1340 Series Pycnometers are fast, fully automatic pycnometers that provide high-speed, high-precision volume measurements and true density calculations on a wide variety of powders, solids, and slurries. The instrument completes mostsample analyses in less than three minutes without sacrificing accuracy. After analyses are started with a few keystrokes, data are collected, calculations are performed, and results displayed. A minimal amount of operator attention is required.
This purpose-made Oil Test Centrifuge is fully programmable allowing automatic configuration to the specified oil test parameters. A four place swing out rotor and universal bucket assembly accommodates low cost adaptors and cushions suitable for borosilicate glass centrifuge tubes of the types specified for oil testing: 6 or 8 inch conical, 8 inch trace sediment, 8 inch pear-shaped or 12.5ml. To reduce errors in measurement of tube content, the rotor design allows tubes to stand in a near upright (vertical) position at rest.
FEATURESThe new DVS Adventure is a water vapor sorption analyzer that measures sorption and desorption isotherms over a broad range of humidities and temperatures. It offers unprecedented temperature stability and humidity performance. It provides valuable information about the interactions of a sample with water vapor that is critical for the development of new materials and processes. For example, in many industries, water sorption properties of raw materials are considered as key parameters in determining their storage, stability, processing and application performance.
Seafoam Dual Twin Foam Test Baths are a pair of highly transparent water baths for detecting undesirable foaming characteristics in lubricating oils, which could cause inadequate lubrication, overflow and cavitation.
The instrument comprises a high temperature (normally 93.5C) and a low temperature (normally 24C) bath, each with the capacity to hold four 1000ml graduated glass cylinders.
Each bath assembly comprises an inner glass bath contained in a polycarbonate safety vessel, a top mounted thermostir unit. Please note that DigiFlow mass flowmeters (14012-0) or glass flowmeters (14011-2) are required for testing, these are supplied separately and should be specified at the point of order.
The bath has integral back-lighting with an opaque reflector which aids sample visibility and foam measurements. In addition, the low-temperature bath has a cooling coil for use when the laboratory ambient temperature exceeds the required bath temperature, and two air normalising coils to cool the air emerging from the high-temperature bath test cylinders prior to passing to external volume meters
The automated CCS-2100 is a cold-cranking simulator for measuring apparent viscosity of engine oils from 35 C to 5 C. Automated sample loading, operation and solvent-free cleaning permit unattended processing of up to 30 samples at one time.
TheAvCount2portable particle counter determines the particle distribution in a liquid sample, whether checking the quality of fuel, filter systems or in service lubricants.
Precise and reliable
Simple operation
Particle count and cleanliness code
TheAvCount2particle counter has a large LCD touchscreen display with a simple press to start control for ease of use.
15 test methods are preset within theAvCount2with particle counting results delivered fast.
The compact design of AvCount2 makes it ideal for use in the laboratory, whilst its portable build suits the production line or portable test applications.
TheSeta PM-93is a fully automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester which combines strict method conformance with the latest control technology and safety systems to provide the next generation of flash point instruments.
An intuitive graphical user interface and 8.4 SVGA colour touch screen operation provide unparalleled ease of use with a real-time display of test progress. Test profiles, operator names, test methods and storage of unlimited results are provided through the embedded operating system. Test results can be emailed, saved to a memory stick, output to LIMS or produced in hard copy with the printer option.
the seta robot bath is a floor standing unit used for the evaluation of oxidation stability of new and in-service engine, turbine and insulating oils in the presence of water and a copper catalyst.
up to two oxidation test vessels (seta 15210-5) are supported at an angle of 30 in an oil bath, and rotated at 100 rev/min by an electric motor and bevel gear drive.
the 72 litre oil bath is digitally temperature controlled. A hinged hood, fitted with a safety interlock that switches off the motor when opened to protect the operator from the rotating test vessels. The bath is equipped with low fluid level and over-temperature protection devices. Extraction fans remove silicone oil vapours and fumes from the bath.
the pressure within a test vessel can be automatically measured and displayed in real time using aseta autorbot pressure monitoring system (15205-2).
supplied with: mains lead and instruction manual.
certification: supplied with ukas pressure test certificate.
specificationstemperature range | ambient to 160c |
temperature stability | 0.1c |
bath capacity | 72 litres |
bath fluid | silicone oil |
number of vessels | 2 |
rotational speed | 100 rev/min |
voltage | 220/240v, 50hz 220/240v, 60hz |
power | 3.2kw |
size (hxwxd) | 113 x 78 x 88cm |
weight | 87kg |
cccn code: | tariff 90269000 |
ip 229 | |
astm d2112 | |
astm d2272 | oxidation stability of steam turbine oils by rotating bomb |
astm d4742 | oxidation stability of gasoline automotive engine oils by the film oxygen uptake (tfout) |
Setavap3 provides reliable, precise and fully automated vapour pressure analysis.
Integrated shakerSimple operationMinimal biasRobust and compact design
With a colour touch screen, the Setavap3 provides a clear user interface to guide the operator through the menu system and simple operator sequence.
For precise results, the minimum dead volume design eliminates sample carryover, it is suitable for high ethanol content fuels. A fully automated test sequence removes possible operator bias.
Results are stored in a 16GB internal memory which can be viewed on the screen. For data management and analysis, results can be saved directly to a USB memory stick, LIMS compatibility and printing is provided via Ethernet or Serial Ports.
The distillation unit, mounted to the left, comprises a flask support mechanism, heater elements, and the heater controller. The flask is supported by a drop-in ceramic-glass support board mounted to a platform that is adjustable for height.
FEATURESThe condenser unit is attached to the distillation unit, and may be used with either a static fill of coolant or a laboratory cooling supply. Housed within the condenser unit is a thermally-insulated, stainless steel coolant tank, fitted with a permanently installed condenser tube. A drain tap and an overflow outlet are mounted on the rear of the unit.
Supplied with: mains lead and instruction manual.
SPECIFICATIONSDistillation Range | Ambient to 400C |
Voltage Range | 110/120V or 220/240V, 50/60Hz (switchable) |
Power | 1000W maximum |
Condenser Tank Volume | 7.2 litre |
Size (HxWxD) | 47 x 37 x 25cm (Condenser) 47 x 21 x 21cm (Draught Screen) |
Weight | 12 kg total |
CCCN Code: | Tariff 90318080 |
The compact, economical TESC (thermoelectric sample conditioner) system integrates and automates the entire ASTM D2983 conditioning and testing process for low-temperature viscosity of gear oils and ATF. Provides an automated alternative to ASTM D2983 sample conditioning and testing. Eliminates sample disruption during preheating, room temperature stabilization, cooling and final viscosity testing. Reduces result variability due to temperature fluctuation. Provides superior precision. Allows for unattended operation.
SETSYS Evolution is the standard for high-performanceTGA, TG-DSC and TG-DTA application. It is based on a complete modular thermal analysis platform forTGA, DTA, andDSCSimultaneous TGA/DTA and TGA/DSCDilatometry/TMAThe key to the SETSYS TGA-DTA/DSCis Setarams unique symmetrical balance, a highly robust and exible furnace con?duration offering unique performance and the lowest operational costs of any system available.The SETSYS can be con?figured to operate up to 2400C and also use controlled humidity, vacuum, and highly aggressive atmospheres.