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Fire Alarm Control Panel
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1 Products availableOur offered Product range includes Inspectors Test & Drain Valve, Angle Hose Valve, Pressure Restricting Angle Hose Valve and Pressure Reducing Valve.
The LIFECO Inspectors Test and Drain valve is a combined two position lever operated ball valve, sight glass and stop valve. Test and Drain is manufactured with sight glass assembly, provides a simplified means for testing water flow alarm devices and draining of feed mains.
LIFECO Fire Hose Angle Valves (90 degrees pattern) are for use on standpipe having inlet and outlet opening of the same size or with the inlet larger than outlet. The valve is made in accordance with UL 668 Hose Valve for Fire Protection Service standards.
LIFECOPressure RestrictingAngle Hose Valve is used with a fire hose reel or rack assemblies or as a fire department outlet connection. Water pressure is controlled up to 300psi by adjustable flow restriction. Locking pin mechanism restricts unnecessary frill opening of valve. Pin may be removed by trained personnel as needed.
Pressure Reducing Valves are indispensable in any fire protection system. Our Piston Design is easy to install and maintain.
Underwriters Laboratories requires the installation of pressure gauges upstream and downstream of the Pressure Reducing Valve. Also, A relief valve of not less than 1/2 inc in size must be installed on the downstream side of the pressure control valve. Adequate drainage for the relief valve discharge must be provided.