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Metal & Metal Products
1 Products availableOres And Minerals
1 Products availableOur Complete range of products are Coconut Carbon, Powder Activated Carbon, Granular Activated Carbon and Briquetted Activated Carbon.
GAC-Coconut-Gold is a premium granular activated carbon made especially for use in gold recovery applications.
Standard sizes available are 4x8, 4x12, 6x12, 6x16, and 12x30. We can custom manufacture activated carbon to your specifications.
Typical parameters:
-Bulk density: 0.35 - 0.55
-Hardness: 97- 99%
-Moisture as packed: 3 % Max.
-Ash: 5 %
-PH: 8-10
Powdered activated carbon ( PAC) is made especially for use in a liquid applications. Its particle size and pore structure has been specifically designed to provide complete adsorption of theimpurities from liquids in tanks or ponds applications.
This product is suitable for the application inwater purificationand food production. It removes impurities causing odor as well as adsorption of by-products and trace contaminants. This product is used in bothand drinking and waste water applications.
Typical parameters:
-Iodine value: 800 mg/g Min.-Moisture as packed: 5% Min.-PH Value: 6-11-Ash: 13% Max.
GAC 8x30:
Is a granular activated carbon made especially for use in a liquid phase applications. Its particle size and pore structure has been specifically designed to provide the best adsorption of impurities from the liquid stream with the least flow resistance and pressure drop.It is applied in the decolorization, and absorption of harmful materials in the gas and liquid phases .It is also used for theremoval of some kinds of organics steam, toxic gases and the odor of the air.
GAC 8 x 30: is manufactured from selectedkinds of bituminous coalusing steam at high temperature . Acid washed GAC's are available.
Typical characteristics:
-Iodine value900 mg/g min.-Apparent density0.44-0.55-Moisture as packed5 % max-Ash : 10%-PH : 7-10-Hardness (Ball pan): 90 min
Pelletsis a pelletized activated carbon made by high lever bituminous coal, processed-break into powder-briquetted-granulate into necessary sizes-carbonize-activated.
its especially for use in a vapor applications. Its particle size and pore structure have been specifically designed to provide the best adsorption of impurities from vapor steam with the least flow resistance.
Typical parameters:
-Iodine value: 900-1050 mg/g
-Moisture as packed: 3- 5% max
-Ash: 8 to 12%
-Hardness: 90 95 min
-Surface Area: 950-1150
KOH Impregnated Extruded Pellets
KOH-Pellets is a pelletized activated carbon impregnated with KOH made especially for use in a vapor applications, to adsorb acid gas, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen chlorine Sulfide, organic vapor etc.
Typical parameters:
Moisture as packed: 15-20 %