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Nasco Chemsol International (fze)

Nasco Chemsol International (fze)
location Sharjah Airport International, United Arab Emirates

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Detergent Raw Materials

We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Sodium Tripolyphosphate, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Bicarbonate, Soda Ash, sodium Carbonate-99.2% and Sodium Linear Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfates

Sodium Tripolyphosphate

We are offering Sodium Tripolyphosphate.water treatment, detergent, Food applicationsSodium triphosphate (STP, sometimes STPP or sodium tripolyphosphate or TPP, [1]) is an inorganic compound with formula Na5P3O10. It is the sodium salt of the polyphosphate penta-anion, which is the conjugate base of triphosphoric acid. It is produced on a large scale as a component of many domestic and industrial products, especially detergents.Other uses (hundreds of thousands of tonsyear) include "ceramics, leather tanning (as masking Agent and Synthetic Tanning Agent-SYNTAN), anticaking, setting retarders, flame retardants, paper, anticorrosion pigments, textiles, rubber manufacture, fermentation, antifreeze.

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Sodium Sulfate

W are offering sodium sulfate etc. Sodium sulfate is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid. When anhydrous, it is a white crystalline solid of formula na2so4 known as the mineral thenardite; the decahydrate na2so410h2o has been known as glauber's salt or, historically, sal mirabilis since the 17th century. Another solid is the heptahydrate, which transforms to mirabilite when cooled. With an annual production of 6 million tonnes, it is a major commodity chemical product. Sodium sulfate is mainly used for the manufacture of detergents and in the kraft process of paper pulping. About two-thirds of the world's production is from mirabilite, the natural mineral form of the decahydrate, and the remainder from by-products of chemical processes such as hydrochloric acid production. Commodity industriesthermal storagefire extinguishers

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Sodium Bicarbonate

We are offering sodium bicarbonate etc. We are offering sodium bicarbonate. sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate is the chemical compound with the formula nahco3. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate). The natural mineral form is nahcolite. It is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs. cookingneutralization of acids and basesmedical usespersonal hygienebaking soda in sportsas a cleaning agentas a biopesticidecattle feed supplement

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Soda Ash, Sodium Carbonate-99.2%

We Offer Soda Ash(sodium Carbonate)-99.2%.Glass, Detergent, glass, Food Additive, Mining. Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda or soda ash), Na2CO3 is a sodium salt of carbonic acid. It most commonly occurs as a crystalline heptahydrate, which readily effloresces to form a white powder, the monohydrate. Sodium carbonate is domestically well known for its everyday use as a water softener. It can be extracted from the ashes of many plants. It is synthetically produced in large quantities from salt (sodium chloride) and limestone in a process known as the Solvay process.

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Sodium Linear Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfates

We offer sodium Linear Alcohol Ethoxy Sulfates.Detergent, Shampoo, Dishwashing Agent

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