Variant: 02/21-001 - AVK gate valves are designed with built-in safety in every detail. The wedge is fully vulcanized with AVK’s own drinking water approved EPDM rubber compound. It features an outstanding durability due to the ability of the rubber to regain its original shape, the double bonding vulcani more...
Features & Benefits Crane cast iron gate valves offer the ultimate in dependable service wherever minimum pressure drop is important. Each valve is manufactured in accordance with BS EN 1171: 2002 Hydrostatically tested to BS EN 12266-1: 2003 more...
Valve lockouts the perfect tool for securing your valve handles in the off position. Plug Valve Lockout is the first lockout device to easily and effectively secure a manually-actuated plug valve with a stem diameter up to 1". The base of the lockout device can remain in place once applied, and generally doe more...
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