Wrtsil exhaust gas cleaning technology is an economical and environmentally friendly solution for tackling all existing and future SOx emission regulations, and provides flexibility and reliable operations wherever you operate. The scrubber system is designed to remove SOx from the exhaust and operates utilising seawater. The open loop scrubber system is our most straightforward scrubbing method. It utilizes the natural alkalinity in seawater for scrubbing, and does not need caustic soda. This method can be used in most seas around the world, where alkalinity levels are high. Exhaust gas enters the scrubber and is sprayed with seawater, the SOx in the exhaust reacts with water and forms sulphuric acid. Chemicals are not required since the natural alkalinity of seawater neutralises the acid. Wash water from the scrubber is treated and monitored to ensure that it conforms to MEPC 184(59) criteria and can be discharged into the sea with no risk of harm to the environment.