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CTS Middle East FZCO
location Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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  • Type WP3
  • Net Weight 3.1
  • Gross Weight 3.2
ApplicationSacrificial anodes have been used to combatcorrosion of metals in sea water for over 150years. During this time, the name of WilsonWalton has become one of the best known in themarine industry.Wilson Walton anodes are available in zinc oraluminium alloys for the protection of ships hulls, ballast tanks and other structures. If required, Wilson Walton engineering staff are available tocalculate anode requirements for all types ofstructure.AvailabilityWilson Walton have developed a number of aluminium and zinc sacrificial anode alloys formarine use. Aloline is a range of indium activated aluminium-sinc alloys. Zincoline is thetrademark for zinc alloy anodes conforming to US Mil Specifications. Other alloy formulations ormodifications are available to the standard alloys to suit specific marine conditions.ZincolineZincoline alloys are based on US MIL Spec 12001K and ASTM B418 Type I and are suitable forgeneral sea water applications but their high specific gravity and low electrochemical capacitycompared to aluminium alloys makes them less favoured for use on jackets and other structures.Zinc alloys operate over a very wide range of anode current densities and in higher resistivitywaters and saline mud, but are not suitable for use at temperatures above 50oC. Zincoline istherefore recommended for use on coated structures where weight is less of a consideration andfor buried sub-sea pipelines at ambient operating temperatures.For temperatures over 50oC, special high temperature alloys are available.Zincalloy can be used in tank applications, particularly in upper areas where installation ofAloline anodes is restricted.CTS can also supply anodes manufactured in alloys corresponding to ASTM B418 Type II alloywhich may be more appropriate for use in potable waters.
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  • Size 25 x 500
The anode consists of a proprietary mixof Iridium and Tantalum oxides on a Titaniumsubstrate conforming to ASTM specifications.The canister is of 0.8mm gauge galvanisedsteel construction and the centralised anode is backfilled with carbonaceous backfill whichextends the anode life and increases the output parameters of the anode.The tubularconstruction allows a low resistance centre connection to be made with any cable suitable forthe final environment
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  • Type WT20Z
  • Net Weight 10
  • Gross Weight 11
ApplicationSacrificial anodes have been used to combatcorrosion of metals in sea water for over 150years. During this time, the name of WilsonWalton has become one of the best known in themarine industry.Wilson Walton anodes are available in zinc oraluminium alloys for the protection of ships hulls, ballast tanks and other structures. If required, Wilson Walton engineering staff are available tocalculate anode requirements for all types ofstructure.AvailabilityWilson Walton have developed a number of aluminium and zinc sacrificial anode alloys formarine use. Aloline is a range of indium activated aluminium-sinc alloys. Zincoline is thetrademark for zinc alloy anodes conforming to US Mil Specifications. Other alloy formulations ormodifications are available to the standard alloys to suit specific marine conditions.ZincolineZincoline alloys are based on US MIL Spec 12001K and ASTM B418 Type I and are suitable forgeneral sea water applications but their high specific gravity and low electrochemical capacitycompared to aluminium alloys makes them less favoured for use on jackets and other structures.Zinc alloys operate over a very wide range of anode current densities and in higher resistivitywaters and saline mud, but are not suitable for use at temperatures above 50oC. Zincoline istherefore recommended for use on coated structures where weight is less of a consideration andfor buried sub-sea pipelines at ambient operating temperatures.For temperatures over 50oC, special high temperature alloys are available.Zincalloy can be used in tank applications, particularly in upper areas where installation ofAloline anodes is restricted.CTS can also supply anodes manufactured in alloys corresponding to ASTM B418 Type II alloywhich may be more appropriate for use in potable waters.
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  • Type W191
  • Net Weight 30.9
  • Gross Weight 32.7
Sacrificial anodes have been used to combatcorrosion of metals in sea water for over 150years. During this time, the name of WilsonWalton has become one of the best known in themarine industry.Wilson Walton anodes are available in zinc oraluminium alloys for the protection of ships hulls, ballast tanks and other structures. If required, Wilson Walton engineering staff are available tocalculate anode requirements for all types ofstructure.AvailabilityWilson Walton have developed a number of aluminium and zinc sacrificial anode alloys formarine use. Aloline is a range of indium activated aluminium-sinc alloys. Zincoline is thetrademark for zinc alloy anodes conforming to US Mil Specifications. Other alloy formulations ormodifications are available to the standard alloys to suit specific marine conditions.Aloline 778Originally developed in conjunction with British Aluminium to replace magnesium containingalloys for protection of crude carrier cargoballast tanks. Aloline 778 alloy is suitable for offshoreapplications and even operates at low anode current densities and elevated temperatures or if thealloy is buried in saline mud, although electrochemical capacity will reduce under theseconditions. Aloline 778 is recommended for use on ships hulls and ballast tanks, buriedpipelines, coated subsea structures, semi-submersible hulls, offshore jackets and general piledstructures.Aluminium alloy anodes should not be positioned in tanks carrying crude oil or otherinflammable products. Certain classification societies have restrictions on the height at whichthese anodes can be installed due to the potential for sparking should an anode fall onto a rustedsteel surface. Lloyds Register of Shipping, for example, rules that the potential energy of analuminium alloy anode should not exceed 275kJ (28kgm). Under these conditions, Zincolineanodes can be substituted.
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  • Size 25 x 500
CTS supply MMO coated tubular anodes for usein shallow and deep groundbeds with or withoutcanisters. The anodes are light weight andextremely durable both mechanically and alsounder the severe conditions found in deepgroundbeds.The anode consists of a proprietary mix ofIridium and Tantlaum oxides on a Titaniumsubstrate conforming to ASTM specifications.The tubular construction allows a lowresistance centre connection to be made. Cable type can be varied to suit the environmentin which the anode will operate.MMO Tubular anodes are generally used in carbonaceous backfill which extends anode life andincreases the permissible operating current. The following table gives recommended maximumcurrent densities in different environments.
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  • Length 30.5
  • Net weight 3.57
  • Size CTSZR-01
ApplicationZinc ribbon anodes are designed to provide asimple, cost effective method for applying sacrificialanode cathodic protection in confined or highresistivity locations such as carrier pipes withinsleeves and closely spaced pipelines. Zinc ribbonanodes may also be used to mitigate induced ACvoltages and currents from pipelines and, in the formof ground mats, to provide personal protection.AvailabilityZinc ribbon anodes are produced in the shape ofdiamond lattice, in accordance with ASTM-B-418Standard Type I and Type II alloy.Type I is generally used in seawater or brackish water systems and Type II is generally used inunderground and fresh water systems or environments.
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Ribbon Anode

  • Width 6.35mm
  • Weight 2.8 kg/152.4 m
CTS supply MMO coated titanium anodes in theform of ribbon for the protection of the externalbases of above-ground storage tanks.The anodesare suitable for joining to titanium conductor barby spot welding to form a grid pattern under thetank which provides even distribution of current.The anodes are suitable for direct burial in finesand without carbonaceous backfill.
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  • Diameter 1.5
MMO coated titanium wire anode is suitable for directburial in fine sand, carbonaceous backfill or immersion infresh or saline waters. MMO-Ti wire anode can beconnected to a feed cable at one end or piggybacked toform a continuous anode suitable for installation understorage tanks or to provide continuous close protectionfor pipelines. Wire anodes can also be used to protect theinternal surfaces of water tanks where their malleableshape permits even current distribution in areas wherethere can be large variations in water level.
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