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CTS Middle East FZCO
location Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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We offer the best product range of MAPPING REFERENCE ELECTRODE, Embeddable Reference Electrode and Reference Electrode.


Silvion silversilver chloride reference electrodeshave, since 1985, been recognised by many asthe highest quality silver chloride electrodesavailable. Constructed using advancedtechniques which result in a porous silver matrixaround a wire skeleton they provide asignificantly higher electrode surface area thantraditional electrodes constructed of silver wirewhich enhances both life and stability.Silvion ME100 Mapping Reference Electrodes aredesigned specifically for undertaking conditionsurveys on steel reinforced concrete structures and steel framed historic buildings. The electrodeconsists of a solid inert electrolyte, a porous plug for ionic conduction, a collar enclosing asponge for measurements and a solid collar to be fitted during storage.AvailabilityThe ME100 electrode has the following characteristics.
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Embeddable Reference Electrode

Silvion silversilver chloride reference electrodeshave, since 1985, been recognised by many asthe highest quality silver chloride electrodesavailable. Constructed using advanced techniqueswhich result in a porous silver matrix around a wireskeleton they provide a significantly higherelectrode surface area than traditional electrodesconstructed of silver wire which enhances bothlife and stability.Silvion embeddable reference electrodes aredesigned specifically for installing in high alkalineand possibly chloride contaminated reinforced concrete structures. A predetermined chloride ionconcentration is maintained in an inert electrolyte compatible with the silversilver chlorideelement. Ionic continuity to the environment is ensured via a micro-porous sintered disc.AvailabilityThree basic models of electrode are available depending upon the life required.
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Reference Electrode

Silvion silversilver chloride reference electrodeshave, since 1985, been recognised by many as thehighest quality silver chloride electrodes available.Constructed using advanced techniques which resultin a porous silver matrix around a wire skeleton theyprovide a significantly higher electrode surface areathan traditional electrodes constructed of silver wirewhich enhances both life and stability.Silvion sea water reference electrodes are designedspecifically for installation in saline water. Theelectrodes are designed for direct exposure to seawater and are not suitable for use in any other medium.Electrodes SW100 and CCS1-PORT are portable electrodes whereas type CCS1-PERM isdesigned for permanent immersion. Type SW100 is weighted to give more control whenlowering into sea water to ensure minimum disturbance from tidal movement.
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