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CTS Middle East FZCO
location Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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We offer a complete product range of Aegis Power Supplies, HMWPE CABLE and CORRCARB COKE BACKFILL

Aegis Power Supplies

CTS Power Supply Divisions are in located SaudiArabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates andthe United Kingdom. We manufacture thedifferent types of variable DC Power Supplies Transformer Rectifiers & Switch-Mode PowerSupplies under the CTS, Aegis and PML brands.Aegis Technical SystemsAegis Technical Systems, Dubai was established in 1996 and is recognised as the premiersupplier of Switch Mode Power Supplies and Remote Monitoring and Control Systems in theMiddle East with hundreds of power supplies on prestigious projects such as Burj Khalifa, Dubai; Louvre, Abu Dhabi; Jeddah Tower, Saudi Arabia and many more. Through the mergerwith CTS, Aegis power supplies and Remote Monitoring Systems are now available worldwide.Aegis equipment can be supplied as a standalone system or integrated with CTS or thirdparty supplier systems.CTS and PML Power www.ctsonline.comAzerbaijan l Bahrain l Georgia l India l Kingdom of Saudi Arabia l Qatar l United Arab Emirates l United Kingdom I MalaysiaInsert Photo or drawing hereEnclosuresCTS and PML power supplies are designed to give variable DC outputs using linear transformationof line frequency AC voltage and high frequency switched mode conversions.Variable DC output voltage is obtained by Tappings, Variac Control, Thyristor Phase Control andMicro Processor based phase control for a wide range of single and three phase AC inputvoltages.CTS and Aegis Power Supplies are available in air-cooled and oil cooled versions housed inenclosures manufactured from a range of materials such as carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium and GRP. Various coatings and finishes including hot dip galvanizing are available.Enclosures can be IP and NEMA rated and we can supply ATEX certified power supplies suitablefor hazardous areas.
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Silvion silversilver chloride reference electrodeshave, since 1985, been recognised by many asthe highest quality silver chloride electrodesavailable. Constructed using advancedtechniques which result in a porous silver matrixaround a wire skeleton they provide asignificantly higher electrode surface area thantraditional electrodes constructed of silver wirewhich enhances both life and stability.Silvion ME100 Mapping Reference Electrodes aredesigned specifically for undertaking conditionsurveys on steel reinforced concrete structures and steel framed historic buildings. The electrodeconsists of a solid inert electrolyte, a porous plug for ionic conduction, a collar enclosing asponge for measurements and a solid collar to be fitted during storage.AvailabilityThe ME100 electrode has the following characteristics.
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Embeddable Reference Electrode

Silvion silversilver chloride reference electrodeshave, since 1985, been recognised by many asthe highest quality silver chloride electrodesavailable. Constructed using advanced techniqueswhich result in a porous silver matrix around a wireskeleton they provide a significantly higherelectrode surface area than traditional electrodesconstructed of silver wire which enhances bothlife and stability.Silvion embeddable reference electrodes aredesigned specifically for installing in high alkalineand possibly chloride contaminated reinforced concrete structures. A predetermined chloride ionconcentration is maintained in an inert electrolyte compatible with the silversilver chlorideelement. Ionic continuity to the environment is ensured via a micro-porous sintered disc.AvailabilityThree basic models of electrode are available depending upon the life required.
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Cathodic Protection Cable

  • Color Black.
HMWPE insulated cable is composed of copperwire, which is covered by High Molecular WeightPolyethylene (HMWPE) high thickness insulation.The copper wire is stranded and annealed to permitextra flexibility. The polyethylene on the cable isapproximately twice as thick as on conventionalHMWPE wire; it serving as both electrical insulatorand mechanical cover for the conductor. Thisprovides cable with outstanding dielectric strengthand moisture resistance. During installation, thecable can withstand considerable mechanical abuse without risk of damage to the copperelectrical conductor.The polyethylene cover is also chemically resistant and protects against most organic andinorganic substances.AvailabilityHMWPE cable is offered in a variety of sizes. It can be used as a header cable on cathodicprotection systems or to make anode-lead or negative-return connections. The thick polyethylenecover permits direct burial of the cable in native soils or submersion in freshwater. The cableexhibits superior flexibility and can be bent without risk of notch propagation. It is notrecommended for use in environments containing chlorine, hydrochloric acid, or petroleumhydrocarbons.
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  • Color Black.
This high specification cable is composed ofstranded copper wire covered by two layers ofinsulation. The outer insulation layer or protectivejacket is made from High Molecular WeightPolyethylene (HMWPE) which exhibits excellentdielectric and tensile strength and providesmechanical protection to the wire. This material isalso resistant to water intrusion and is not affected bymost organic or inorganic substances but willdegrade under the aggressive environments found insome deep well groundbeds. Under theseconditions, the primary function of the HMWPE is toprovide mechanical protection to the PVDF insulation.The inner or primary insulation is composed of PVDF fluorocopolymer. This insulating materialdemonstrates exceptional chemical resistance in the presence of chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sulphuric acid, or other strong oxidizing agents. Further, it will not deteriorate when exposed topetroleum hydrocarbons, which are encountered in numerous cathodic protection applications.PVDFHMWPE cable is designed for making anode lead connections in a wide range ofenvironments. Due to its dual insulation construction it can be installed directly in native soils orsubmerged in fresh, brackish or salt waters. The cable is ideal for deep anode bed installationswhere chlorine and hydrogen gases are generated. It is also highly resistant to notch propagation.
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PVC Cable

Single core armoured cable with stranded plainannealed copper conductor, XLPE insulated, PVCsheathed and bedded cable conforming to IEC-5021and BS 5467.This general purpose cable is composed of copperwire, which is covered by cross linked polyethylene(XLPE), PVC bedding, galvanised steel wirearmouring and PVC jacket. XLPEPVCSWAPVCcable is suitable for surface wiring as well asunderground installation in soft sand. It can be usedas a header cable on Cathodic protection systems, negative-return connections, bonds and test leadconnections where extra protection is required
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Reference Electrode

Silvion silversilver chloride reference electrodeshave, since 1985, been recognised by many as thehighest quality silver chloride electrodes available.Constructed using advanced techniques which resultin a porous silver matrix around a wire skeleton theyprovide a significantly higher electrode surface areathan traditional electrodes constructed of silver wirewhich enhances both life and stability.Silvion sea water reference electrodes are designedspecifically for installation in saline water. Theelectrodes are designed for direct exposure to seawater and are not suitable for use in any other medium.Electrodes SW100 and CCS1-PORT are portable electrodes whereas type CCS1-PERM isdesigned for permanent immersion. Type SW100 is weighted to give more control whenlowering into sea water to ensure minimum disturbance from tidal movement.
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CTS supply CORRCARB carbon backfill with excellent conductiveproperties for use with impressed current anodes. CORRCARBprovides low anode-to-earth resistance and suitable particle sizedistribution to minimise gas blocking. The product is dust-freeand does not require the addition of surfactants. It is suitable forshallow or deep groundbeds and can be poured or pumped.Product will be packed in 25kg UV resistant Polyethylene bags, with 40 bags strapped and shrinkwrapped onto a wooden pallet. A total product net weight of 20 metric tons will be packed in a20 GP container.
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