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Our Complete range of products are Asthma Coffee, Dia Coffee, BP Coffee, Memory Coffee and Vigour Coffee.

Asthma Coffee

Ingredients : Adadhoda Vasica + Instant Coffee.Composition : Neels Asthma Coffee is a combination of Adhatoda Vasica and Instant Coffee.Adhatoda Vasica : The leaves of the plant contain an essential oil and alkaloids vasicine, N-oxides of vasicine, Vasicinone, deoxyvasicin, maiontone.Steviacide : In order to make the coffee more palatable Natural Herbal Sweetner called 'Stevia' is added. No need to add sugar. Stevia, the natural herb is non-caloric sweetener. It is known to be non-toxic & benign.Action : The active alkaloid-vasicine and its auto oxidation product vasicione have shown broncho dilator and antihistaminic effects. It relieves cough and breathlessness.
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Dia Coffee

This is instant coffee with non-caloric anti-dia Dia-Betic Sweetner.Ingredients : Instant Coffee + Syzium Cummni + Kerela.Composition : Neels Dia coffee is a combination of herbs prescribed in Siddha therapy viz Gymnema Sylvestra, Syzium Cummni, Kerela and Steviacide.Gymnema Syvestra : Gymnema Sylvestra, a herb whose use originated in India, appears to have some very important and interesting effects on diabetes. Common name : Gurmar (which means "Sugar Destroyer" ). Main constituent is gymencic acid (a complex mixture of at least nine closely related acidic glycosides).Steviacide : In order to make the coffee more palatable Natural Herbal Sweetener called 'Stevia' is added. No need to add sugar. Stevia, the natural herb is non-caloric sweetener. They do not adversely affect blood glucose levels and may be used freely by both diabetics & hypoglycemics.Action : The blood sugar-lowering action of gymnema leaves is gradual in nature, which is quite different from the rapid effect of many prescribed hypoglycemic drugs. It is identified that gymnema leaves raise insulin which may be due to regeneration of the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. The leaves are also noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. While studies have shown that a water-soluble acidic action of the leaves provides hypoglycemic actions, the specific constituent in the leaves responsible for this action has not been clearly identifies. Some researchers have suggested gymnemic acid as one possible candidate.
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BP Coffee

Composition : Neels B.P. Coffee is a combination of herbs Rowalfia Serpentina and Instant Coffee. This carefully blended combination is an approved drug in maintaining the blood pressure.Rowalfia Serpintina : The pharmacological activity of rowalfia is due to the presence of several alkaloids of which reserpine is the most important. Rowalfia alkaloids belong to the general class of medicines called antithypertensives. They are used to treat high blood pressure (Hypertension).Steviacide : In order to make the coffee more palatable Natural Herbal Sweetener called 'Stevia' is added. No need to add sugar. Stevia, the natural herb is non-caloric sweetener. People with blood sugar, blood pressure of weight problems stevia is the most desirable sweetener.
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Memory Coffee

Ingredients : Bacopa Monnieria + Instant Coffee.Composition : Neels Memory Coffee is a combination of Bacopa Monnieria and Instant Coffee.Bacopa Monnieria : The chief constituents are brahmine, herpestinem alkaloids and saponins.Steviacide : In order to make the coffee more palatable Natural Herbal Sweetener called 'Stevia' is added. No need to add sugar. Stevia, the natural herb is non-caloric sweetener. It contains no sugar, calories, yeast or fat.Other Pharmacological Effects : Induces sedation, antiepileptic, cardiotonic, vasocontrictor and anti-inflammatory activity.The plant extract has also been reported to have anti-cancer property.The Coffee for controlling Blood Pressure is ready instantaneously. Add it to a cup of hot water and drink. All the ingredients are water soluble and instant in nature
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Vigour Coffee

Ingredients : Withania Somnifera + Instant Coffee.Composition : Neels Vigour Coffee is combination of withania Somnifera and Instant Coffee.Withania Somnifera : Ashwagandholine, an alkaloid, Withaferin A, Withanolides, steroidal compounds.Steviacide : In order to make the coffee more palatable Natural Herbal Sweetener called 'Stevia' is added. No need to add sugar. Stevia, the natural herb is non-caloric sweetener. It can increase glucose tolerance and decrease blood sugar levels.Other Pharmacological Effects : Ashwaganda is indicated for people who are exhausted, depressed or emotionally distraught after a period of extreme stress.
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Slim Coffee

Garcinia Combojia + Instant Coffee.Ingredients : Instant Coffee + Syzium Cummni + Kerela.Composition : Neels Slim Coffee is a combination of Garcinia Combojia and Instant Coffee. Hydroxycitiric Acid which is the main ingredient of Garcinia Combojia has been clinically approved for reducing fat.Garcinla Cambojia : Fruits have been reported to have around 20-3-% of (-) hydroxyl citric acid lactone along with tracer amount of citric acid. Addition of pectin has also been reported from the fruits.Steviacide : In order to make the coffee more palatable Natural Herbal Sweetener called 'Stevia' is added. No need to add sugar. Stevia, the natural herb is non-caloric sweetener. This helps in slimming also.
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